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Vietnam protests Taiwan’s moves in Spratly

There would be no war between China and Vietnam. The conflicts, if any, would occur on SCS. So it would be a naval battle. In this case, Vietnam would surely lose. Its only hope lies in internationalize the issue. Fine. But do not involve US. Because as an American, I do not want American to involve in other people's territorial conflicts. Vietnam should try to get India or Philippines to help them.

In any case, its always the best for all the countries to have discussions and work out the differences instead of duke it out with weapons. The more militarily weaker countries have more to lose outside of diplomatic solutions.

Vietnam always supports the diplomatic solutions and resolve the dispute based on international laws.

We dont expect any country will fight directly to protect the territory of Vietnam.

However, SCS is the route that half the world's goods through, including goods from the US, Japan, India, S.Korea, Taiwan ... So if war occurs, it affects to many countries.

Why don't the claimants go to an internetonal court together to resolve the disputes?

hahaha what a fool to compare thoses stone age erra to modern day battles, in those days if you can gathered a crowd of a few hundred people you can actually capture a few towns and beheaded who ever guarding them, hey you have to come up with something better than that or may be not i m asking too much of you guys to debate with logic

If China attacks Vietnam's lands border right now, the result will not change: the Chinese will be defeated again.

Frankly, we only weaker than China on the Sea.
Be respectful, I love that yours ideal and it seems a perfect picture to me. Let me ask you this, what you will re-act once day, Viet Nam claims Kaohung is part of Viet Nam base on this .. that and then Viet Nam asked Taiwan to share like China fault claims in SCS.

Let's get this straight and be honest, then I will work with you as man to man.

LOL want to debate with respect ? look at your statement? china fault claim in scs if we are fault cllaim what is the point of talking to you guys?

Vietnam always supports the diplomatic solutions and resolve the dispute based on international laws.

We dont expect any country will fight directly to protect the territory of Vietnam.

However, SCS is the route that half the world's goods through, including goods from the US, Japan, India, S.Korea, Taiwan ... So if war occurs, it affects to many countries.

Why don't the claimants go to an internetonal court together to resolve the disputes?

If China attacks Vietnam's lands border right now, the result will not change: the Chinese will be defeated again.

Frankly, we only weaker than China on the Sea.

we already occupied some of yours island in scs come take them back if you are that strong dont talk bs here
LOL want to debate with respect ? look at your statement? china fault claim in scs if we are fault cllaim what is the point of talking to you guys?

China's claims on the SCS is too greedy, unjustified, unfounded, illegal, vague, paranoid ...

Only idiots like you believe in the china's claims "U-shaped" or "nine dotted line". lol on chinese :lol:
LOL want to debate with respect ? look at your statement? china fault claim in scs if we are fault cllaim what is the point of talking to you guys?

There is no IF for China and China already fault claims in SCS. Period !!!

Like there is no SIGNS for "illegal approach" in Russia water, Chinese Fishermen already DID in Russia water. Period !!!
LOL want to debate with respect ? look at your statement? china fault claim in scs if we are fault cllaim what is the point of talking to you guys?

we already occupied some of yours island in scs come take them back if you are that strong dont talk bs here

At least you admitted you occupied our Islands. Robbers have to give back to us.
China's claims on the SCS is too greedy, unjustified, unfounded, illegal, vague, paranoid ...

Only idiots like you believe in the china's claims "U-shaped" or "nine dotted line". lol on chinese :lol:

LOL if you want to debate and talk first and foremost you have to accept we have our side of story of claiming those islands then we can take it further, if you dont accept that what is the point of talking?

We WILL just don't know WHEN. Be patient !!!

yeah blah blah blah we will this we will that
LOL if you want to debate and talk first and foremost you have to accept we have our side of story of claiming those islands then we can take it further, if you dont accept that what is the point of talking?

yeah blah blah blah we will this we will that

How can we accept the claims of greed and ambiguous "U-shaped" of China? lol on chinese :lol:

We will wait for when China to be collapsed and divided into many smaller countries ... Why not?

Oh didnt you guys always say you can spank china why wait till we collapsed LOL this is what i mean you guys is the most bsh@ters i ever came across online:D

How can we accept the claims of greed and ambiguous "U-shaped" of China? lol on chinese :lol:


Then no point of talking then if you dont accept our points of view? why bother asking us to a negociatating table why dont you just send your troops to those islands or invade china
Oh didnt you guys always say you can spank china why wait till we collapsed LOL this is what i mean you guys is the most bsh@ters i ever came across online:D

Then no point of talking then if you dont accept our points of view? why bother asking us to a negociatating table why dont you just send your troops to those islands or invade china

We have been stationed in our Islands from long time.
Oh didnt you guys always say you can spank china why wait till we collapsed LOL this is what i mean you guys is the most bsh@ters i ever came across online:D

Review my comment at # 106.
We can always spank china in the lands of the border. But on sea we have to wait when china was broken.

Then no point of talking then if you dont accept our points of view? why bother asking us to a negociatating table why dont you just send your troops to those islands or invade china

We are controlling the most of the Spratly Islands. The basis for the claims of the Chinese U-shapped What? the big mouths? lol
Oh didnt you guys always say you can spank china why wait till we collapsed LOL this is what i mean you guys is the most bsh@ters i ever came across online:D

Then no point of talking then if you dont accept our points of view? why bother asking us to a negociatating table why dont you just send your troops to those islands or invade china

Again, Viet Nam is not an INVADER and just because its not same kind of as INVADER as its neighbor. Invading a country that the last choice Viet Nam make. Don't worry, for the SURVIVAL of Viet Nam and we WILL, just don't know WHEN.

China never think that its got INVADED by Japan, there is no EXCEPTION for China to be get INVADE again by Viet Nam for its SURVIVAL. Be patient !!!
China never think that its got INVADED by Japan, there is no EXCEPTION for China to be get INVADE again by Viet Nam for its SURVIVAL. Be patient !!!

Funny that you compare yourself to the second most powerful naval power at the time, while that China was the weakest China of all time. :coffee:
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