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Vietnam Defence Forum

lol, I never met a person who had used firearms and don't know what and which part was call what.

And when I question his training regarding the M203 and he have no creditable answer to my question. I never said My word are absolute, even tho what we said is similar (actually not much because his last part of the post make no sense at all) I was never the one that said his answer is wrong, I cannot say the same with him.

I hated when people impersonate military personnel, Even more so when people claim they had combat experience and they actually don't. People like me, @gambit, @Neptune here with actual combat experience would understand something that you will not think it's normal but actually happened a lot in war. Hence we can spot faker probably from a mile away.

I did not do what I did over there for glory, but then it does not mean anyone can rub it in my face and diminish what I did for that 23 months.

Maybe I got too carried away with poster like that, but again, for some reason, these type of people just tend to get on my nerve.

Oh well.........all kind of people anywhere.........

I will have to apologise here for bring this into this forum. I know I should not engage in personal bickering with a poster like that but again as I said, people who pretend to be a soldier just freakin' bug me.

My lucky day it must be. After many weeks I return home(sick) and get this mention :)

Anyways, there's a point here I believe. You try to show people how it is made but most importantly (for me at least) you get to hear stuff from experts or local people that have knowledge on systems. Example: it is absurd for a naval officer to know about most of the warfare systems on a ship in details as he can specialise on one field only prior to his/her commission. On PDF, This is where you get to divide defence industry experts, peope with good research info from military personnel. Most of the information is distrubuted by those "experts" (not all fit the description though). But in practical just like this question asked to you about rifle holding..the things that wouldn't make any value without first hand experience, sometimes you gotta show it to people in which I am not really a fond of it.

Theres three groups here.
Group A: People eager to learn about warfare and defence, so that they joined. I can write it all day to do my best.
Group B: People that are expert on their area of profession amd beyond that. It always had been a pleasure for me to talk with @isoo for example on the matters of ships.
Group C: Simply keyboard generals that know the deepest sh.it from all three branches. It just makes me sick. You will try to show the true thing of what ever the topic is but ever time he will refuse to understand and put dirt on those serving. Aftet a point, which is the one I mentioned in the very first line of my post, you just smile and carry on. That's not because you underestimate that group but because the situation they put themselves through by themselves is funny.

Easter Offensive of 1972

Many still believe Vietnam war was fought in the jungle, but the reality is a bit different. as evidenced by the easter offensive of 1972. 12:00 noon on March 30, 1972 the North Vietnamese Army crossed the DMZ, starting the largest ever ground offensive, totally 300,000 men and 700 tanks, against the US and South Vietnamese combined Armed Forces, with 6 divisions to attack in the northern portion of South Vietnam, 3 divisions were ordered to strike in central South Vietnam, 4 divisions to attack north of Saigon, with the goal to test the military strength of the US and South Vietnamese defence positions for a later greater offensive ending the war. the largest tank battle during the Vietnam war.

North Vietnamese tanks and artilleries going into position before the battle



South Vietnam defence lines

Carlosa, I posted this news before, but maybe not all have noticed: also, Sông Thu shipyard can build warships based on a variant of DN-2000 class patrol vessel. the images are taken from company´s website:




I’m interested to know how you got the idea that Song Thu can build “warships based on a variant of the DN-2000” because that Vietnamese article you linked did not mentioned anything about Song Thu having the ability or plan to build “warships based on a variant of the DN-2000”, or warships based on the Holland-class, or the Holland-class itself.

I don’t recall Song Thu or other official sources claiming what you’ve said either. So do you mind giving me the source where you got those details from? I hope you didnt get it from tabloids like sọhạ.
I believe have told a certain idiot at least 100 times here and there "don't read my posts!".
I believe have told a certain idiot at least 100 times here and there "don't read my posts!".

Come on mate, you have given informations that I think is questionable so I have asked a legitimate question for you to clarify.

Besides, I suspect you might not be fluent in reading Vietnamese since the other vietnamese article before that said “the Shtil is a naval variant of the land-based Buk” but you have incorrectly translated into english as “for arial defense, a choice must be made between the Shtil and Buk” which is clearly wrong. So I have legitimate reasons to ask you for some clarifications on how you got the details I’ve previously mentioned.
ha ha ha what an idiot, fool and troller!

have I said in my previous post: I translated the vietnamese article word by word?

I say to you again, and it is 101 times: "DON´T READ MY POSTS!"

you brain is dead.
ha ha ha what an idiot, fool and troller!

have I said in my previous post: I translated the vietnamese article word by word?

I say again, and it is 101 times: "DON´T READ MY POSTS!"

Even if you never claimed to translate it word for word, still how on earth did you end up writing “for aerial defense, a choice needs to be made between the Shtil-1 and Buk-m1” when the vietnamese article only said that the Shtil-1 is a naval variant of the Buk-m1??? and if you have read that bit, it would make no sense for you to say that “a choice needs to be made btween Shtil and Buk” for a ship.

The more important thing I want to ask you to clarify is how did you come to the conclusion about Song Thu and the “warships based on a variant of the DN-2000”?
Even if you never claimed to translate it word for word, still how on earth did you end up writing “for aerial defense, a choice needs to be made between the Shtil-1 and Buk-m1” when the vietnamese article only said that the Shtil-1 is a naval variant of the Buk-m1??? and if you have read that bit, it would make no sense for you to say that “a choice needs to be made btween Shtil and Buk” for a ship.

The more important thing I want to ask you to clarify is how did you come to the conclusion about Song Thu and the “warships based on a variant of the DN-2000”?
you fool. I can write what I like. we are here not standing before a court, where I need to present the evidence.
I call you as a fool, idiot and troller, should I provide a source how I came to that conclusion?

even if I made a mistake in translation or provide a wrong statement, who cares? you?

of course, I know. you are the one who scans every single post of mine looking for errors. some time ago you were the one, who blamed me as this and that, quoting a sentence of mine making 2 years ago.

what a loser!
you fool. I can write what I like. we are here not standing before a court, where I need to present the evidence.
I call you as a fool, idiot and troller, should I provide a source how I came to that conclusion?

even if I made a mistake in translation or provide a wrong statement, who cares? you?

Come on man, lets act a bit more mature. I’m just interested in how you come to the conclusion about Song Thu and that “warship variant” since neither the article you linked nor any other reputable sources I can recall have ever mentioned what you had claimed. So are you saying that it was your mistranslation or wrong statement or what? i just want some clarifications.

I’m actually interested in it you know. I wasn’t saying Somg Thu can or can’t, I’m just wondering how you got the details since the article you linked did not mentioned anything about it at all.
You don't get it.

What you want is for me irrelevant.
You don't get it.

What you want is for me irrelevant.

What I asked for is relevant for anyone who is interested in VN military, and relevant for your credential. You’ve made claims that are questionable and I have given reasons why they are questionable. I asked you for some clarification but you didn’t/couldn’t support your claims and instead replied with a string of vitriol attacks with an affirmation that “I can write whatever I want”. Now how would people know that what you are writing is from credible sources or just a (mis)conclusion that you’ve made in your own mind? This does not bode well for your credentials.
What I asked for is relevant for anyone who is interested in VN military, and relevant for your credential. You’ve made claims that are questionable and I have given reasons why they are questionable. I asked you for some clarification but you didn’t/couldn’t support your claims and instead replied with a string of vitriol attacks with an affirmation that “I can write whatever I want”. Now how would people know that what you are writing is from credible sources or just a (mis)conclusion that you’ve made in your own mind? This does not bode well for your credentials.

We should do our best to clarify our own post to other enquiries on it.
An Indian didn´t ask you for more details if he didnt pay attention to your content.
What I asked for is relevant for anyone who is interested in VN military, and relevant for your credential. You’ve made claims that are questionable and I have given reasons why they are questionable. I asked you for some clarification but you didn’t/couldn’t support your claims and instead replied with a string of vitriol attacks with an affirmation that “I can write whatever I want”. Now how would people know that what you are writing is from credible sources or just a (mis)conclusion that you’ve made in your own mind? This does not bode well for your credentials.
Don't quote me fcking idiot stalker!

I know you retard very well after being lured into the trap set up by you in the initial discussion happened some time ago in this thread.

You are not here for discussion but for harassing people.

You contribute nothing but jump in if finding a worm in an ocean.

I don't care if you question my credentials. Nor have I interest in talking to you.

I can claim "the Moon consists of cheese".

Don't ask me for source.

It is as it is.

I own you nothing.

Get it!

If you continue, I will appeal to moderator and webmaster to intervene.

We should do our best to clarify our own post to other enquiries on it.
An Indian didn´t ask you for more details if he didnt pay attention to your content.
He reads every post I make, scanning for mistake and error. If found, he jumps in and starts a discussion. This guy belongs to a clinic.
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