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Vietnam Defence Forum

He is helping you @Viet
No, he isn´t. if you review the conservations between him and me in the past and recently you will understand.

there is a saying in german:

Alles ist gesagt. Es gibt nichts mehr zu sagen. Das Tischtuch zwischen uns ist für immer zerschnitten.
No, he isn´t. if you review the conservations between him and me in the past and recently you will understand.

there is a saying in german:

Alles ist gesagt. Es gibt nichts mehr zu sagen. Das Tischtuch zwischen uns ist für immer zerschnitten.

If what he did is scanning for your errors, ask you for making clear something, or correct things... that's his help for your post to be less error, mistake. Would you mind to revise your posts sometimes ? I would correct mine immediately once I was reminded and found my mistake.
remember say Thanks to reminders.
My lucky day it must be. After many weeks I return home(sick) and get this mention :)

Anyways, there's a point here I believe. You try to show people how it is made but most importantly (for me at least) you get to hear stuff from experts or local people that have knowledge on systems. Example: it is absurd for a naval officer to know about most of the warfare systems on a ship in details as he can specialise on one field only prior to his/her commission. On PDF, This is where you get to divide defence industry experts, peope with good research info from military personnel. Most of the information is distrubuted by those "experts" (not all fit the description though). But in practical just like this question asked to you about rifle holding..the things that wouldn't make any value without first hand experience, sometimes you gotta show it to people in which I am not really a fond of it.

Theres three groups here.
Group A: People eager to learn about warfare and defence, so that they joined. I can write it all day to do my best.
Group B: People that are expert on their area of profession amd beyond that. It always had been a pleasure for me to talk with @isoo for example on the matters of ships.
Group C: Simply keyboard generals that know the deepest sh.it from all three branches. It just makes me sick. You will try to show the true thing of what ever the topic is but ever time he will refuse to understand and put dirt on those serving. Aftet a point, which is the one I mentioned in the very first line of my post, you just smile and carry on. That's not because you underestimate that group but because the situation they put themselves through by themselves is funny.

lol, matey, how's your deployment? Those PKK dude giving you any trouble??

I wasn't actually think you are going to response, I am just quoting you to make a point. Hehe

Well, I guess I just don't like people that do this kind of stuff, I mean, I don't mind a lot of people do a lot of things, like disrespecting me for what I did, I mean I have had people coming up to me left and right and tell me this and that about Iraq or we have been fking up whatever the situation in the middle east. But I do draw a line with this type of behaviour.

Anyway, maybe I am a bit over the edge. But man, I just don't know why these type of people just get me all riled up.
lol, matey, how's your deployment? Those PKK dude giving you any trouble??

I wasn't actually think you are going to response, I am just quoting you to make a point. Hehe

Well, I guess I just don't like people that do this kind of stuff, I mean, I don't mind a lot of people do a lot of things, like disrespecting me for what I did, I mean I have had people coming up to me left and right and tell me this and that about Iraq or we have been fking up whatever the situation in the middle east. But I do draw a line with this type of behaviour.

Anyway, maybe I am a bit over the edge. But man, I just don't know why these type of people just get me all riled up.

All I can say is that; Just enjoy the view, don't answer.:)
It's same. Cold and rusty, we try to do our best. I was a little sick, didn't take it a reason but my nco in charge just thought maybe I could use some hometown breath so I took 3 days off. How's you been doing
All I can say is that; Just enjoy the view, don't answer.:)
It's same. Cold and rusty, we try to do our best. I was a little sick, didn't take it a reason but my nco in charge just thought maybe I could use some hometown breath so I took 3 days off. How's you been doing

lol, I tried to, that's why I try to avoid him in the first sitting.

And 3 days special leave eh? I got one of those when I was in Iraq, but I went to Bahrain instead, I can only get back to the US if I was on compassionate leave as if my family have some problem back home......

These day I am quite busy finishing my thesis......It's quite boring :) And my friends brother is heading off to Afghanistan as part of Resolute Support mission lol...And I sort of wish I went with him lol, but then he is a marine....
lol, I tried to, that's why I try to avoid him in the first sitting.

And 3 days special leave eh? I got one of those when I was in Iraq, but I went to Bahrain instead, I can only get back to the US if I was on compassionate leave as if my family have some problem back home......

These day I am quite busy finishing my thesis......It's quite boring :) And my friends brother is heading off to Afghanistan as part of Resolute Support mission lol...And I sort of wish I went with him lol, but then he is a marine....

In fact, its no special leave actually, just on my own initiative as a right. They suggested it. But you know missing home there is one thing, missing/worrying abt your buds there when you're home is another so, that's why it's a short leave including transportation time leave.
What is it between you and marines meh? They're my favorite US force. Not because they're so popular, but they have a devastating firepower and means of transportation/utility on their own, and they're sailors..simply lol.
Many greetings to Louisiana. the first batch of 11 Metal Shark Defiant 45 is complete. test runs on water.
Total 30 highspeed patrol vessels will be built and expected to be deliver to Vietnam Coast Guard later this year.







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Many greetings to Louisiana. the first batch of 11 Metal Shark Defiant 45 is complete. test runs on water.
Total 30 highspeed patrol vessels will be built and expected to be deliver to Vietnam Coast Guard later this year.








Viet oi, is this William Hung who I think it is? The one that you did a lot of heavy duty fighting with last year? The one that was trying to get you to stop posting in pdf? Is that him?
Viet oi, is this William Hung who I think it is? The one that you did a lot of heavy duty fighting with last year? The one that was trying to get you to stop posting in pdf? Is that him?
Bingo. Yes, it's him. He just has another ID now. Actually I have no interest in fighting with him.
Bingo. Yes, it's him. He just has another ID now. Actually I have no interest in fighting with him.

I thought so, same way of talking and aggressive as usual.

Very funny, last year he criticized you in a really bad way because he wanted you to stop posting in PDF (like if he has a right to tell others what to do) and he said that he was not going to post here anymore, but in the end, he continued posting under a different name, so he continued doing what he asked you to not do anymore.

I believe that's called hypocrisy !!!!
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Don't quote me fcking idiot stalker!

I know you retard very well after being lured into the trap set up by you in the initial discussion happened some time ago in this thread.

You are not here for discussion but for harassing people.

You contribute nothing but jump in if finding a worm in an ocean.

I don't care if you question my credentials. Nor have I interest in talking to you.

I can claim "the Moon consists of cheese".

Don't ask me for source.

It is as it is.

I own you nothing.

Get it!

If you continue, I will appeal to moderator and webmaster to intervene.

He reads every post I make, scanning for mistake and error. If found, he jumps in and starts a discussion. This guy belongs to a clinic.

You are overeacting here. I asked you a very very simple and legitmate question, which you could have answered in one sentence and ended it right there...yet you did not address my question but decided to reply with a string of personal attacks against me. You are free to report to the mods, it is you who are breaking rules, not me.

And I asked you to make some clarification because some of the things you said were questionable or just outright wrong. You didn’t post it in a private chat but on a public forum so I have the right to raise it up.

Just look at the little conversation you had with the Spanish member after your misleading post about Song Thu. One Spanish guy believed your words as gospel and thought the article or Song Thu really said what you reported, and both you and the Spaniard member didn’t even know that the picture is of the Holland Class OPV until Madokafc mentioned. Then the Spanish guy wrote things like if VN can build these “warship” configuration then why VN keep buying Gepards, in another thread he complained to other members how VN navy procurement plan don’t make sense and even tried to bring up the issue of VN army corruption with me. He even mentioned your post to justify his theories in that thread.

You guys have been mostly making speculations and theories in PDF...and some of those speculations are based on inaccurate information such as the ones I’ve mentioned in my previous posts. I caught an example of those inaccurate posting from you...and instead of responding in a mature way to clarify your words, you decided to attack me. And until now you refused address the issue at hand, to make clarification of your words or to admit a mistake.
You are overeacting here. I asked you a very very simple and legitmate question, which you could have answered in one sentence and ended it right there...yet you did not address my question but decided to reply with a string of personal attacks against me. You are free to report to the mods, it is you who are breaking rules, not me.

And I asked you to make some clarification because some of the things you said were questionable or just outright wrong. You didn’t post it in a private chat but on a public forum so I have the right to raise it up.

Just look at the little conversation you had with the Spanish member after your misleading post about Song Thu. One Spanish guy believed your words as gospel and thought the article or Song Thu really said what you reported, and both you and the Spaniard member didn’t even know that the picture is of the Holland Class OPV until Madokafc mentioned. Then the Spanish guy wrote things like if VN can build these “warship” configuration then why VN keep buying Gepards, in another thread he complained to other members how VN navy procurement plan don’t make sense and even tried to bring up the issue of VN army corruption with me. He even mentioned your post to justify his theories in that thread.

You guys have been mostly making speculations and theories in PDF...and some of those speculations are based on inaccurate information such as the ones I’ve mentioned in my previous posts. I caught an example of those inaccurate posting from you...and instead of responding in a mature way to clarify your words, you decided to attack me. And until now you refused address the issue at hand, to make clarification of your words or to admit a mistake.

And your proof (with sources) that shows that our "speculations" are wrong or are we just supposed to believe you because of ........... what?
I thought so, same way of talking and aggressive as usual.

Very funny, last year he criticized you in a really bad way because he wanted you to stop posting in PDF (like if he has a right to tell others what to do) and he said that he was not going to post here anymore, but in the end, he continued posting under a different name, so he continued doing what he asked you to not do anymore.

I believe that's called hypocrisy !!!!

Wow this is so cheap.

I let you have the last words in the other thread but you still decided to continue it here and now try for character assassination and attack me here.

So let's bring you to the topic I was talking about with @Viet here because you also became part of the conversation of his Song Thu post and even made your own comments on it. I caught @Viet making inaccurate claims and asked him to clarify...you on the other hand seem to take his words as gospel. I have explained to Viet why his post was inaccurate but he refused to directly address it and attacked me instead...so are you willing to man up and address that inaccuracy or are you just going to join your friend in personal attacks against me?

(I am talking about the post on Song Thu and the socalled “warship based on a variant of the DN-2000” which you also mentioned in the other thread.)

And your proof (with sources) that shows that our "speculations" are wrong or are we just supposed to believe you because of ........... what?

I was talking about @Viet’s post on Song Thu and that socalled “warship variant”. I have already explained that the vietnamese article he posted did not mentioned whatt he claimed, the picture he posted was a Holland-class OPV, and as I said there have been no credible sources that have mentioned what he claimed. So I asked him to clarify...because people like you took his words as gospel without verifying it.
Wow this is so cheap.

I let you have the last words in the other thread but you still decided to continue it here and now try for character assassination and attack me here.

So let's bring you to the topic I was talking about with @Viet here because you also became part of the conversation of his Song Thu post and even made your own comments on it. I caught @Viet making inaccurate claims and asked him to clarify...you on the other hand seem to take his words as gospel. I have explained to Viet why his post was inaccurate but he refused to directly address it and attacked me instead...so are you willing to man up and address that inaccuracy or are you just going to join your friend in personal attacks against me?

(I am talking about the post on Song Thu and the socalled “warship based on a variant of the DN-2000” which you also mentioned in the other thread.)

Fair enough, feel free to correct anything that is not accurate and feel free to back up your words with proof, not just saying "You are wrong, I know better, but I'm not going to say anything. That's cheap talking and shows you with no credibility.

Character assassination? Did you say or not say that you were not going to post here again? And you said that after you told him not to post here, right?
But you've been posting again, right?
So which ones of those are wrong?

(I am talking about the post on Song Thu and the socalled “warship based on a variant of the DN-2000” which you also mentioned in the other thread.)

I was talking about @Viet’s post on Song Thu and that socalled “warship variant”. I have already explained that the vietnamese article he posted did not mentioned whatt he claimed, the picture he posted was a Holland-class OPV, and as I said there have been no credible sources that have mentioned what he claimed. So I asked him to clarify...because people like you took his words as gospel without verifying it.

I'm not talking just about 1 post, I'm talking about you saying such and such is not correct (in the other thread), but then you refuse to give any proof to back those words.

I have no issues with the Song Thu thing.
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Fair enough, feel free to correct anything that is not accurate and feel free to back up your words with proof, not just saying "You are wrong, I know better, but I'm not going to say anything. That's cheap talking and shows you with no credibility.

Read my post #6003 that I first made to Viet, did I said "You are wrong, I know better, but I'm not going to say anything”? I asked him politely with my proper explanations.

As for what I said in the other thread how I won’t “say anything” about your navy discussion , well yeah, its exactly as that and I already explained why in that thread, not sure why you want to drag it here. And I wasnt trying to show “credibility” there, I didnt really wanted to comtinue to participate. The issue in this thread is different, Viet made questionable claim (not just speculation) and so I called him out to clarify.

Character assassination? Did you say or not say that you were not going to post here again? And you said that after you told him not to post here, right?
But you've been posting again, right?
So which ones of those are wrong?

I'm not talking just about 1 post, I'm talking about you saying such and such is not correct, but then you refuse to give any proof to back those words.

I have no issues with the Song Thu thing.

Character assassination meaning that both you guys didn’t focussed on the proper topic at hand relevant to this thread but tried to make personal attacks against me, whether its accurate or not. If you want to discuss that, feel free to open a thread about it, dont go off topic here and ignore the issue at hand (which was what your friend was doing).
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