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Vietnam protests Taiwan’s moves in Spratly

No me bro, Manchu people do it, you can read madarin Han chinese. This government will take power in Manchuria soon or late. Long live Manchu Kuo People.:yahoo:

haha,I know you have no links,cause you made that up in your dreams.
it seems that you form this government,lol...link please,not just you say so.

He use this site as source English Version Manchukuo Temporary Government Official Website
This site shows photos of the dalai lama and supporting for the independence of Tibet.
I suspect this site is very pro Japan because the site contain lots of links referring to Japanese links such as this one j s

I think moderators should ban East Sea for posting about Manchukuo in almost every thread that is not on topic. Discussing about it should be no problem as long the topic is about Manchuria or anything related to it.
He use this site as source English Version Manchukuo Temporary Government Official Website
This site shows photos of the dalai lama and supporting for the independence of Tibet.
I suspect this site is very pro Japan because the site contain lots of links referring to Japanese links such as this one j s

I think moderators should ban East Sea for posting about Manchukuo in almost every thread that is not on topic. Discussing about it should be no problem as long the topic is about Manchuria or anything related to it.

he is just a clown,all people here know that,haha,just teasing him for fun Vietnam is a country of clowns.
haha,I know you have no links,cause you made that up in your dreams.

Bonus map for you, there is your homeland, try to take back bro.


Link for you.

You can open your eye, he he.:P
Bonus map for you, there is your homeland, try to take back bro.

You can open your eye, he he.:P

haha ,you call that a link?did you ever go to northeast China?my parents visited Vietnam last year and said that was such a poor country,even their tour guide,a girl ask her tour group to help her a Chinese boyfriend.since you are from dirt poor Vietnam you dont seem likely to afford travelling and by your stupid Manchu kuo claim you tiny Vietnamese must also have tiny brains.
You mean the Chinese spanked the Vietnamese?

That was wonderful!


No, the PLA get spanking by the girls of the Vietnamese militia. :cheesy:

Whenever you mention Manchukuo, it reminds me of Vietnam as a China's province.


Is that nostalgia striking you badly or your slave mentality recurring?

But at the end, the invaders ran back home with its tail between two rear legs. :cheesy:
No, the PLA get spanking by the girls of the Vietnamese militia. :cheesy:

But at the end, the invaders ran back home with its tail between two rear legs. :cheesy:

first we were very nice to your female POWs,and what a country sending you women to the front to be canon fodder,that must be a desperate state,lol..ha,and yes ,after having laid waste to your 6 provinces and taking aways anything worth something back to China,it's a very rewarding trip,haha
No, the PLA get spanking by the girls of the Vietnamese militia. :cheesy:

But at the end, the invaders ran back home with its tail between two rear legs. :cheesy:

Stop being so pathetic only powerful country dare to invade , weak and poor country can only defend

haha,I know you have no links,cause you made that up in your dreams.

every one knows they are talking rubbish here all the time just dont take them seriously mate
first we were very nice to your female POWs,and what a country sending you women to the front to be canon fodder,that must be a desperate state,lol..ha,and yes ,after having laid waste to your 6 provinces and taking aways anything worth something back to China,it's a very rewarding trip,haha

You don't need to repeat people already know Chinese so well. China is number one for LAID WASTE all over not only for Viet Nam. Also people known that China is a THIEF and its took anything seems to be values included HUMAN WASTE.

You don't believe me? Ask any people who are not Chinese, to see what they view about your Chinese people who was living in their countries.
You don't need to repeat people already know Chinese so well. China is number one for LAID WASTE all over not only for Viet Nam. Also people known that China is a THIEF and its took anything seems to be values included HUMAN WASTE.

your last point is wrong,we are not interested in you.

You don't believe me? Ask any people who are not Chinese, to see what they view about your Chinese people who was living in their countries.

how the world sees China?find result in the international polls is better than your assumption.

Survey: China Seen as Overtaking U.S. as Economic Superpower
A global Pew survey also found slipping attitudes towards Obama abroad, as well as disapproval of U.S. drone strikes.
By Abby Ohlheiser | Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2012, at 1:14 PM ET

If perception is reality, then China is the world's new No. 1 economic superpower. (Of course, if reality is reality, then that title still belongs to the United States.)

A new global survey from Pew found that for the first time China has surpassed the United States as the world's economic engine in the eyes of the global public.

The poll, which questioned respondents in 21 different nations, found that 41 percent named China as the world's leading economic superpower to 40 percent who selected the United States. That gap was even wider, 42 percent to 36 percent, among a 14-country subset that was asked the same question in 2008. Back then, those countries went with the United States by a 45-22 margin.

While the new global perception of China's economic dominance may not be completely accurate, the Associated Press explains that the findings "highlight China’s steadily rising public image amid rapid growth, as well as the erosion of the United States’ status as the global superpower, especially after the 2008 financial crisis left it struggling with recession and high unemployment."

The same survey found an international slippage of Obama's reputation abroad, with a general sense that the president has not lived up to the lofty expectations set by his 2008 campaign. As CNN explains, the two changes of opinion can go hand-in-hand, with opinions of the president shaping perception of America overall, including that of its economic prowess. But Pew notes that attitudes towards the U.S. are still generally more positive under Obama than under George W. Bush, especially among Europeans, where approval has jumped at least 20 percentage points since 2008.

One big point of contention between Americans surveyed and the rest of the world was on drone strikes against extremists in Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, and other countries. While a majority of Americans approve of the controversial practice (62 percent, including majorities among Republicans, independents, and Democrats), majorities in 17 of 20 countries disapproved.

Read the full survey results here.
You don't need to repeat people already know Chinese so well. China is number one for LAID WASTE all over not only for Viet Nam. Also people known that China is a THIEF and its took anything seems to be values included HUMAN WASTE.

You don't believe me? Ask any people who are not Chinese, to see what they view about your Chinese people who was living in their countries.

Actually in uk supermarket when they see a vietnamese walking in they will get security guard follow him or her every where
first we were very nice to your female POWs,and what a country sending you women to the front to be canon fodder,that must be a desperate state,lol..ha,and yes ,after having laid waste to your 6 provinces and taking aways anything worth something back to China,it's a very rewarding trip,haha

Should remember that we only need about a month to drive the Chinese allies Khmer Rouge to Thailand, while PLA was not able to enter the Vietnam's lands more than 50km along the border. And worse, PLA was spanked by girls of Vietnamese militia. Do you need me cite the sources?
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