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Video: Indian woman shaming girls for wearing short skirt goes viral

Both, the girls wearing short skirts and those who wear Burkas at home but other clothing outside, are wrong and morally indecent. 2 wrongs do not make a right and a wrong can never be justified with another wrong.
atleast their parents know what they are wearing
Well it’s culture you know . Rape comment is wrong and woman can wear what they want and I don’t see anything wrong in the girls dress .

But if that was Pakistan . the girl would have gotten a beating :rofl: as soon as she step outside the door .
Stop giving wrong picture of Pakistan.
Have you ever visited DHA, Cannt Area, E7 ,F7,F10 , Blue Area, Jinaah Super. Bani Gala.
And other porche areas in karachi.
Depends on Area
I do not see any wrong in dressing whatever they want to. But should be modest.
Because at the pace skimpy dressing is advancing. It would lead human race to go N@ked after some centuries.
There are some n@ked protest race happened in US , Nude bicycling, Nude beaches.
Are they also be justifiable
That is whats coming next.
Back in 80s dress code of westerners is evolving day by day
Because of Fashion industry
Who tells them whats Innn
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Those who genuinely wear Burka's outside the home to please their Maker and be pious are indeed superior.

That too. However, Burka's also hide the feminine virtues for morality and to please the Maker; the same feminine virtues which the naive flaunt vigorously.
the Maker never required a burkha to be pleased
in fact when appearing before the Maker in person, veiling one's face is forbidden

As @Jf Thunder indicated, the burqa is not from Islam. It comes from a Jewish sect.

And I find the overly pious ones to be cruel and regressive.[/QUOTE]
I find them extremely annoying, they fail to listen to reason,
recite Quranic, ayats and/or Hadith in front of them, and they shall continue to deny it vehemently

Dnt be so specific.
Hijab is alternate and acceptable also.
However your focus is specific on Burka.
Let it go. Please.
Cultural norms are not to be taken for granted.
One can wear Bikini in Florida beach same cannot be practised in Clifton Karachi.
Liberty and Civilization takes many other factors to reach to that point.
Education and tolerance of decades plays its part.
Our society is still way behind.
So as Indian mass majority.
They consider ahead of us coz Indians can put some english words together to express themselves.
But mentality agression supression is the same.
Even though I am not supporting a bikini
but Clifton Karachi was quite liberal during the 60s and 70s to begin with
nowadays even wearing a normal shalwar qameez is thought to be immodest.
the fact is, we are losing our culture extremely fast, due to extremist Foreign influence,
I couldnt care less about the west, I am, and will continue to defend our culture and our dress
As @Jf Thunder indicated, the burqa is not from Islam. It comes from a Jewish sect.

And I find the overly pious ones to be cruel and regressive.

And Judaism, just like Christianity, is also a version of Islam. Islam is basically rules and laws of the Divine which were concluded. In Judaism and Christianity, they were not concluded.

As for your personal experience, I cannot deliberate. However, our Creator, our God, Allah has commanded us to be gentle with others and to take care of rights of others and hence anyone who is cruel is not adhering to Islam.

On being regressive, Islamic states were the most developed states before invasion by Mongols. The libraries of Baghdad alone are spoken of even today, there are many many discoveries and findings in Chemistry, Algebra, Arithmetic, Science, Medicine, Astronomy etc., which is credited to Muslims. Europe used to be the backward continent back then. We are on our downfall because we deviated from the teachings of Islam. So, again, if someone is regressive, he/she has deviated from Islam as Islam instructs us to get educated even under severe conditions.

the Maker never required a burkha to be pleased
in fact when appearing before the Maker in person, veiling one's face is forbidden

I don't think the face veil is enforced in Islam, maybe it is a personal decision. However, overall covering of the body without the face veil is commanded by Allah. Burkha is just a name associated with such covering but any decent clothing which covers the feminine attributes and reveal just the hands, feet and face are just as good for Allah.

Even though I am not supporting a bikini
but Clifton Karachi was quite liberal during the 60s and 70s to begin with
nowadays even wearing a normal shalwar qameez is thought to be immodest.
the fact is, we are losing our culture extremely fast, due to extremist Foreign influence,
I couldnt care less about the west, I am, and will continue to defend our culture and our dress

Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and other neighboring countries were all very westernized back in the days. Iran changed after the revolution, Afghanistan changed after the invasion and rise of Talibaan. Pakistan changed after Zia took over.

A friend once said to me that they were Pakistani for 65 years, Muslims for 1400 years and Baloch for 5000 years and so their Baloch culture and values were dominant. However, Islam is dominant and should be the factor in our lives, our personal likes and dislikes are irrelevant. At the end of the day, we Muslims have faith on the life after death and so we are all answerable to Allah for our deeds, even for our posts supporting decency or otherwise.

Modest Shalwar Kameez are perfectly fine with dupatta when taken properly, I guess. However, we so very often come across women whose shalwar kameez are transparent and see through, or women who are wearing hip long kameez with tights which reveals their entire attribute; we come across women who wear sleeveless and long necks which further reveal the body and so on and so forth. But, when we compare those dresses with the commands of Allah, do they stand the test of piety and obedience of Allah?
If you dress in a policeman's uniform --> expect people to treat you like a police officer

If you dress in the uniform of a doctor --> expect people to treat you like a doctor

If you dress like a prostitute --> expect people to treat you like a whore

You are what you portray.

FemiNazi have ruined women for generation through their misguided crusade to become like men and worse.

you do know that you are mansplaining?
And Judaism, just like Christianity, is also a version of Islam. Islam is basically rules and laws of the Divine which were concluded. In Judaism and Christianity, they were not concluded.

One must apply rules and laws as per time and relevance. There is no reasonable answer as to why the burqa should exist and exist now.

In fact the burqa was not in fashion in past decades. It is only now that in parallel to the end of the USSR, the decline in the number of socialist Muslim-majority countries and the rise of the annoying Tableeghi Jamaats, has burqa wearing increased.

As for your personal experience, I cannot deliberate. However, our Creator, our God, Allah has commanded us to be gentle with others and to take care of rights of others and hence anyone who is cruel is not adhering to Islam.

The Talibanis, the Al-Qaeda militants and the Tableeghi Jamaatis are anything but gentle and thoughtful souls.

On being regressive, Islamic states were the most developed states before invasion by Mongols. The libraries of Baghdad alone are spoken of even today, there are many many discoveries and findings in Chemistry, Algebra, Arithmetic, Science, Medicine, Astronomy etc., which is credited to Muslims.

That is because there were no groups like the Taliban. And if there, they were crushed.

This brought enlightenment and open thinking among Muslims.

Europe used to be the backward continent back then.

And then Europe had the Renaissance.
I don't think the face veil is enforced in Islam, maybe it is a personal decision. However, overall covering of the body without the face veil is commanded by Allah. Burkha is just a name associated with such covering but any decent clothing which covers the feminine attributes and reveal just the hands, feet and face are just as good for Allah.
The interpretation you are quoting, do not present them as words of Allah. These are the words of Ibn Kathir, who for some reason completely ignored the Quranic Ayat, and added his own version, where he seemingly listed the places that must be covered. In reality Allah listed no such places. Please refrain from attributing something to the Quran that is not Allah's commandment.

As for the golden age of Islam you are talking about, well women were quite liberated, they never wore what we think of as an "Islamic" dress today. Every region under the Islamic empire kept its unique culture. The states only fell after "Mullahs" started accusing scientists of Blasphemy, forced women to stay at homes, and stopped them from having free will. That is when the Golden age of Islam came to an end.

As for the types of Shalwar Kameez you have mentioned, they are all part of our culture, and I shall continue to defend them. Never have I ever come across transparent Shalwar Qameez, but yours is the 5th or 6th post that states so. Maybe we as men need to clean our minds, and introduce modesty in our gaze.
As for the golden age of Islam you are talking about, well women were quite liberated, they never wore what we think of as an "Islamic" dress today. Every region under the Islamic empire kept its unique culture. The states only fell after "Mullahs" started accusing scientists of Blasphemy, forced women to stay at homes, and stopped them from having free will. That is when the Golden age of Islam came to an end.

I could not have put it better. :tup:

The thing is, now, others in the world are working towards Mars colonies and we current Muslims are debating about the length of one's beard, the thickness of one's burqa and if a male shalwar is ending at the appropriate position at the ankle.

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As @Jf Thunder indicated, the burqa is not from Islam. It comes from a Jewish sect.

And I find the overly pious ones to be cruel and regressive.
And who were the Jews?
If you study them their basic teachings were the same as Islam, 1 God, 1 Book, Prophet(s) of God.
he burqa is not from Islam. It comes from a Jewish sect.

It's not her kids. Why control them? If their parents are ok with it. We don't need more moral polices here.
And who were the Jews?
If you study them their basic teachings were the same as Islam, 1 God, 1 Book, Prophet(s) of God.

Isn't stoning to death for adultery also not from the Jews ??

Also, about One God, the Zoroastrians also had the concept.

I will copy-paste my post from another thread :

An Egyptian member of parliament, Amna Nosseir, has researched on this and has called for a ban on the burqa :

An Egyptian lawmaker has said members of parliament are drafting a law that would ban women from wearing the burqa in government institutions after alleging the Islamic full-face veil was a "Jewish tradition".

Amna Nosseir said on Sunday that the proposed ban would be in the best interest of Egyptian society and that she has been battling against the burqa over the past 40 years.
Nosseir, who wears the hijab, said on Wednesday that the burqa - known in Arabic as the niqab - had its origins in Jewish religious law.

"In the Old Testament, you find in chapter 38 that the Jewish religious authorities tell you that if Jewish women leave the house without covering the face and head then they are breaking Jewish religious law," the lawmaker said during an interview with local media.
"I have gathered around 20 texts by Jewish religious authorities that completely forbid women from showing their faces and heads," Nosseir said while discussing also banning female university students from wearing "ripped jeans" in lectures.

She added that this part of Jewish law became entrenched in pre-Islamic Arab tribes of the Arabian Peninsula and then spread throughout the Middle East with the Muslim conquests.
The verse the lawmaker could be referring to is Genesis 38, where a biblical figure encounters his daughter-in-law in the street and mistakes her for a prostitute because she had covered her face with a veil.
I will copy-paste my post from another thread :

An Egyptian member of parliament, Amna Nosseir, has researched on this and has called for a ban on the burqa :

Yes, because all Imams throughout history are wrong, but a few modernists are correct. Happy? Is that what you wanted to hear?
Yes, because all Imams throughout history are wrong, but a few modernists are correct. Happy? Is that what you wanted to hear?

Did you go through the posting carefully ??

And which imams ?? The current imam of all Muslims, Muammar Gaddafi - dead or alive doesn't matter - certainly spoke against the niqab / burqa.
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