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Video: Indian Army warns Pakistan Army to stop a construction on LoC

People like Zaid Hamid and Arnab GooSwami are infantile adults who probably grew up on an overdose of Commando comics but never really had the balls to join the military and serve the nation on the frontline. I am not kidding, these kind of people are extremely dangerous. They have an intense inferiority complex which they like to overcome by being generals on screen. Conflict theatres are their p*** sites, war is their aphrodisiac and destruction is their multiple orgasm.
People like Zaid Hamid and Arnab GooSwami are infantile adults who probably grew up on an overdose of Commando comics but never really had the balls to join the military and serve the nation on the frontline. I am not kidding, these kind of people are extremely dangerous. They have an intense inferiority complex which they like to overcome by being generals on screen. Conflict theatres are their p*** sites, war is their aphrodisiac and destruction is their multiple orgasm.
Don't know about arnab but Zaid hamid claims he's afghan war veteran
Don't know about arnab but Zaid hamid claims he's afghan war veteran
He was there for documentary making and more of a media person

2,3 of my jamati uncles went to Afghanistan, that's what they feel atleast
Personally I don't even fully believe my uncles forget Zaid Hamid
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The only time Arnab would have donned a uniform must be in a fancy dress competition in primary school and some bully must have told him that he should not disgrace the uniform. He is exacting revenge now with his shows.

Saying, that Arnab Goswami is some sort of exception, is totally misleading. I can count scores of Indian channels anchors, defense analysts and retired military officers, who are not far behind the said anchor, in arranging and participating in militaristic orgies. :lol:
Saying, that Arnab Goswami is some sort of exception, is totally misleading. I can count scores of Indian channels anchors, defense analysts and retired military officers, who are not far behind the said anchor, in arranging and participating in militaristic orgies. :lol:
I did not say that he is an exception. There are many like him. I remember one even donned an army uniform in the studio and was waving a pointer stick at some scale model of the LOC made with PoP and getting all horny, trying to suggest what our strategy could/should be.
Pakistani Soldier: You know what I did last night?
Indian Soldier: You better not bring Modi into this...
Pakistani Soldier: You know what I did?
Indian Soldier: You better not...
Pakistani Soldier: I built that bunker over there...
Indian Soldier: Oh
Pakistani Soldier: Then I fcuked Modi next to it...

Fcuk you...
Fcuk you...
Why he is talking in Urdu,not in Hindi?

Even soldier and his uniform is not visible..

May be someone made this for fun and shared it on twitter and then zaid hamid shared it with fans.

It was not a warning, it was a normal reaction what Indian Army would have done in the situation by requesting on loudspeaker. Lal Topi is a meme in Pakistan as well, don’t know why post his tweets even.

Major Gobar Aur Lal Topi ka Janam Janam Se Rishta Hai...
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all jokes aside.
this is the correct way to conduct as professional forces.
in light of protocols and agreement. ( note I am only referring to this video. not what Indian army has done elsewhere in other times).

anything less makes one no different to criminals. see how Bajwas beloved Taliban are acting on western border.

but of course for our keyboard warriors and internet commandos nothing less than blood, guts, explosions and iron will suffice
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People like Zaid Hamid and Arnab GooSwami are infantile adults who probably grew up on an overdose of Commando comics but never really had the balls to join the military and serve the nation on the frontline. I am not kidding, these kind of people are extremely dangerous. They have an intense inferiority complex which they like to overcome by being generals on screen. Conflict theatres are their p*** sites, war is their aphrodisiac and destruction is their multiple orgasm.

People like them are a joke. Zaid Hamid is still denying covid exists. It's all an illuminati game according to him.
Lolz. This video, whatever is happening in it, happens everyday in every sector of LOC. Normal day at LOC one should say.
Its normal day we understand, but why they sent the video to our one and only jehadi tatu zahid hamid ? Its not normal sir :lol:
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