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Video of Chinese forces capturing a hill top and Indian soldiers running away

What about Pakistanis declaring victory on completely made up news like shooting down Indian’s Su-30?
Meanwhile latest satellite images show Indian troops still encamped on Rechin La which is located on Chinese side as per Chinese own version of LAC
Anyways PLA does not have guts to show full footage which is why they showed only the first 20 seconds instead of the whole 3 minutes.
Most people here believe that the only kill out of the air battle was the Mig-21 and neither a Su-30 or an F-16 was downed. Meanwhile on the other side of the border, 90% of the population still thinks you shot down an F-16. Pakistan has people who have the power to think, we know that the ISPR can add extra stuff, unlike you Indians who take everything you hear on Zee TV seriously.
Indians can only fight when outnumber Chinese 10-1
When numbers are even Indians surrendered easily
That was swarm of Chinese soldiers
2020 is supposed to be the year India becomes a super power but it keeps on getting hit by one humiliation after another. Can’t end soon enough huh?

Donald Trump and Narendra Modi in India in 2020
I think video is real but not recent as there's snow everywhere in ladakh.
This video might be the early start of hostilities, as you can clearly see ,honest are in riot gears and Indians not.
So I assume this is the start of china denying land access to Indian soldiers , now I think soldiers are given riot gears and permission to shoot as well ,but not officially fully confirmed .
No one will talk about which Sector was this ???

Can be even Joint Chinese and Pakistan Military Drills !!! Pakistan Army - Units have been deployed in Aksai Chin (Shadow of Chin) some 6 Months old News !!!
No I used veda translate. It automatically make idiots understand my crap. Lol

Wow previously it was 40k now its a million dead, the number seems to correspond to India infection. If India is 10mil infected China is 1 mil dead. Is that how vedic math works. Bodies dumped inside forest was reported a few months back, nowadays it might be reported as a dead dlit.

I have never claimed anything close to 40K; it has always been 1 million, wu mao. And I don't care what India has, or for whatever a 'veda' is or 'dlit' means, which is what you seem to see in your sleep and every waking moment. Look, we feel for your kind; you are born into servitude to the CCP; outside of the wall, you guys are known as the most brainwashed race in the world today - told what to say, act, speak, read, and believe from the cradle to the grave. We also understand that this is going to cause a case of severe denial when you are confronted with the truth. :yes4:
So far I've read everything from flat out denial to accusations of video tampering, questioning video date, threats, anger, tears, but not the slightest trace of introspection. I think the Indian members here live by the mantra of "whatever we can't win from the battlefield, we can win from our keyboards".
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