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Video: Indian woman shaming girls for wearing short skirt goes viral

That is wide term in that regards which translates into,them being living in shadows.A prostitute in daylight dresses same as common woman but not in night.
actually no
she veiled her face, a.k.a Niqab
so that she could not be recognized
A video of a middle-aged woman shaming young girls for wearing short clothes has gone viral.

The incident reportedly took place at Nukkadwala restaurant in Gurugram (formerly Gurgaon) near New Delhi. One of the girls, Shivani Gupta, shared the video on her Facebook profile.

"Today my friends and I were harassed by a woman at a restaurant for me wearing a short dress. This middle-aged woman you'll see in the video addressed seven men at the restaurant to rape us because she felt we deserved it for wearing short clothes and bashing her unsolicited opinion," she wrote.

The woman allegedly abused the girls and shamed one of them for wearing a short skirt.

The girls followed the woman to a shopping centre and asked her to apologize for her choice of words. The woman, however, seems adamant in the video and dared the girls to share the clip online.

The video went viral in no time and created an outrage on social media.

Ooh we found twin sister of Shireen Mazari....

in the olden times, prostitutes used to wear a face veil......
heck even in the recent times, they used to hide themselves in Burkhas

That is their attempt to pass on as decent women, precisely as @Clutch tried to explain treatment based on dressing.

am sorry sir but thats a pathatic . you want to treat people on behalf of their dresses. How could a sane person even think about it. these girls who wear skirts are better than those who wear burka infront of their families and in parks they just let it go.

Both, the girls wearing short skirts and those who wear Burkas at home but other clothing outside, are wrong and morally indecent. 2 wrongs do not make a right and a wrong can never be justified with another wrong.
Where is the short skirt ? i dont see it....why is this women being so angry at the girl showing her knees ? people do first night stuff openly on the road in india...school going kids have multiple boyfriends...there are companies providing safe places to satisfy their natural urges for a price...india has changed move on lady...its a lost cause anyway...its like trying to stop a tsunami with your bare hands.
Wow..... Just wow... you seems much knowledgable on this topic so i will try to ise that and ask a question.

what about those whores who roleplay ? Lets say dress like “niqaabi girl or say nun ?”” So, do they turn the niqab to a whore dress or the niqab turn them to a pure woman ??

Have replied to a similar post, above.
If you dress in a policeman's uniform --> expect people to treat you like a police officer

If you dress in the uniform of a doctor --> expect people to treat you like a doctor

If you dress like a prostitute --> expect people to treat you like a whore

You are what you portray.

FemiNazi have ruined women for generation through their misguided crusade to become like men and worse.
Not sure why people are calling you out here.

Desi's have strange white obsession.
"what ever company Bahadur's do or say is above anything mastar, even our culture and values."

I am happy that my family is blessed by good values and cultures, being staunch brahmins we don't parade our women around half naked due to some inferiority complex towards white men that majority of Desi's have regardless of their religion.
"Today my friends and I were harassed by a woman at a restaurant for me wearing a short dress. This middle-aged woman you'll see in the video addressed seven men at the restaurant to rape us because she felt we deserved it for wearing short clothes and bashing her unsolicited opinion," she wrote.
What da fcuk ???? :o::o::o:
So this idiot of a woman is asking the men to rape the girls..now it explains why there's so much rape in India because there is considerable support & encouragement for the rapists in the society.
Well it’s culture you know . Rape comment is wrong and woman can wear what they want and I don’t see anything wrong in the girls dress .

But if that was Pakistan . the girl would have gotten a beating :rofl: as soon as she step outside the door .
And if by chance any of the girls from your family or neighbourhood happen to wear same or similar dress in future. Will you stoop to the level to call them a "Prostitute" just because of the dress?? Just my doubt. :o::o::o:
Immodest,Skimpy and Tempting
so now we all know who wears the Burkha
the most convenient dress if you want to hide your ID
Dnt be so specific.
Hijab is alternate and acceptable also.
However your focus is specific on Burka.
Let it go. Please.
Cultural norms are not to be taken for granted.
One can wear Bikini in Florida beach same cannot be practised in Clifton Karachi.
Liberty and Civilization takes many other factors to reach to that point.
Education and tolerance of decades plays its part.
Our society is still way behind.
So as Indian mass majority.
They consider ahead of us coz Indians can put some english words together to express themselves.
But mentality agression supression is the same.
What about those who wear burqas outside ?? Are they superior ??

Those who genuinely wear Burka's outside the home to please their Maker and be pious are indeed superior.

so now we all know who wears the Burkha
the most convenient dress if you want to hide your ID

That too. However, Burka's also hide the feminine virtues for morality and to please the Maker; the same feminine virtues which the naive flaunt vigorously.
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