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Vietnam Defence Forum

Read my post #6003 that I first made to Viet, did I said "You are wrong, I know better, but I'm not going to say anything”? I asked him politely with my proper explanations.

As for what I said in the other thread how I won’t “say anything” about your navy discussion , well yeah, its exactly as that and I already explained why in that thread, not sure why you want to drag it here. And I wasnt trying to show “credibility” there, I didnt really wanted to comtinue to participate. The issue in this thread is different, Viet made questionable claim (not just speculation) and so I called him out to clarify.

Character assassination meaning that both you guys didn’t focussed on the proper topic at hand relevant to this thread but tried to make personal attacks against me, whether its accurate or not. If you want to discuss that, feel free to open a thread about it, dont go off topic here and ignore the issue at hand (which was what your friend was doing).

Don't go around the bushes, I'm not talking about the Song Thu / Damen 2000 thing. I take issue with you saying "your information / speculation is wrong, but I'm not going to say why". When you talk like that, you have no credibility. Period! Either you are here to share or go somewhere else and like I said earlier, why are we supposed to believe your statements that our speculations are wrong?

I'm waiting for you to tell me which part of that character assassination was not true.

If you are a real man, go and apologize to @Viet for pushing him (in a nasty way) to stop posting here after you said that you are not going to post here again, and then you continue posting. You created a big fight between vietnamese members because of that. So...... lets see if you can do that. Otherwise nobody can respect you here.
Don't go around the bushes, I'm not talking about the Song Thu / Damen 2000 thing. I take issue with you saying "your information / speculation is wrong, but I'm not going to say why". When you talk like that, you have no credibility. Period! Either you are here to share or go somewhere else and like I said earlier, why are we supposed to believe your statements that our speculations are wrong?

I'm waiting for you to tell me which part of that character assassination was not true?

If you are a real man, go and apologize to @Viet for pushing him (in a nasty way) to stop posting here after you said that you are not going to post here again, and then you continue posting. You created a big fight between vietnamese members because of that. So...... lets see if you can do that. Otherwise nobody can respect you here.

No I am not beating around the bush. It seems like you are the one who is trying to change the topic here.

What I said about your “speculations” in that other thread belongs to that other thread and now you are trying to drag it here. I already explained what I said in that thread and gave you the last words. If you still have issue then continue in that thread.

Whatever fight I had with @Viet in the past is also offtopic in this Viet military thread. You are very free to start a new thread about it and feel free to criticize me there. It does not belong here.

The topic at hand here, relevant to this VN military thread, is that your friend @Viet had made a questionable claim about VN navy which I had called him out to clarify, and which he still completely refused to clarify.....that is the topic at hand relevant to this thread. So don’t twist it around and accuse me of beating around the bush. Your off-topic comments belong somewhere else and you are free to talk about that in another thread or start a new one.
No I am not beating around the bush. It seems like you are the one who is trying to change the topic here.

What I said about your “speculations” in that other thread belongs to that other thread and now you are trying to drag it here. I already explained what I said in that thread and gave you the last words. If you still have issue then continue in that thread.

Whatever fight I had with @Viet in the past is also offtopic in this Viet military thread. You are very free to start a new thread about it and feel free to criticize me there. It does not belong here.

The topic at hand here, relevant to this VN military thread, is that your friend @Viet had made a questionable claim about VN navy which I had called him out to clarify, and which he still completely refused to clarify.....that is the topic at hand relevant to this thread. So don’t twist it around and accuse me of beating around the bush. Your off-topic comments belong somewhere else and you are free to talk about that in another thread or start a new one.

If you like to make corrections, then apply the same standard in all threads. I don't accept your reasoning / excuses about that issue.

The issue of the past was brought up into this thread by you talking to Viet again and that restarted the fight. That fighting, the old fighting and the current fighting happened in this thread, so there is no reason to take it somewhere else. You accused @Viet of such, such and such..... in THIS THREAD. If this is off topic now, then it was also off topic at that time, so don't go hiding. There is unfinished business here, but it seems like you can't face up to that or admit that you were wrong. What is it? You are too much of an immature kid to apologize? You can't lose face? I tell you again, be a man and act like a man. Don't hide.
The issue of the past was brought up into this thread by you talking to Viet again and that restarted the fight. That fighting, the old fighting and the current fighting happened in this thread, so there is no reason to take it somewhere else.

Read my posts again from #6003, it was a legitimate question and issue I raised, and I spoke to him in a very polite manner, even after he continued to insult me. I did not start any fight nor did I engaged in any fight in that last few pages. Any current fighting or insults, it is only coming from your friend, not me. Read it again in the previous few pages from post #6003.

It seems like you are just trying use the past to justify your friend’s current antics...again, its off topic, you can start a new thread on it if you want.

You accused @Viet of such, such and such..... in THIS THREAD. If this is off topic now, then it was also off topic at that time, so don't go hiding.

Yes, this is off-topic now. And YES, indeed that was off-topic in the past, which the mod had already intervened.

Again, you seem to be invoking the past to justify the present. It was off-topic in the past so you want to be able to go off-topic now?

Let me say again, it is off topic and you can create a new thread for it. But this will be my last post on this issue here because it is OFF-TOPIC.

There is unfinished business here, but it seems like you can't face up to that or admit that you were wrong. What is it? You are too much of an immature kid to apologize? You can't lose face? I tell you again, be a man and act like a man. Don't hide.

“Unfinished business”? This says it all. So you and your friend are dragging on this thing and acting this way because of past grudge. You are now completely ignoring the topic at hand (which was a questionable claim your friend had made bout the vn navy in which you add some further comments on top) and you are now just talking from emotions about some “unfinished business”. What do you want me to say, sorry? OK, I send a deep apology to @Viet or to you if I had ever wronged you, whatever it was. I am very deeply sorry!

There, it is official my friend.

Let me just mention that it is getting comical. Let me remind you that I have heated debate with a lot of members in the past, including against Jhungary, indonesian members, even other viet members like BoQ77, I think I even have insulted BoQ personally in the past when the debate gets too heated. But after its over, we are all happy again and talk to each other in a civilized manner on new topics. Jhungary replied to me professionally when I recently requested comments, Indonesian members are cool, BoQ77 is even trying to clarify my post and help me. Your friend @Viet called the indonesians the N*gg* word in the past but now they still talk to you guys in a civilized manner (now this is offtopic, see what I did?). I started a complaint thread against nihonjin but now feel bad and regret because looks like he dont want to come back at all. Me and most members I see here do not have long memories and hold grudge. Some Chinese members hold grudge against me or BoQ and I have issue with them when they troll but then this is why I don’t post often anymore and suggested the same to other. So, I do not have any “unfinished business” here, especially against viet members. If there are “unfinished business” like you claimed, it is only held by you or @veit, not me. You are projecting your own thoughts onto me. Now I realized you and @Veit have been holding grudge against me with the socalled “unfinished business”. That is very strange to me and explains your reactions.

So don’t accuse me of questioning @Viet’s posts because of my socalled “unfinished business”. He makes plenty of mistakes or write inaccurate posts a lot of the time that I can easily refute if I really have “unfinished business” against him like you claimed. I once suggested him to leave but do I now care if he stay? No. This is like my only second time I questioned/quoted him in a year. And I questioned his claim because it was partly used for your speculations. You accepted his claim as truth and said things like “wow so they(Song Thu) have already said that” or “good to hear my theories is proven right”, in a thread which you also complained that vn navy plan dont make sense or something about military corruption. So you can say, I questioned @Veit here mostly due to what was said in the other thread. But you can accuse me of “unfinished business” or whatever but its clear to me that it was you and your friend who have “unfinished business” with your grudge...my post number #6003 and the rude reactions I received says it all.

So I will end this issue here since its getting offtopic and rather like comical drama. I will say again, I really sorry to you and @Viet. Seeing your guys “unfinished business” thing, I now don’t think I can expect you guys to address the original topic and clarify or admit the false claims other than the short sentence “Im ok with the Song Thu thing”.

Again, post elsewhere or create a new thread if you insist on dragging this on. It does not belong in here.
@William Hung : I hate your long post, LOL, for nothing. maybe you have more time and more language skill,
Try to make it brief, remove, edit posts of misunderstanding.

Hey @Viet: why you don't go ahead and admit that you take the news from songthu website undated, and you think that's an update news while actually it's a 2012 about first DN-2000 built in Song Thu, the 8002 ?

Yes, the Holland class was shown there, but it's a trick of the website Admin, to make us to fight here.

Why you guys don't warmly welcome me to be back from such a long ban? like @JaiMin
Read my posts again from #6003, it was a legitimate question and issue I raised, and I spoke to him in a very polite manner, even after he continued to insult me. I did not start any fight nor did I engaged in any fight in that last few pages. Any current fighting or insults, it is only coming from your friend, not me. Read it again in the previous few pages from post #6003.

It seems like you are just trying use the past to justify your friend’s current antics...again, its off topic, you can start a new thread on it if you want.

Yes, this is off-topic now. And YES, indeed that was off-topic in the past, which the mod had already intervened.

Again, you seem to be invoking the past to justify the present. It was off-topic in the past so you want to be able to go off-topic now?

Let me say again, it is off topic and you can create a new thread for it. But this will be my last post on this issue here because it is OFF-TOPIC.

“Unfinished business”? This says it all. So you and your friend are dragging on this thing and acting this way because of past grudge. You are now completely ignoring the topic at hand (which was a questionable claim your friend had made bout the vn navy in which you add some further comments on top) and you are now just talking from emotions about some “unfinished business”. What do you want me to say, sorry? OK, I send a deep apology to @Viet or to you if I had ever wronged you, whatever it was. I am very deeply sorry!

There, it is official my friend.

Let me just mention that it is getting comical. Let me remind you that I have heated debate with a lot of members in the past, including against Jhungary, indonesian members, even other viet members like BoQ77, I think I even have insulted BoQ personally in the past when the debate gets too heated. But after its over, we are all happy again and talk to each other in a civilized manner on new topics. Jhungary replied to me professionally when I recently requested comments, Indonesian members are cool, BoQ77 is even trying to clarify my post and help me. Your friend @Viet called the indonesians the N*gg* word in the past but now they still talk to you guys in a civilized manner (now this is offtopic, see what I did?). I started a complaint thread against nihonjin but now feel bad and regret because looks like he dont want to come back at all. Me and most members I see here do not have long memories and hold grudge. Some Chinese members hold grudge against me or BoQ and I have issue with them when they troll but then this is why I don’t post often anymore and suggested the same to other. So, I do not have any “unfinished business” here, especially against viet members. If there are “unfinished business” like you claimed, it is only held by you or @veit, not me. You are projecting your own thoughts onto me. Now I realized you and @Veit have been holding grudge against me with the socalled “unfinished business”. That is very strange to me and explains your reactions.

So don’t accuse me of questioning @Viet’s posts because of my socalled “unfinished business”. He makes plenty of mistakes or write inaccurate posts a lot of the time that I can easily refute if I really have “unfinished business” against him like you claimed. I once suggested him to leave but do I now care if he stay? No. This is like my only second time I questioned/quoted him in a year. And I questioned his claim because it was partly used for your speculations. You accepted his claim as truth and said things like “wow so they(Song Thu) have already said that” or “good to hear my theories is proven right”, in a thread which you also complained that vn navy plan dont make sense or something about military corruption. So you can say, I questioned @Veit here mostly due to what was said in the other thread. But you can accuse me of “unfinished business” or whatever but its clear to me that it was you and your friend who have “unfinished business” with your grudge...my post number #6003 and the rude reactions I received says it all.

So I will end this issue here since its getting offtopic and rather like comical drama. I will say again, I really sorry to you and @Viet. Seeing your guys “unfinished business” thing, I now don’t think I can expect you guys to address the original topic and clarify or admit the false claims other than the short sentence “Im ok with the Song Thu thing”.

Again, post elsewhere or create a new thread if you insist on dragging this on. It does not belong in here.

This is also my last post about this issue.

You don't get it, you restarted the fight by talking to Viet again, you know you were not supposed to do that, you knew that would restart the fight and actually, no, your fight with Viet was actually the worse that I had seen in this thread other than with chinese members, but its not just that, the fact is, you were simply very, very wrong in pushing him to quit PDF and getting nasty with him, and then to add insult to injury, after all of that and after saying all that to him, you continued posting under another name. What is it about that that you don't understand?

Edit: Forgot to respond to a point. No, I'm not accusing you of questioning @Viet’s posts because of the so called “unfinished business”. The problem is, you are so used to fighting that you maybe think its ok and move on, but its not ok, that's just your perception, maybe you expected @Viet to forget everything, but if that's the case, you perception and judgement is pretty bad. You should it have known that you just simply should not talk to him again. Edit end.

Ok, its nice to see you apologizing, can have respect for you again. You are very smart, but you are very young and immature and you have an aggressive streak, you are very easy to start fights with others and you have a tendency to see issues / problems in what others say when actually there is nothing of that sort and that's another reason that makes it easy for you to get into fights. I suggest you look at yourself and try to change or you are never going to get along with people. I tell you this not for the sake of wanting to criticize you, but because I think you need to hear this and hopefully you'll do something about it. I'm also much older than you.

The issue is finished for me. The unfinished business is really between you and him and I can't talk for Viet. I hope he accepts your apology. No need to apologize to me, your fighting was with Viet, not with me, but like I said, I'm older than you, so I felt that I needed to say something. Good luck with him. I'm not talking anymore about this. Cheers.

@William Hung : I hate your long post, LOL, for nothing. maybe you have more time and more language skill,
Try to make it brief, remove, edit posts of misunderstanding.

Hey @Viet: why you don't go ahead and admit that you take the news from songthu website undated, and you think that's an update news while actually it's a 2012 about first DN-2000 built in Song Thu, the 8002 ?

Yes, the Holland class was shown there, but it's a trick of the website Admin, to make us to fight here.

Why you guys don't warmly welcome me to be back from such a long ban? like @JaiMin

Hey, didn't I say something nice to you the other day and I said that I didn't want you banned, I wanted to see you here, so don't go fighting with the chinese? Give me some credit man. :enjoy:

Bingo. Yes, it's him. He just has another ID now. Actually I have no interest in fighting with him.

@Viet oi, I suggest you accept @William Hung 's apology and make peace. You are an adult and you know its better that way. You know he is still a kid, smart kid, but still a kid (Yeah, I can say that because he and many others here really are like kids from my perspective because of age difference and once you guys mature a bit more, after a number of years, you will understand that, ok?), so bury the hatchet. Save the fighting for the chinese. Thank you.

@William Hung : I hate your long post, LOL, for nothing. maybe you have more time and more language skill,
Try to make it brief, remove, edit posts of misunderstanding.

Hey @Viet: why you don't go ahead and admit that you take the news from songthu website undated, and you think that's an update news while actually it's a 2012 about first DN-2000 built in Song Thu, the 8002 ?

Yes, the Holland class was shown there, but it's a trick of the website Admin, to make us to fight here.

Why you guys don't warmly welcome me to be back from such a long ban? like @JaiMin

@BoQ77 oi, that's not really the issue, that's actually nothing, it doesn't matter what the issue would be or how small an issue is, Viet hates his guts and for good reasons, so any interaction would have the same results.

@Viet is not going to have issues because of someone correcting him, I corrected him many times also, he is not a little kid, that's not a problem for him. Those two have unfinished business, so its actually good to have this situation and try to fix things, its better for the long term. Now have to see how Viet responds.
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Wow this is so cheap.

I let you have the last words in the other thread but you still decided to continue it here and now try for character assassination and attack me here.

So let's bring you to the topic I was talking about with @Viet here because you also became part of the conversation of his Song Thu post and even made your own comments on it. I caught @Viet making inaccurate claims and asked him to clarify...you on the other hand seem to take his words as gospel. I have explained to Viet why his post was inaccurate but he refused to directly address it and attacked me instead...so are you willing to man up and address that inaccuracy or are you just going to join your friend in personal attacks against me?

(I am talking about the post on Song Thu and the socalled “warship based on a variant of the DN-2000” which you also mentioned in the other thread.)

I was talking about @Viet’s post on Song Thu and that socalled “warship variant”. I have already explained that the vietnamese article he posted did not mentioned whatt he claimed, the picture he posted was a Holland-class OPV, and as I said there have been no credible sources that have mentioned what he claimed. So I asked him to clarify...because people like you took his words as gospel without verifying it.
Character assassination LOL!!!! It is done against them who do have it. What benefits one will get by doing character assassination of a person who doesn't have the character at all. And yes one can't get a clean slate if sin is done is in past. One can only repent to reduce the impact of the damage. And any one is here free to quate anyone and everyone is free to ignore someone. So if Viet don't wish to reply to you, it is not Mandatory for him to reply to you. And yes you can keep whining on character assassination and stalking of Viet.

This is also my last post about this issue.

You don't get it, you restarted the fight by talking to Viet again, you know you were not supposed to do that, you knew that would restart the fight and actually, no, your fight with Viet was actually the worse that I had seen in this thread other than with chinese members, but its not just that, the fact is, you were simply very, very wrong in pushing him to quit PDF and getting nasty with him, and then to add insult to injury, after all of that and after saying all that to him, you continued posting under another name. What is it about that that you don't understand?

Edit: Forgot to respond to a point. No, I'm not accusing you of questioning @Viet’s posts because of the so called “unfinished business”. The problem is, you are so used to fighting that you maybe think its ok and move on, but its not ok, that's just your perception, maybe you expected @Viet to forget everything, but if that's the case, you perception and judgement is pretty bad. You should it have known that you just simply should not talk to him again. Edit end.

Ok, its nice to see you apologizing, can have respect for you again. You are very smart, but you are very young and immature and you have an aggressive streak, you are very easy to start fights with others and you have a tendency to see issues / problems in what others say when actually there is nothing of that sort and that's another reason that makes it easy for you to get into fights. I suggest you look at yourself and try to change or you are never going to get along with people. I tell you this not for the sake of wanting to criticize you, but because I think you need to hear this and hopefully you'll do something about it. I'm also much older than you.

The issue is finished for me. The unfinished business is really between you and him and I can't talk for Viet. I hope he accepts your apology. No need to apologize to me, your fighting was with Viet, not with me, but like I said, I'm older than you, so I felt that I needed to say something. Good luck with him. I'm not talking anymore about this. Cheers.

Hey, didn't I say something nice to you the other day and I said that I didn't want you banned, I wanted to see you here, so don't go fighting with the chinese? Give me some credit man. :enjoy:

@Viet oi, I suggest you accept @William Hung 's apology and make peace. You are an adult and you know its better that way. You know he is still a kid, smart kid, but still a kid (Yeah, I can say that because he and many others here really are like kids from my perspective because of age difference and once you guys mature a bit more, after a number of years, you will understand that, ok?), so bury the hatchet. Save the fighting for the chinese. Thank you.

@BoQ77 oi, that's not really the issue, that's actually nothing, it doesn't matter what the issue would be or how small an issue is, Viet hates his guts and for good reasons, so any interaction would have the same results.

@Viet is not going to have issues because of someone correcting him, I corrected him many times also, he is not a little kid, that's not a problem for him. Those two have unfinished business, so its actually good to have this situation and try to fix things, its better for the long term. Now have to see how Viet responds.
I believe Viet should not reply to willium hung for what he did in past. That can't be erased nor it can be forgiven. So I will urge you to not push Viet in pardoning hung. Willium hung has bad motive behind his/her stalking and engaging Viet, so no point in any discussion with him. I will support Viet anyday over that liar.
Character assassination LOL!!!! It is done against them who do have it. What benefits one will get by doing character assassination of a person who doesn't have the character at all. And yes one can't get a clean slate if sin is done is in past. One can only repent to reduce the impact of the damage. And any one is here free to quate anyone and everyone is free to ignore someone. So if Viet don't wish to reply to you, it is not Mandatory for him to reply to you. And yes you can keep whining on character assassination and stalking of Viet.

I believe Viet should not reply to willium hung for what he did in past. That can't be erased nor it can be forgiven. So I will urge you to not push Viet in pardoning hung. Willium hung has bad motive behind his/her stalking and engaging Viet, so no point in any discussion with him. I will support Viet anyday over that liar.

Thank you for your input man, I really appreciate that. Well, I wonder if you had been involved or seen other issues with William Hung / Black flag / Yoro....something that I probably don't even know about and to see you pissed off like this.......... wow, that's something.

Well, Its up to Viet, I'm not going to say anything else to him, I think I said enough. I think its always better to forgive and forget and I really think that the kid is not bad, but he is immature and prone to fighting (and something in his head is not quite right). Nobody is perfect. Maybe you know some things that I don't know, that if I know, could make me change my opinion, I don't know. Lets wish for the best in the spirit of Bhakti.

@William Hung I break my promise for a moment to say that, you see? The way you did with Viet last year was not just a little thing to get over with and then talk again like if nothing happened. You can see the emotions created on others that also were not part of the situation. Are you learning something from this? I hope so.
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@William Hung I break my promise for a moment to say that, you see? The way you did with Viet last year was not just a little thing to get over with and then talk again like if nothing happened. You can see the emotions created on others that also were not part of the situation. Are you learning something from this? I hope so.

lol of course you will break your promise, I was expecting that. I let you have the last words in that other thread to say whatever you want but apparantly that was not enough, you still had to jump into here too at post #6023 to attack me eventhough I did not provoked you nor did Viet tagged you. Then I still let you have the last words here but you still broke your own promise to write more. Its ok lol, I was expecting it, no prob.

I will keep my promise and will not talk more on this issue (well, technically this post in itself is on the issue), I mean I will not comment on the issue, those funny accusations or insinuations from that member that just jumped in or from you. All the posts in the last few pages is there for all to see. Even the past fight with Viet, the socalled un-erasable sin lol, is still there way back in this thread if people wanted to see. I’ve already said enough, the posts from me and from you guys can say it all.

So, you you guys can continue to keep talking on it. I will not. Lee Nguyen just scored an awesome goal and I am feeling too happy.


Willy Hung
Facebook is down and another 3 pages of mud fight......Cheers, guys :)


Vietnamese conscript in French colonial army with a Hotchkiss machinegun. These guys and the guns will later support the vietnam national army after the 1945 in the fight against France
I'm busy right now, will respond to all a bit later. Not sure if I respond to the pathetic loser with multiple IDs and hiding flags as well.
BoQ77, Carlosa, Rising Sun and others

I will need to tell you a bit about him. The clown. The stalker. I don´t know why it happened and why me. but thing started as:

- when he urged me to quit this forum, because PDF is bad, influenced by chinese, flooded with insults against vietnamese members (monkey and other usual stuffs he cited). And if I quit he will follow me.

- interesting of the story is, he had not addressed all vietnamese members.

- when I refused, he became nasty. He asked me to change ID, "Viet", because other members can mistake I speak for VN.

- there are at least two other members that have "Viet" in their ID, but he did not bother them.

- he complained he was banned and wonder why I am not. He accused me of being a Chinese shadow, a spy working on behalf of Chinese. My "pro Vietnam" sentiment is just a fake, a fascade. As evidence, if I recalled, he called on @ChineseTiger1986 and cited a post that was made by me years ago.

- in the post I said something like this: China is a normal country. Also, Chinese are human being.

- he laughed, screamed I made the dumbest post ever on this forum, when I said Koreans can look for jobs in VN. Although I previously posted an article about Koreans looking for jobs in VN published on a Korean website.

- after I posted a scientific findings of the Harvard Medical Schhol, saying the Viet people forfarthers came from Taiwan. he tried defaming VN by desperate attempts linking the Viet people to the Khmer, by citing fake articles from obscure persons.

- he twisted words, making other people feeling inferior to him.

In short, this guy is not only a clown but a liar.
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