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The interpretation you are quoting, do not present them as words of Allah. These are the words of Ibn Kathir, who for some reason completely ignored the Quranic Ayat, and added his own version, where he seemingly listed the places that must be covered. In reality Allah listed no such places. Please refrain from attributing something to the Quran that is not Allah's commandment.

As for the golden age of Islam you are talking about, well women were quite liberated, they never wore what we think of as an "Islamic" dress today. Every region under the Islamic empire kept its unique culture. The states only fell after "Mullahs" started accusing scientists of Blasphemy, forced women to stay at homes, and stopped them from having free will. That is when the Golden age of Islam came to an end.

As for the types of Shalwar Kameez you have mentioned, they are all part of our culture, and I shall continue to defend them. Never have I ever come across transparent Shalwar Qameez, but yours is the 5th or 6th post that states so. Maybe we as men need to clean our minds, and introduce modesty in our gaze.
I do agree to some point.
It is recommended for like minded person not to bring Quran
While proving your argument to others.
Instead recite Quran and follow and understand.
Some references
There are references in Sahih Bukhari Hadith 4481
Hijab is compulsion not matter of choice.
But we have reach to a point
Since im not ruler , judge nor any strong hold in society.
All i can do is to enforce the ethics in my own home.
People have free will to do what they want to
I hv no authority to impose order on anyone.
But I also should not be LOUD in religious matters if i have little to none knowledge about it.
Read Quran.
Whatever translator you like in tafseer.

Dr. Zakir Naik lecture would help.
I do agree to some point.
It is recommended for like minded person not to bring Quran
While proving your argument to others.
Instead recite Quran and follow and understand.
Some references
There are references in Sahih Bukhari Hadith 4481
Hijab is compulsion not matter of choice.
But we have reach to a point
Since im not ruler , judge nor any strong hold in society.
All i can do is to enforce the ethics in my own home.
People have free will to do what they want to
I hv no authority to impose order on anyone.
But I also should not be LOUD in religious matters if i have little to none knowledge about it.
Read Quran.
Whatever translator you like in tafseer.

Dr. Zakir Naik lecture would help.
Surah Ahzab and Surah Noor are pretty clear about it
Surah Ahzab was a previous vague order, and it was overwritten by the more clearer orders of Surah Noor. Surah Noor in no place ordres the "Hijab" or "Niqab", what it orders to cover, is pretty clear, no interpretation required.
The Ahadith only second what the Quran says.

I could not have put it better. :tup:

The thing is, now, others in the world are working towards Mars colonies and we current Muslims are debating about the length of one's beard, the thickness of one's burqa and if a male shalwar is ending at the appropriate position at the ankle.

These types of stupid discussions are going on since the fall of the USSR, and if according to "Mullahs" this is true Islam, then why haven't the Muslims reached their "Golden Age" again?
The answer is pretty obvious, because these are the acts that ended the "Golden Age", until and unless we come out of "Mullahism" the Muslims around the world will continue to kill and get killed.
Surah Ahzab and Surah Noor are pretty clear about it
Surah Ahzab was a previous vague order, and it was overwritten by the more clearer orders of Surah Noor. Surah Noor in no place ordres the "Hijab" or "Niqab", what it orders to cover, is pretty clear, no interpretation required.
The Ahadith only second what the Quran says.

These types of stupid discussions are going on since the fall of the USSR, and if according to "Mullahs" this is true Islam, then why haven't the Muslims reached their "Golden Age" again?
The answer is pretty obvious, because these are the acts that ended the "Golden Age", until and unless we come out of "Mullahism" the Muslims around the world will continue to kill and get killed.
And which imams ??

Ash Shafi, Ibn Anas, Ibn Hanbal, Abu Hanifa, Al Ghazali, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Al Qayyim, Al Qurtubi, Ibn Kathir, and pretty much every other reputable Imam in history.

Not to mention the ahadith themselves, here's just one example:


حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو نُعَيْمٍ، حَدَّثَنَا إِبْرَاهِيمُ بْنُ نَافِعٍ، عَنِ الْحَسَنِ بْنِ مُسْلِمٍ، عَنْ صَفِيَّةَ بِنْتِ شَيْبَةَ، أَنَّ عَائِشَةَ ـ رضى الله عنها ـ كَانَتْ تَقُولُ لَمَّا نَزَلَتْ هَذِهِ الآيَةُ ‏{‏وَلْيَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِهِنَّ عَلَى جُيُوبِهِنَّ‏}‏ أَخَذْنَ أُزْرَهُنَّ فَشَقَّقْنَهَا مِنْ قِبَلِ الْحَوَاشِي فَاخْتَمَرْنَ بِهَا‏.‏

Narrated Safiya bint Shaiba:

`Aisha used to say: "When (the Verse): "They should draw their veils over their necks and bosoms," was revealed, (the ladies) cut their waist sheets at the edges and covered their heads and faces with those cut pieces of cloth."

It's quite clear you have no clue what you're talking about.

The current imam of all Muslims, Muammar Gaddafi

One must apply rules and laws as per time and relevance. There is no reasonable answer as to why the burqa should exist and exist now.

In fact the burqa was not in fashion in past decades. It is only now that in parallel to the end of the USSR, the decline in the number of socialist Muslim-majority countries and the rise of the annoying Tableeghi Jamaats, has burqa wearing increased.

The instructions may not specifically be for the Burqa. However, Islam has made abundantly clear what the minimum dress code should be, both for men and for women. I guess the Burqa just makes it very simple to adhere to the dress code as women merely have to throw it on, over literally anything and she becomes compliant with the requirements. You must also take into consideration that no other

The Talibanis, the Al-Qaeda militants and the Tableeghi Jamaatis are anything but gentle and thoughtful souls.

Talibaan are NOT what you think they are, it is your misunderstanding and your perception, based on western media's propaganda, speaking. The real Talibaan, not the TTP or other so called Talibaan groups, which are actually denounced by the Talibaan, are gentle and peace loving. They have been forced to take up arms to protect their country, families and women from illegal foreign occupiers.

Al-Qaeda was a terrorist organization and cannot be related to Islam or Muslims. It was created and used just like ISIS is being used. You need a larger picture to understand who is creating, training, arming these groups.

Tableeghi Jamaat are the most gentle of souls, it is their life aim to win you over with love, affection, deeds and virtue.

That is because there were no groups like the Taliban. And if there, they were crushed.

This brought enlightenment and open thinking among Muslims.

There was NO need for groups like the Talibaan because the Muslim States were generally strong enough to defend themselves and no tyrant could conquer these states.....until they gradually totally forgot how to defend themselves.

And then Europe had the Renaissance.

Europe was just lucky, as fate decided, and was spared by the Mongols; it could just as easily have been Europe being taken by the Mongols instead of Muslim countries.
Yes off course they have right to wear what they want.
But they should remember, even in many countries in the West they can get arrested for showing their certain body parts in the public, or doing some acts in public.
It is up to them to asses the danger it poses in different circumstances.
Like you asses the danger of getting mugged or attacked if you flash expensive things or huge wad of cash in the Public. The dangers and cautions are the same.
If you wear vulgar or very short, seducing dress in Public in a country like India, which is not that develop, like some Indians things. Then it could result in some unsavory things, which are regularly reported in India.
India is getting very bad reputation in the world for rape and gang rape of women.
Asking girls to be cautious in their dresses in public such a bad thing!!
I don't think the face veil is enforced in Islam, maybe it is a personal decision. However, overall covering of the body without the face veil is commanded by Allah. Burkha is just a name associated with such covering but any decent clothing which covers the feminine attributes and reveal just the hands, feet and face are just as good for Allah.

The why did Allah send us all to the earth naked?!
Why not in Modestly covered clothing?
If it’s allahs will, and we are all his/her children and here by his/her blessings, wouldn’t allah give us a sign by sending us fully clothed according to his will as you stated?
Then he is sick and the one who need treatment, If he can't control his temptation. :nono:
By this half of indian men are sick then.
You are heading in wrong direction.
It's gonna take long debate haha
I digress

The why did Allah send us all to the earth naked?!
Why not in Modestly covered clothing?
If it’s allahs will, and we are all his/her children and here by his/her blessings, wouldn’t allah give us a sign by sending us fully clothed according to his will as you stated?
First of all you wasn't there to witness when man landed on Earth naked.
So you think one should not wear anything at all out of modesty.
Well that may work in rest of world
But Hindustan will become Rapistan
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