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Video: Indian Army warns Pakistan Army to stop a construction on LoC

I wonder the amount of restraint IA showing.
I remember IA couldn't do fencing before Musharraf. As construction workers (army personnels) were juicy targets. Anyway, what stops IA now?
What are the reasons to exchange fire? I mean is it sesonal or hit anything you find moving at LOC.???? or political that so IA people get killed in IOK and LOC becomes hot!
Indian on a loudspeaker "Kaam band kerdigeya werna" and we be like werna kya???:butcher:
@Tejas Spokesman
What are your thoughts?
Construction has stopped

A police officer said the ‘construction’ has stopped in the area. “They had started constructing some structure on the other side of the border which fell within 500-metre range from this side,” said the officer.

“As a general protocol, no side is allowed to do any sort of construction unless either of the sides is intimated in advance,” he added

There is no doubt that India is itching for war, however they will be looking for a very short, lightning fast attack in Azad-Kashmir/Gilgit-Baltistan areas. They will seek gain as much territory in the mentioned areas, to cut off Pakistan from China at the Karakorum Highway. For this they would require aerial superiority, which looks as though they may have in the shape of Rafales. In the event they are successful, the moment they've achieved their objectives, they will throw their entire weight in the UNSC. Forcing Pakistan to the negotiation table.

This is perhaps the plausible reason why the indians do not want Pakistan constructing major fortifications in the areas of interest.

I would wager that India will wait for the next general elections in Pakistan, where Imran Khan loses the elections and there is a massive reprisal from the anti-pmln/ppp population of Pakistan. It would be at this moment, where Pakistan faces multiple internal upheavals, when India would find the ripe time to strike. As friends and foe alike know that pmln-ppp both hate Pakistan Military to it's core. This is where the elements within the Pakistan Military, who are pro-pmln/ppp, may cause calamitous chain of events for Pakistan.

All theoretical analysis aside, the critical aspect entirely hinges on how Pakistanis react or counteract to the next general elections. For if the people of Pakistan have the courage to unite against ppp-pmln corrupt mucus, then they will forge a powerful Pakistan for the future. But if Pakistan elects either ppp or pmln again, then I am not the least bit sorry for what awaits Pakistan in the near future.

If a people consistently elect corrupt politicians, the fate which awaits such a nation, will haunt them for the rest of their lives.

Heed this as a warning for the preservation of Pakistan as a state which was created on the basis of Islam. For if you forget this fact, then rest assured that Allah will forget you as well.

The ball, is in your court, Pakistan. Choose wisely.
There is no doubt that India is itching for war, however they will be looking for a very short, lightning fast attack in Azad-Kashmir/Gilgit-Baltistan areas. They will seek gain as much territory in the mentioned areas, to cut off Pakistan from China at the Karakorum Highway. For this they would require aerial superiority, which looks as though they may have in the shape of Rafales. In the event they are successful, the moment they've achieved their objectives, they will throw their entire weight in the UNSC. Forcing Pakistan to the negotiation table.

This is perhaps the plausible reason why the indians do not want Pakistan constructing major fortifications in the areas of interest.

I would wager that India will wait for the next general elections in Pakistan, where Imran Khan loses the elections and there is a massive reprisal from the anti-pmln/ppp population of Pakistan. It would be at this moment, where Pakistan faces multiple internal upheavals, when India would find the ripe time to strike. As friends and foe alike know that pmln-ppp both hate Pakistan Military to it's core. This is where the elements within the Pakistan Military, who are pro-pmln/ppp, may cause calamitous chain of events for Pakistan.

All theoretical analysis aside, the critical aspect entirely hinges on how Pakistanis react or counteract to the next general elections. For if the people of Pakistan have the courage to unite against ppp-pmln corrupt mucus, then they will forge a powerful Pakistan for the future. But if Pakistan elects either ppp or pmln again, then I am not the least bit sorry for what awaits Pakistan in the near future.

If a people consistently elect corrupt politicians, the fate which awaits such a nation, will haunt them for the rest of their lives.

Heed this as a warning for the preservation of Pakistan as a state which was created on the basis of Islam. For if you forget this fact, then rest assured that Allah will forget you as well.

The ball, is in your court, Pakistan. Choose wisely.
Indian media is itching for a war
Indian politicians don't want a war but would love to see Pakistan implicated and humiliated as they were on Feb 27 2019
Indian military knows they cannot win in the air land or sea now. They also know as Chinese forces are on their border any move by India on its Western borders will mean a change of position by the Chinese and Indians will be in a mess. Remember China invested 60 billion plus into Pakistan and its not going to sit and watch the fireworks.


No war but lots of talk in Delhi
There is no doubt that India is itching for war, however they will be looking for a very short, lightning fast attack in Azad-Kashmir/Gilgit-Baltistan areas. They will seek gain as much territory in the mentioned areas, to cut off Pakistan from China at the Karakorum Highway. For this they would require aerial superiority, which looks as though they may have in the shape of Rafales. In the event they are successful, the moment they've achieved their objectives, they will throw their entire weight in the UNSC. Forcing Pakistan to the negotiation table.

This is perhaps the plausible reason why the indians do not want Pakistan constructing major fortifications in the areas of interest.

I would wager that India will wait for the next general elections in Pakistan, where Imran Khan loses the elections and there is a massive reprisal from the anti-pmln/ppp population of Pakistan. It would be at this moment, where Pakistan faces multiple internal upheavals, when India would find the ripe time to strike. As friends and foe alike know that pmln-ppp both hate Pakistan Military to it's core. This is where the elements within the Pakistan Military, who are pro-pmln/ppp, may cause calamitous chain of events for Pakistan.

All theoretical analysis aside, the critical aspect entirely hinges on how Pakistanis react or counteract to the next general elections. For if the people of Pakistan have the courage to unite against ppp-pmln corrupt mucus, then they will forge a powerful Pakistan for the future. But if Pakistan elects either ppp or pmln again, then I am not the least bit sorry for what awaits Pakistan in the near future.

If a people consistently elect corrupt politicians, the fate which awaits such a nation, will haunt them for the rest of their lives.

Heed this as a warning for the preservation of Pakistan as a state which was created on the basis of Islam. For if you forget this fact, then rest assured that Allah will forget you as well.

The ball, is in your court, Pakistan. Choose wisely.

The Chinese are a global superpower. india is a global malnourished open sewer. Are the Chinese going to waste there $62+billion investment in Pakistan by allowing the indians to capture territory from Pakistan and cut off the Karakoram highway? Do the indians EVEN have the capability to do that?............. :disagree:............please provide the evidence for your assertions and claims.
The Chinese are a global superpower. india is a global malnourished open sewer. Are the Chinese going to waste there $62+billion investment in Pakistan by allowing the indians to capture territory from Pakistan and cut off the Karakoram highway? Do the indians EVEN have the capability to do that?............. :disagree:............please provide the evidence for your assertions and claims.
Bhai I know the norther areas well. Single sniper can hold off thousands of men by himself. It's a harsh tough rugged terrain and our northern light infantry trains here. These men are no ordinary men. Those of you that love the mountains know what I am talking about
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