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Vietnam protests Taiwan’s moves in Spratly

No need to go there in China. Japanese ruled you until 1945. Britain ruled let you. Hongkong is just handed to China.

dont make youself look stupid do you know the differences between completely colonised and occupied or not? by your logic we are occupied your islands so does that mean we still colonised vietnam? ...hahaha so funny talking to idiot like u really make my day
Sea pirates, suddenly attacked, rob is job of idiot chinese.

yes very true those stupid viet navy sea pirates think chinese is idiot and got killed what a shame LOL

Japanese and US rule you is enough, we let they do. :P

yes right attitude i will chear like you do too if my country is so useless and poor like vietnam what else can i do you tell me :rofl:
Japanese and US rule you is enough, we let they do. :P

they actually ruled you,we are all your rulers,but US never ruled China,and Japan surrendered to China,in Japan they still use Chinese written language and follow a lot of Chinese culture and ethics,we culturally rule east Asia for thousands of years.
yes very true those stupid viet navy sea pirates think chinese is idiot and got killed what a shame LOL

yes right attitude i will chear like you do too if my country is so useless and poor like vietnam what else can i do you tell me :rofl:

Sea pirates, robbers have also big mouths. Chinese go to hell .:P
that's very true,Vietnam is always on the receiving end of subjugation

The M time: China was defeated, 100,000 Chinese troops killed while the rest captured and entire chinese fleet was destroyed at the Bach Dang River estuary. (938)

The N time: China was defeated at the Bach Dang River estuary. (981)

The P time: China was defeated at Battle of Như Nguyệt River, the Chinese troop's bodies clogging the river. (1077)

The Q time: China and its boss Yuan (Mongols) were defeated, 80,000 Yuan troops were killed while the rest captured and the entire fleets were destroyed at the Bach Dang River estuary. (1288)

The R time: China was defeated when chinese troops were running through Ải Chi Lăng, the result: only a few survivors ran back to China. (1427)

The S time: China was defeated at Battle of Ngoc Hoi - Dong Da, most of chinese troops were killed, the rest was clogging the Red river ( the suspension bridge collapsed while Chinese soldiers fled) (1789)


Is that 1979 Spanking to be the Z time?
Sea pirates, robbers have also big mouths. Chinese go to hell .:P

LOL man you are completely mad now is all i can say:lol: listen to my advice stop living in your delusional bs world, the reality is there is nothing you can do to stop us taking those islands accept it and move on:lol:

The M time: China was defeated, 100,000 Chinese troops killed while the rest captured and entire chinese fleet was destroyed at the Bach Dang River estuary. (938)

The N time: China was defeated at the Bach Dang River estuary. (981)

The P time: China was defeated at Battle of Như Nguyệt River, the Chinese troop's bodies clogging the river. (1077)

The Q time: China and its boss Yuan (Mongols) were defeated, 80,000 Yuan troops were killed while the rest captured and the entire fleets were destroyed at the Bach Dang River estuary. (1288)

The R time: China was defeated when chinese troops were running through Ải Chi Lăng, the result: only a few survivors ran back to China. (1427)

The S time: China was defeated at Battle of Ngoc Hoi - Dong Da, most of chinese troops were killed, the rest was clogging the Red river ( the suspension bridge collapsed while Chinese soldiers fled) (1789)


Is that 1979 Spanking to be the Z time?

hehe doesnt matter wether you strong or powerful in battles you win some you loose some but the most important thing is we colonised vietnam for 10000 of years and also invaded and kicked your assss up to hanoi in 1979 LOL can you do the same to us ? hahaha
haha,we will certainly send you to hell like we did in 1988.

LOL man you are completely mad now is all i can say:lol: listen to my advice stop living in your delusional bs world, the reality is there is nothing you can do to stop us taking those islands accept it and move on:lol:

We will spanking you same we did 1979. Ha ha.
We will spanking you same we did 1979. Ha ha.

well in your mad world you also believed you spanked the us during the vietnam war but in reality every one knew if they want to they can kick your sorry asss any time they want, sorry mate i dont live in a fantasy mad world like you do :D
LOL man you are completely mad now is all i can say:lol: listen to my advice stop living in your delusional bs world, the reality is there is nothing you can do to stop us taking those islands accept it and move on:lol:

hehe doesnt matter wether you strong or powerful in battles you win some you loose some but the most important thing is we colonised vietnam for 10000 of years and also invaded and kicked your assss up to hanoi in 1979 LOL can you do the same to us ? hahaha

Where do you get 10,000?
In fact we attacked Nanning and captured chinese generals easily like taking candy in our pocket.

In 1075, Wang Anshi, the prime minister, told the Song Dynasty emperor that Đại Việt was being destroyed by Champa, with less than ten thousand soldiers surviving, hence it would be a good occasion to annex Đại Việt. The Song emperor mobilized troops and passed decrees to forbid all the provinces to trade with Đại Việt. Upon hearing the news, the Lý ruler sent Lý Thường Kiệt and Nùng Tôn Đản with more than 100,000 troops to China to carry out a pre-emptive attack against the Song Dynasty troops. In the ensuing 40-day battle near modern-day Nanning, the Đại Việt troops were victorious, capturing the generals of three Song armies.
There would be no war between China and Vietnam. The conflicts, if any, would occur on SCS. So it would be a naval battle. In this case, Vietnam would surely lose. Its only hope lies in internationalize the issue. Fine. But do not involve US. Because as an American, I do not want American to involve in other people's territorial conflicts. Vietnam should try to get India or Philippines to help them.

In any case, its always the best for all the countries to have discussions and work out the differences instead of duke it out with weapons. The more militarily weaker countries have more to lose outside of diplomatic solutions.
Where do you get 10,000?
In fact we attacked Nanning and captured chinese generals easily like taking candy in our pocket.

hahaha what a fool to compare thoses stone age erra to modern day battles, in those days if you can gathered a crowd of a few hundred people you can actually capture a few towns and beheaded who ever guarding them, hey you have to come up with something better than that or may be not i m asking too much of you guys to debate with logic
There would be no war between China and Vietnam. The conflicts, if any, would occur on SCS. So it would be a naval battle. In this case, Vietnam would surely lose. Its only hope lies in internationalize the issue. Fine. But do not involve US. Because as an American, I do not want American to involve in other people's territorial conflicts. Vietnam should try to get India or Philippines to help them.

In any case, its always the best for all the countries to have discussions and work out the differences instead of duke it out with weapons. The more militarily weaker countries have more to lose outside of diplomatic solutions.

Be respectful, I love that yours ideal and it seems a perfect picture to me. Let me ask you this, what you will re-act once day, Viet Nam claims Kaohung is part of Viet Nam base on this .. that and then Viet Nam asked Taiwan to share like China fault claims in SCS.

Let's get this straight and be honest, then I will work with you as man to man.
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