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Vietnam-China: Better ties hold key to South China Sea disputes

Claim of Vietnam is stronger bcz based on legality of international law worldwide accepted.
China's claim is based on lying and force.

your strong claim? hahaha said who ? your backward country dont even know those islands exit till we told you LOL
dont be daft , china gave more aid than we recieved ,aid is more about politics these days than actual need of a country

I did not ask about China's aid, because it is just political games.
You decried our country is poor, so I just ask why your powerful rich country still receive Japan's ODA every year?
Vietnam has held the islands for the past 150 years, thats a very strong claim. China on the other hand has no claims whatsoever.

read post #89 and kindly know your place this thread concern people number well over 81 mate
No it didn't, French imperialists did. If we went by who held it longer, British Raj held India longer than GOI did.

Thats not the point, Islands were uninhabited and unclaimed when the French Vietnam took it over. So it belongs to Vietnam just like Andaman Islands belong to India.
Thats not the point, Islands were uninhabited and unclaimed when the French Vietnam took over it. So it belongs to Vietnam just like Andaman Islands belong to India.

That's the property of France, not Vietnam then. Vietnam has no right to claim it.
That's the property of France, not Vietnam then. Vietnam has no right to claim it.

Nonsense, French Vietnam used Vietnamese tax money to administer the Islands, so it belongs to Vietnamese people.

And before that Vietnamese Kingdom controlled the Islands anyways. What claim does China have? Apart from its illogical greed :rolleyes:
May I make a suggestion.

Form a joint Western Pacific CO. to manage these under water rocks. Any profits from future oil and gas operation will go to the benefits of the poor children in this area.
May I make a suggestion.

Form a joint Western Pacific CO. to manage these under water rocks. Any profits from future oil and gas operation will go to the benefits of the poor children in this area.

Thanks for your ideas. However, no Chinese there because they do not have any basis for their claims.
you must feel shame when saying that as if you are too innocent!

who is really the "unreasonable" and "ridiculous" fool when claiming itself the whole south China sea?

who signed the agreement with China on Spratly and Paracels islands and now deny it at any cost?


That must be your double-face greedy vietnamese! :hitwall:

Who robe from people and act self-pity here? ==> that must be your little dignity viets! :sniper::guns:

Return back all the lands you invaded from us Cambodian and shut your stinky mouth off criticize the Chinese!

Papers show much and no we are not going to give our Xinsha Islands to Vietnam your free to get them otherwise.
you must feel shame when saying that as if you are too innocent!

who is really the "unreasonable" and "ridiculous" fool when claiming itself the whole south China sea?

who signed the agreement with China on Spratly and Paracels islands and now deny it at any cost?


That must be your double-face greedy vietnamese! :hitwall:

Who robe from people and act self-pity here? ==> that must be your little dignity viets! :sniper::guns:

Return back all the lands you invaded from us Cambodian and shut your stinky mouth off criticize the Chinese!

Hey Determined Tigers also back welcome back, thanks for the post.
Thanks for your ideas. However, no Chinese there because they do not have any basis for their claims.

Perhaps the other 4 claimants would agree. There has to be some give and take, otherwise matters won't be be able to solve peacefully. Talking about war is simply childish.
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