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Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

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Lol a Chini talking about quality.. funny..

Who told you don't produce junk in China. you do produce junk patents :lol:
Who is making junk patents?

So obvious all the products that came out of these junk patented technologies will be junk..

Our exports in 2010 were worth 1.5 trillion, and India's GDP in 2010 was 1.5 trillion.

So our "low quality junk" is worth more than the entire Indian GDP. :P
No, for several reasons.

1) India's leaders won't even respond to the stapled visas, which are an obvious provocation. They respond with appeasement.
2) We have a massive trade surplus with India already, they can't give us any extra economic benefits even if they wanted to.
3) Pakistan is geostrategically vital to China, in terms of geography (Gwadar & Middle East pipelines)... and they also speak for us in Muslim organizations like the OIC.

Stapled visa issue is really bull$hit. I dont know why you give so much importance to it. There is nothing for India to respond here.
Continued enhanced Chinese treatment of Pakistan will bring India more closer to your other immediate neighbors, any increased Indian military presence close to your mainland will certainly be a headache to you, if not a major one. A joint US-Indian plan over this is the last think that you may ever want to see, accept it or not.

Pakistan is loosing its significance with each passing day. There is nothing much it can do for you except divert Indian resources for few more years. Vy 2020, India will have enough power punch to take care of any threat 360 degrees.
well I am Happy to see a Port in Vietnam strengthen our muscles in the sea!!!
Stapled visa issue is really bull$hit. I dont know why you give so much importance to it. There is nothing for India to respond here.
Continued enhanced Chinese treatment of Pakistan will bring India more closer to your other immediate neighbors, any increased Indian military presence close to your mainland will certainly be a headache to you, if not a major one. A joint US-Indian plan over this is the last think that you may ever want to see, accept it or not.

Pakistan is loosing its significance with each passing day. There is nothing much it can do for you except divert Indian resources for few more years. Vy 2020, India will have enough power punch to take care of any threat 360 degrees.

Even America preferred to side with Pakistan. They even sent an Aircraft carrier to scare India during the 1970's war. Today, America continues to be the largest source of external funding for the Pakistani military.

Pakistan's geostrategic importance will continue long into the future. They are at the crossroads of South Asia, the Middle East, Central Asia, and even East Asia through the Sino-Pakistani border.
Even America preferred to side with Pakistan. They even sent an Aircraft carrier to scare India during the 1970's war. Today, America continues to be the largest source of external funding for the Pakistani military.

Their geostrategic importance will continue long into the future. They are at the crossroads of South Asia, the Middle East, Central Asia, and even East Asia through the Sino-Pakistani border.

You keep going into the past. I dont know why.

Things have changed drastically over last 3 decades.

The same US which was against India earlier is today dying to sell their new generation weapons systems to India.
Here is a Chinese excel in engineeering.. I love it especially when the Rockets placed the satellite on Poor Peoples Home.

After this failure, our rocket has more than hundred times of successes added to our safety record.

Come to debate with us until India has reached our safety record.
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Your own Indian armed forces acknowledging that they cannot possibly match China, is more than enough. :D

'India can't match China's military force' - Indian Naval Chief - IBNLive

Did you not read the following lines in the very same article?

"The eco penalties resulting from military conflict would have grave consequences for both nations. It would therefore be in both our interests to cooperate with reach other," he said.

BTW statement like such are made to get defence budget increased.. Also the focus now is to cooperate with the like minded nations against your bullying..
You keep going into the past. I dont know why.

Things have changed drastically over last 3 decades.

The same US which was against India earlier is today dying to sell their new generation weapons systems to India.

Yes, they want to sell stuff to India, they want a "G-2" with China, and they are still the largest source of external funding for the Pakistani Army.

They are very clever, I have to hand it to them.
After this failure, our rocket has more than hundred times of successes added to our safety record.

Come to debate with us until India has reached our safety record.

we know your safety records half of the things are kept under Military watch and secrecy even it failed 10 times no one knew. The reason of your Bullet train crash is also now kept under secrecy. How would we know and why should we trust your statement when you yourself dont know about these projects.
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