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Yeah, never tried turbo, some day I'll give it a shot. I played league first so I got into mentality of getting good at one champion/hero. In dota, it doesn't work like that, there are hard counters against certain heroes and most of my gripe is about hero design. In lol, if you get countered, you will have miserable time but you can still make it work if you know your champion well, but in dota it feels almost impossible.

DOTA is much more deep and has a steep learning curve, took me ages to get my head around it while my friends used to play around, now i have been playing for quiet some years but i am still a f***g noob knowing only handful of heros to play with, apart from counter picking there are also certain items you need to make as per situation and that's what (in my opinion) makes the experience so unique.

OTP + solo player + no voice comms= miserable experience in dota, where as its not the case in lol, I play lol with mute only communicating through pings. Maybe you guys either play it with friends or use voice communication. Also there are alot of Pajeets in dota, their scuffed mics and shitty names(like something related to Pakistan) makes me angry. SE Asia server gets a bit laggy for me, so I usually keep it auto, otherwise takes too long to just find a game.

i hardly communicate because i am on low MMR it comes with the understanding that there will be next to no communication, i play mostly with pings, first thing i do is to mute that annoying prick with music blasting through mic ... meh i usually find under 100ms games from Dubai server so its gg for me
old game, but yeah it was fun, waiting for Baldur's gate III full release.
Unfortunately I sold my gaming pc and bought ps5. Hopefully BG3 ps5 version is announced when pc version is released.

You should take a look at disco elysium if u haven't.
Unpopular opinion - playing Mass effect again as remastered has turned out to be boring. The combat is just too repetitive.
Unfortunately I sold my gaming pc and bought ps5. Hopefully BG3 ps5 version is announced when pc version is released.

You should take a look at disco elysium if u haven't.
Disco elysium is more of a novel/book type. I hate reading massive amount texts in my games. I never cared about Divinity's story, I was more into it's gameplay. There are some games, where I care about environment, story and aesthetics(like INSIDE and Unravel) but I am mostly concerned about gameplay. Disco elysium looks like, it was more for people who are into tabletop rpgs, like people who want to immerse into some fiction land, cosplay and stuff. I have never delved that deep.
Any play divinity original sin?
I have only played Divinity Original Sin 2 definitive edition and my God it's amazing. Everything about that game is incredible. The main menu soundtrack alone is so beautiful, it makes me never want to go past the main menu. Larian Studios is truly amazing, right now I am so hyped for Baldur's Gate 3.
Unpopular opinion - playing Mass effect again as remastered has turned out to be boring. The combat is just too repetitive.
Finally someone agrees with me.
Unpopular opinion - playing Mass effect again as remastered has turned out to be boring. The combat is just too repetitive.

get EA subscription instead of buying their games
Unpopular opinion - playing Mass effect again as remastered has turned out to be boring. The combat is just too repetitive.
They just grabbed nostalgia dollars and called it a day
During steam sale I was close to buying it but in the end I decided against that and went for other options
Got my new gaming build a couple of months ago.

ADM Ryzen 5600X CPU, RTX 3070 GPU, 1TB NVME SDD(Gen 3x4) and 16 GB 2667Mhz RAM.:sniper:

Mainly been playing Dirt Rally 2 and Microsoft Flight Simulator at 4K Ultra. Get around 50FPS on Dirt Rally 2 and 35 FPS Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Microsoft Flight Simulator is such an amazing game and there is just so much to do and see that I will probably never get bored of it!

In the last week, I purchased Red Dead Redemption 2 and only just started playing but looks superb on 4K Ultra settings.
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