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Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

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Yes, that's what they said after the Cold war was over too.

Watch as the American money keeps pouring in. The Pakistani missiles will be bought from China, with American money. And aimed at India.

It seems very cool for u rite..ha ha missiles and nukes for pakistan which will be pointed at us , dude the same will happen with u guys too, we have a conflict with pakistan and ur weapons hurts us but then wont 25-30 brahmos hurt u if they r i the hands of vietnam, and guess wat u cant even ur nukes on viet as ur policy says no nuke for a non nuke nation.provoke us and see wat u find with the navies around u..
China would most likely take the golden opportunity to break India into 20 pieces should strike is authorised, which will make 1962 look as pleasant as a spring picnic in the Hyde Park.:smokin:

india should never be kept as an unified country, because:

1. there are so many different groups in india are actively seek independence. we Chinese have the legal and moral obligation to help those freedom fighters against the regime in new delhi.

2. there was no such country called india in history. it was created for some stupid politcal reason.

3. it is keep bullying neighboring countries -- it had military conflicts with all its neighboring countries!!
We are only doing some joint exercises with the vietnamese navy and you are alredy pissed off?? The vietnamese navy consists of only a few frigates.
These exercises are also tool improve relationships between our two countries.
And thats the reason for China to deploy soldiers in Pakistan and Sri lanka?
That must be the joke of the year, China making 5-gen stealth fighter J-20 while India still struggling with LCA for the last 30 yrs and still counting:china:

5Th generation plane that has yet displayed anything that is categorized as 5th generation visibly other than taxing, taking off and landing. We struggling with Tejas? :lol: What would you do without People's Daily? Tejas is fine on track mate.

I think your comment/comparison is also highly inappropriate -- You are basically comparing india with China, comparing their LCA with J-20. this is very offensive.

you don't compare pig with panda, you don't compare india with China. period.

He simply said about the slow rate of speed in induction. You're right about comparison; cheap copies and tricky renamings never make it comparable with original effort no matter how time consuming that may be.
It seems very cool for u rite..ha ha missiles and nukes for pakistan which will be pointed at us , dude the same will happen with u guys too, we have a conflict with pakistan and ur weapons hurts us but then wont 25-30 brahmos hurt u if they r i the hands of vietnam, and guess wat u cant even ur nukes on viet as ur policy says no nuke for a non nuke nation.provoke us and see wat u find with the navies around u..

1. brahmos is a russian missile. do you call mbt-2000 a Pakistani tank? do you call fc-1 a Pakistani fighter?
2. we can provide them J-10B, JH-7A, PL-12, SD-10, WS-2D, Type-99A2, what you can give to vietnam? how much money you can afford?

dude, it is all about money and technology, you don't have any of these in 2011.
They were invading other people, but we are not the same.

yeah u consider the world world to be the ming dynasty..ha ha where ever u find flat faced ppl u find ways to lay claim on their land..hippocrats
You're right about comparison; cheap copies and tricky renamings never make it comparable with original effort no matter how time consuming that may be.

copied? what a huge load of joke.

your entire political system was copied from UK

please stop insulting your nation and your poltical system.
We are only doing some joint exercises with the vietnamese navy and you are alredy pissed off?? The vietnamese navy consists of only a few frigates.
These exercises are also tool improve relationships between our two countries.
And thats the reason for China to deploy soldiers in Pakistan and Sri lanka?

it shows our navy should have some aircraft carriers in Sri Lanka to have such joint exercises.

guess what? we built aircraft carriers to handle india, they will be deployed in your door step.
india should never be kept as an unified country, because:

1. there are so many different groups in india are actively seek independence. we Chinese have the legal and moral obligation to help those freedom fighters against the regime in new delhi.

Knock Knock... Turkestan an Tibet (they both are big enough to reduced you by 45%)? Does it ring a bell?

2. there was no such country called india in history. it was created for some stupid politcal reason.

There was no country as China as well in history as well. 'India' is a Latinized term for our name just as 'China' is a western name. I thought with your boasts of this and that IQ, you knew this.

3. it is keep bullying neighboring countries -- it had military conflicts with all its neighboring countries!!

Yeah and you were in a romantic frenzy with Vietnam, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei last years...:rofl:
The world would have already been destroyed (several times) if some nations are run by people like "PEACEFUL".............
copied? what a huge load of joke.

your entire political system was copied from UK

please stop insulting your nation and your poltical system.

And you retained the ancient form of ruling did you? Stop making a prat out of yourself when your entire system, designs, makes etc everything is a copy from Soviet Union and Communism itself was a Western invention (Europe invented).
it shows our navy should have some aircraft carriers in Sri Lanka to have such joint exercises.

guess what? we built aircraft carriers to handle india, they will be deployed in your door step.

We'd like to see you try...:lol:. Bring it on chummy. :devil:
1. brahmos is a russian missile. do you call mbt-2000 a Pakistani tank? do you call fc-1 a Pakistani fighter?
2. we can provide them J-10B, JH-7A, PL-12, SD-10, WS-2D, Type-99A2, what you can give to vietnam? how much money you can afford?

dude, it is all about money and technology, you don't have any of these in 2011.

first of all u donot give any thing for free to pakistan for free they pay hard earned american tax payers money for that..
u talk about money??we donated nearly 2 billions to afghan for building roads so what makes u think we cannot do so to vietnam for a cause u know better..

and if u can give planes having russian engines to pakistan why can we give indo russian JV missile to vietnam?? they rnt costly dude $5m each but imagine some 30 of those with vietnam navy even if we give them for free 150 million ha ha we gave $25 m for flood relief to pakistan..no money crap ha ha ha
In 1962 we took both Aksai chin and Arunachal pradesh.

We left Arunachal pradesh later, after we had already won the war.

You're welcome for the free gift, that you weren't able to fight for. :azn:

I hope not sir.

You people did come back, not once but twice.... And we stood grounds on both the occasions, Go read the Chola incident 1967 where the PLA was thrown out of our land and the 1987 Sino India skirmish where we spoiled PLA's dirty minded plans without firing a single bullet from our side.
india should never be kept as an unified country, because:

1. there are so many different groups in india are actively seek independence. we Chinese have the legal and moral obligation to help those freedom fighters against the regime in new delhi.

2. there was no such country called india in history. it was created for some stupid politcal reason.

3. it is keep bullying neighboring countries -- it had military conflicts with all its neighboring countries!!

With a country like u nobody will even oppose when world powers will dump nuke arsenal on u..heck moral obligation??first take south tibet as u refer it that way then speak of some thing else...remeber what happened to u guys when the japs came in china became the worlds largest brothel and jap army their customers..
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