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Vietnam Defence Forum

I will like to see you in person, and see if you talk and act as tough in real life. Because in real life you assume what you say and there no place to run or hide. But a tough guy like you just hide behind a computer screen and talk shit with his keyboard... Yeah a real professional internet warrior !!! Oh I see you call some reinforcement, you homo boyfriend came help you and posted something… By the way, your posts are fucking long and boring so I assume you have a big mouth, just as big as a whore’s pussy that we can put 6 dicks in your mouth and you will be still talking

@Hu Songshan @WebMaster hi sir, can we take some actions to stop the insulting tone from this guy? thanks!
ok thanks to those who commented on my question.

It seems that situation is currently tensed in this thread so I’ll set my question aside for now. I dont really know the history of the debate between J and M but I’ll say that, reading the last few pages, it seems to me that both J and M initially gave very similar answers but then later argued on the smaller differences.


lol, I never met a person who had used firearms and don't know what and which part was call what.

And when I question his training regarding the M203 and he have no creditable answer to my question. I never said My word are absolute, even tho what we said is similar (actually not much because his last part of the post make no sense at all) I was never the one that said his answer is wrong, I cannot say the same with him.

I hated when people impersonate military personnel, Even more so when people claim they had combat experience and they actually don't. People like me, @gambit, @Neptune here with actual combat experience would understand something that you will not think it's normal but actually happened a lot in war. Hence we can spot faker probably from a mile away.

I did not do what I did over there for glory, but then it does not mean anyone can rub it in my face and diminish what I did for that 23 months.

Maybe I got too carried away with poster like that, but again, for some reason, these type of people just tend to get on my nerve.

without judging who is right who is wrong, I´d like to cite a quote in the bibel:
‘Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone."

Oh well.........all kind of people anywhere.........

I will have to apologise here for bring this into this forum. I know I should not engage in personal bickering with a poster like that but again as I said, people who pretend to be a soldier just freakin' bug me.
This recent news is quite interesting:


as per Russian news agency TASS, Vietnam is still in the negotiation process with Russia on acquiring the third batch of Gepard frigate: #5 and #6. the main armament, the antiship missile system will be Kh-35UE with range of 260km, instead of 130km with Kh-35E. or VN can choose the more advanced version: Kalibr-NK, a supersonic cruise missile. the latter is more expensive as we need to buy the missile, while we can produce Kh-35 domestically. as for aerial defence, there is a choice to make between Shtil-1 and Buk-M1.

But the most important news is this: with the beginning of 2018, when the relocation and modernization of the domestic shipyard Ba Son is complete, it is tasked to build the Gepard and other warships variants, in service of the Russia Navy today.

nice. It turns out, when Vietnam negotiates with the Dutch on the Sigma and urges America on lifting arms embargo, we are putting pressure on Russia in the negotiation process to get technology transfer for a reasonable price. the Navy seems to stick to the Gepard. the next two ships may be the last ones that will be built in Russia. after that, Ba Son shipyard is expected to build an advanced version of the Gepard: more weight, more firepower.

detroyers of russian style are coming @Carlosa

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This recent news is quite interesting:


as per Russian news agency TASS, Vietnam is still in the negotiation process with Russia on acquiring the third batch of Gepard frigate: #5 and #6. the main armament, the antiship missile system will be Kh-35UE with range of 260km, instead of 130km with Kh-35E. or VN can choose the more advanced version: Kalibr-NK, a supersonic cruise missile. the latter is more expensive as we need to buy the missile, while we can produce Kh-35 domestically. as for aerial defence, there is a choice to make between Shtil-1 and Buk-M1.

But the most important news is this: with the beginning of 2018, when the relocation and modernization of the domestic shipyard Ba Son is complete, it is tasked to build the Gepard and other warships variants, in service of the Russia Navy today.

nice. It turns out, when Vietnam negotiates with the Dutch on the Sigma and urges America on lifting arms embargo, we are putting pressure on Russia in the negotiation process to get technology transfer for a reasonable price. the Navy seems to stick to the Gepard. the next two ships may be the last ones that will be built in Russia. after that, Ba Son shipyard is expected to build an advanced version of the Gepard: more weight, more firepower.

detroyers of russian style are coming @Carlosa


Well, well, far from destroyers unless they are heavily modified and stretched. Lets see the details.
Yes, I had read about the move and expansion of the shipyard, that's very good. I was trying to send you a message, but I can't get into your profile page.
Carlosa, I posted this news before, but maybe not all have noticed: also, Sông Thu shipyard can build warships based on a variant of DN-2000 class patrol vessel. the images are taken from company´s website:




Darn, I was just talking about that for the last couple of days, as my idea because I thought it would be possible, cheap and fast. I had no idea that they had already said that. I didn't see your post on that. That ship looks very nice. What are they waiting for?

Are they going to do it?
Holland Class OPV, optimized for long range patrol and policing on high seas
Talking about OPV, anyone know any infos about the 100 millions aid package for ship construction from India ? There are a lot of speculation back then about the Saryu class OPV

Darn, I was just talking about that for the last couple of days, as my idea because I thought it would be possible, cheap and fast. I had no idea that they had already said that. I didn't see your post on that. That ship looks very nice. What are they waiting for?

Are they going to do it?
from what I guess, it is a stretched version of DN-2000 class. the company can produce the hull, integrating navigation system, navigation radar, naval gun, propulsion engines, but need the assistance of Russia to import fire control radars and other necessary systems.
Darn, I was just talking about that for the last couple of days, as my idea because I thought it would be possible, cheap and fast. I had no idea that they had already said that. I didn't see your post on that. That ship looks very nice. What are they waiting for?

Are they going to do it?

sorry that is old news, maybe about 8002 as mentioned Keel laying already on 20 June..
Which one ever on June? 8002? 20 June 2013
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Every idiots (and children) like you can read and memorize parts, procedures and terminologies found in military manuals and in internet, and then claiming to be military expert.
If it was that easy, everyone on this forum would be a 'military expert'. But most know better. Those of us who have served and is well familiar with our areas of training, there are things and experiences that civilians do not know and we use them to spot and expose frauds.

Deep technical knowledge is another way to find out if someone is real or fraudulent about his claim of having served in the military. Often, it does not require deep technical knowledge. For example, I was on the F-111 for 5 yrs and if I meet someone who claimed to have been on the F-111, that person had better quickly explain to me a particular aircraft structure that is often associated -- painfully -- to a certain part of the human body. Another example is that if someone claimed to know avionics, he should know what am talking about if I ask him of a 'compass swing' and a 'compass rose'.

Soldiers have their own methods of exposing frauds. So do sailors. Marines of any country are particularly harsh toward frauds. There are some things and experiences that are universal, meaning soldiers in groups move a certain way no matter what country they came from. Firefighters all over the world shares experiences and techniques. They have a common mission which is to protect their cities. A firefighter from New York City will quickly be able to assist his Parisian counterpart if needed. CPR is the same in the US as in India.

Looks like you got busted, buddy.

You are not a professional soldier, it just a title you give to yourself, because the real ones doesn’t talk or act like that and most important of all doesn't have time to spend all day on computer...
Actually, our experiences made it so that we do not have to spend a lot of time to become suspicious, even across the Internet.

You are just a fanatic military enthusiast that walking around with his dog tags, wear T-shirt with army logo and have military stickers on your car...
I wear my Air Force experience much closer than that. I have tattoos of the US Air Force star and wings symbol, of the F-111, and of the F-16. Seriously -- tattoos. Am thinking of getting a large tattoo of the Air Combat Command (ACC) symbol -- sword and wings -- on my back. Seriously.

The fact that you have to resort to crass insults pretty much %99 confirmed you are a fraud. If you actually have served, your language in defense of self would be much different and we would know it.
Talking about OPV, anyone know any infos about the 100 millions aid package for ship construction from India ? There are a lot of speculation back then about the Saryu class OPV


You better ask in the Indian forum, they would be the ones to know. The Saryu class would be a nice ship for Vietnam.

from what I guess, it is a stretched version of DN-2000 class. the company can produce the hull, integrating navigation system, navigation radar, naval gun, propulsion engines, but need the assistance of Russia to import fire control radars and other necessary systems.

That picture is for the Holland class OPV as Madokafc said, that's a 4000 ton ship, I'm not sure that's a stretched version of DN-2000, I think its a new design.

Frankly, If Vietnam can produce these ships configured as warships, I don't see the point to continue with the Gepard, you can do the same or better on these ships. You can integrate Russian, Indian and western tech on them.
Vietnam need to open and building ship design research center, Indonesia has doing that for the last five years, and you can see the results....
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