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Vietnam protests Taiwan’s moves in Spratly

Well, Taiwan thinks that Viet Cong can not intimidate Taiwan then its need to think twice. My personal that VN does not need to deal with Taiwan when both very good relationship, but in any worst case Taiwan could not stand any chances.

Really, you sound like if Taiwan is going to do an invasion of Vietnam. Taiwan would not invade Vietnam. But when it comes to naval warfare in the spratlys, Vietnam has no chance against Taiwanese navy.

Its time to jointly develop the islands instead of threatening war. So Vietnam should accept areas control by Taiwan, Philipines, malaysia, China and Brunei. Stop all the warmongering.

If Taiwan continue to provoke Viet Nam then Taiwan will expect more of our vessels (either fishermen ship or even navy patrol) to "intrude" Taiping water in the future. We have done this for years with the Paracel islands and now ít's Taiwan's turn with Taiping island.

If Vietnam intrude Taiwanese naval space, the fisherman should be arrested and charged. Vietnam would need to pay a ransom to get the fisherman back but must return them to serve out the terms if they are found guilty under Taiwanese law.
withdraw all of your investment out of my country now, we don't need you, we will arrest your oil tanker, your cargo ship for ransom:P

we love the way Russian coast guard did to chinese ships, it's time to arrest,shoot and sink all chinese-TW ships to destroy their economy,tiny TW must be turned back to poor and dirty fishing tribes again:P

you talk big,midget,our patrol ships have been cruising your coastline for week,where are your so called "navy",we beat you twice in 1974 and 1988,but this time we are going to annihilate your tiny navy once and for all.

Idiot. You think that the Taiwanese investors in Vietnam because to serve only Vietnam's benefits? No, It is cooperation for mutual benefit. If not, with limited resources, Taiwan can get pretty economy like so?

Previously, in Vietnam percentage of women more than men, but the situation is changing. If the situation of gender balance situation continues to change, then Vietnam will do not allow brides get married the foreign, then Taiwan and China would be redundant men. And then they will fight each other to get the bride instead of thinking about invading for the remote islands.
I heard that in Taiwan, in many families the brothers marry a common chinese wife?

this is pathetic,Vietnamese know something called "shame"?
you talk big,midget,our patrol ships have been cruising your coastline for week,where are your so called "navy",we beat you twice in 1974 and 1988,but this time we are going to annihilate your tiny navy once and for all.

this is pathetic,Vietnamese know something called "shame"?

What about 1979 spanking?:yahoo:
China is hiding behind Taiwan this time around to mess things up , but outcome wont be much different
once day, when we kick china out of all Spratly isl, then TW will flee with her tail between her leg too:P

are all Vietnamese this crazy thinking that their fishboat makeshift navy can stand any chance against mighty Chinese navy?kick China out of Spratly?go and check if you still have any feet left..lol..

What about 1979 spanking?:yahoo:

we beat Vietnamese in every aspect in 1979,want some facts and figures or photos?

China is hiding behind Taiwan this time around to mess things up , but outcome wont be much different

we are patrol their coastline and put oil exploration blocks next to their coast,we are always in the front,but they just ran away.
are all Vietnamese this crazy thinking that their fishboat makeshift navy can stand any chance against mighty Chinese navy?kick China out of Spratly?go and check if you still have any feet left..lol..

we beat Vietnamese in every aspect in 1979,want some facts and figures or photos?

we are patrol their coastline and put oil exploration blocks next to their coast,we are always in the front,but they just ran away.

Please understand that Communist regimes never tell the truth to their citizens. No free media. No freedom of expression. Not even a FB account. Ringing a bell ?:rofl:
you have freedom to be starved ,and we have the biggest online population in the whole world

Saddest thing is CPC decides your internet freedom. You dont have free access to FB and millions of other sites just coz your CPC doesnt think that their citizens are not mature enough to access unlimited internet freedom. My sympathies.
Really, you sound like if Taiwan is going to do an invasion of Vietnam. Taiwan would not invade Vietnam. But when it comes to naval warfare in the spratlys, Vietnam has no chance against Taiwanese navy.

Its time to jointly develop the islands instead of threatening war. So Vietnam should accept areas control by Taiwan, Philipines, malaysia, China and Brunei. Stop all the warmongering.

If Vietnam intrude Taiwanese naval space, the fisherman should be arrested and charged. Vietnam would need to pay a ransom to get the fisherman back but must return them to serve out the terms if they are found guilty under Taiwanese law.

Huh? Accepting under Taiwan control in SCS? Are you getting high or something? So why does Taiwan not accepting China control or either any nation in SCS except Taiwan?

Like I said, I don't think war could be start in between Viet Nam and Taiwan, but in worst case might could've been happens then Taiwan does not have a chance to deal with Viet Nam. That's a fact ! (You could deny it, truth hurts)

Taiwan could bomb the agent orange sniffers back to the stone age if they want.

Based on what? Borrowing some J-20 from P.R.C for R.O.C pilots?
Saddest thing is CPC decides your internet freedom. You dont have free access to FB and millions of other sites just coz your CPC doesnt think that their citizens are not mature enough to access unlimited internet freedom. My sympathies.

in your country most people don't even have the access to the internet ,most people just worry about where to find their next meal,in China we have the biggest online population in the world,and we are better learned and informed,tell one thing that you can you know and we Chinese don't know,can you??
I don't think war could be start in between Viet Nam and Taiwan, but in worst case might could've been happens then Taiwan does not have a chance to deal with Viet Nam. That's a fact ! (You could deny it, truth hurts)

Based on what? Borrowing some J-20 from P.R.C for R.O.C pilots?

let facts speak for facts,not your tiny Vietnamese big mouth.facts and figures show obviously that Vietnam stand no chance against Taiwan.Taiwan is not big,but it's a giant comparing to Vietnma.

List of countries by GDP (nominal)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

26 Taiwan(ROC) 466,832
57 Vietnam 122,722

List of states by foreign-exchange reserves

5 Republic of China (Taiwan) 391,024
59 Vietnam 16,760
China has huge naval advantage to others in S. China Sea
According to Indonesian Center of Democracy, Diplomacy and Defense executive director Teuku Rezasyah, Malaysia has two battleships, the Philippines one, China 27 and Taiwan 26 operating in the South China Sea.

He said Vietnam had several escort vessels operating in the area, while no data was available for Brunei’s operations there.

“China’s 27 naval vessels do not even include the aircraft carrier and submarines [it operates in the South China Sea],” he told The Jakarta Post recently.

He said a Type 093 Shang class nuclear-powered attack submarine was observed at the pier under construction.

Significant construction is still underway at the Yalong Bay Naval Base on Hainan Island, including a fourth submarine pier at the southern section of the base, increased camouflage over the submarine pen and a bunkered rail line on the eastern side of the basin peninsula, he said.

“China has successfully massively reclaimed shores on Nam Yit Island and Southwest Cay Island, which borders the Philippines. China has made those hubs for its aircraft carriers based on satellite imagery,”
Rezasyah said.

He said that China was likely preparing for a worst-case scenario, with Nam Yit Island able to support three aircraft carriers.

big mouth Vietnamese navy nowhere to be seen.lol..
in your country most people don't even have the access to the internet ,most people just worry about where to find their next meal,in China we have the biggest online population in the world,and we are better learned and informed,tell one thing that you can you know and we Chinese don't know,can you??

one thing we can clearly highlight is we have better common sense than an average Chinese !
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