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Vietnam accused Chinese vessels of sinking a Vietnamese fishing boat near the Paracels on Saturday.


Nov 1, 2015
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Earlier in the day, Vietnam accused Chinese vessels of sinking a Vietnamese fishing boat near the Paracels on Saturday. The five fishermen were rescued by a trawler some seven hours later.

According to the Chinese Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, China ships were saving the lives of 5 fishermen.

   答:7月9日19时许,中国海上搜救中心接越南海上搜救中心通报,表示一艘越南籍渔船在南海永兴岛东南55海里处沉没,船上5名越南籍渔民全部落水,请求 救援。接报后,中方立即协调“南海救118”和“海警45102”船前往现场开展搜救,并播发航行警告,提醒过往船舶加强瞭望,及时实施救助。据了解,目 前越方遇险渔民已被全部救起。
Good move by China! China should make it clear who rules the SCS, any kind of hesitation will be fatal as it will be seen as a sign of weakness by the wolves. I'm hoping to see a lot more of these sinkings by the Chinese navy. Good hunting!
China says it received a distress call from Vietnamese maritime rescue center and picked up the Vietnamese fishermen from the water. Somehow the story became "China sunk Vietnamese boat" when it was the Vietnamese that put in the rescue request.
Good move by China! China should make it clear who rules the SCS, any kind of hesitation will be fatal as it will be seen as a sign of weakness by the wolves. I'm hoping to see a lot more of these sinkings by the Chinese navy. Good hunting!
the report didnt say vietnamese boat was sunk by the chinese instead they came to the rescue


Question: whether China was informed of the reasons for the sinking of the fishing boat?

A: I've already told you more about what I've been told.
Posted on July 12, 2016

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Ahead of the United Nations Permanent Arbitration Court’s July 12 ruling on the Philippine-Sino case, two Chinese ships have rammed and sunk a Vietnamese fishing vessel in the South China Sea (West Philippine Sea), an official says.

‘They not only sank the fishing boat but tried to prevent other boats from rescuing the fishermen,’ said Phan Van On, a spokesman for the Quang Ngai provincial search and rescue agency.

The five-member Vietnamese fishing crew was returning to shore on Saturday when it was intercepted by a pair of Chinese ships, Thanh Nien newspaper reported.

Another fisherman in the area reported seeing the Chinese boats lingering near the stricken vessel for hours as its crew hung on to the bow.

‘This action is merciless and pitiless and should be condemned,’ Phan Van On told dpa.

The incident was made public one day before an international tribunal was expected to deliver its verdict on a case concerning maritime disputes between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea.

China claims most of the South China Sea with overlapping claims by Vietnam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei.

Posted on July 12, 2016

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Ahead of the United Nations Permanent Arbitration Court’s July 12 ruling on the Philippine-Sino case, two Chinese ships have rammed and sunk a Vietnamese fishing vessel in the South China Sea (West Philippine Sea), an official says.

‘They not only sank the fishing boat but tried to prevent other boats from rescuing the fishermen,’ said Phan Van On, a spokesman for the Quang Ngai provincial search and rescue agency.

The five-member Vietnamese fishing crew was returning to shore on Saturday when it was intercepted by a pair of Chinese ships, Thanh Nien newspaper reported.

Another fisherman in the area reported seeing the Chinese boats lingering near the stricken vessel for hours as its crew hung on to the bow.

‘This action is merciless and pitiless and should be condemned,’ Phan Van On told dpa.

The incident was made public one day before an international tribunal was expected to deliver its verdict on a case concerning maritime disputes between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea.

China claims most of the South China Sea with overlapping claims by Vietnam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei.

Free press become smearing press. China is right to control and censor media.
Free press become smearing press. China is right to control and censor media.
i think not too right to censor/control media by a dominant. The eyes of people are watching & truth will prevail & liers cloth in shame.
i think not too right to censor/control media by a dominant. The eyes of people are watching & truth will prevail & liers cloth in shame.
With Internet and lightening speed info exhale nowadays, the truth will prevail but the problem is many ignorant are easily misled by fake news.

If China do not control media. Mass disorder and unrest will easily occur. Remember the Uighur unrest? All thanks to US spreading false news of few Uighur being torture in Shenzhen.
With Internet and lightening speed info exhale nowadays, the truth will prevail but the problem is many ignorant are easily misled by fake news.

If China do not control media. Mass disorder and unrest will easily occur. Remember the Uighur unrest? All thanks to US spreading false news of few Uighur being torture in Shenzhen.
people will slowly realise the situation in a long run & learn from mistakes to develop critical thinking OR they may not be mature & you have to constantly monitor/deal with those fake news all the time, a waste of time & resourcesi believe. So let there be multiple voices.
China says it received a distress call from Vietnamese maritime rescue center and picked up the Vietnamese fishermen from the water. Somehow the story became "China sunk Vietnamese boat" when it was the Vietnamese that put in the rescue request.
China should not fall for these thousand year old royal court scheme!

I saw it in movies before. Someone got murdered, the good guy was called to scene, than the bad guys come with the cops and said the good guy killed these men.

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