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Anyone here Plays Escape from Tarkov ?
LMAO. I've seen people play it. I don't really like it from what I have seen of the current meta. The way they made body armor and helmets basically forces you to play it like COD. running really fast so you don't get headshot. You quick peak corners instead of leaning or slicing them. Also, I think it would be way better with some kind of tracking and stealth skill where you can see footprints, dumped shells and wrappers and guess how many people passed through their. So new players could avoid four stacks.

I play Squad in Insurgency Sandstorm tho.
Ubisofts sucks. Skull & bones is nothing right now, Watch Dogs is sh*t as usual, Division 2 is dead, they keep milking the Assassin's Creed name even though the new AS games have nothing to do with AS. Rainbow six is the only relevant game of Ubisoft right now apart from AS Valhalla. Lets see if Far Cry 6 will save their incompetent ***.
I hate the new Assasins creed. Hitman is what the newer assasins creed games should have been like. I disagree with you on watch dogs. Watch dogs 1 was amazing. 2 is crap. Rainbow 6 Siege used to be one of the best CQB/tactical shooters on the market before ubisoft ruined it with arcadey gadgets and abilities that don't fit into the game.
Dota 2 Internationals coming !!!!! YES BABY!!!!!

I watch it from time to time. But don't like playing it, it feels so clunky and un-necessarily complexed. Out of the two I prefer lol, there is no turn rate, the creeps don't block the shiat out of you, there are no couriers whose safety you have to also take into consideration, there is no "special second shop", where you to have go for some items to be completed. Like you are dead, you respawn in base, you have money, enemy has warded the shiat out of your jungle, you can't defend the base because of that one item that is in "special" shop for completion. Sure, I can send my courier, but why add useless, annoying complexity just for the sake of adding complexity. Very poor game design no wonder, its player base is lower compared to lol(and lol don't even have servers in south asia/middle east). And no I am not comparing the prize pool money for big tournaments, both have different financial structure.

P.S. I also hate invisible champs/heroes in both games, but it only gets frustratingly annoying in dota, because there are items for invisibility too, and oopsie you die you lose gem of true sight(yes there is dust and wards but I cant be spamming it in fear). I get it there has to be balance, but it is already balanced I am sacrificing an item slot for a shitty item that doesn't give any stats, just to counter enemy's invisibility. That is enough, why go over-board and drop MY purchase when I die(because I am already behind). Definitely not a game for solo player like me, most probably works well in coordinated group of friends.
I watch it from time to time. But don't like playing it, it feels so clunky and un-necessarily complexed. Out of the two I prefer lol, there is no turn rate, the creeps don't block the shiat out of you, there are no couriers whose safety you have to also take into consideration, there is no "special second shop", where you to have go for some items to be completed. Like you are dead, you respawn in base, you have money, enemy has warded the shiat out of your jungle, you can't defend the base because of that one item that is in "special" shop for completion. Sure, I can send my courier, but why add useless, annoying complexity just for the sake of adding complexity. Very poor game design no wonder, its player base is lower compared to lol(and lol don't even have servers in south asia/middle east). And no I am not comparing the prize pool money for big tournaments, both have different financial structure.

P.S. I also hate invisible champs/heroes in both games, but it only gets frustratingly annoying in dota, because there are items for invisibility too, and oopsie you die you lose gem of true sight(yes there is dust and wards but I cant be spamming it in fear). I get it there has to be balance, but it is already balanced I am sacrificing an item slot for a shitty item that doesn't give any stats, just to counter enemy's invisibility. That is enough, why go over-board and drop MY purchase when I die(because I am already behind). Definitely not a game for solo player like me, most probably works well in coordinated group of friends.

atleast one or two games a day, everyday, specially before going to bed :p

You should give the Turbo mode a shot in Dota2, its much more fast paced and fun, i agree with the invis hero part, they are annoying like anything but there are counters for everything, i see enemy pick a invis hero and i gladly counter pick like bounty hunter, slardar etc. But i know where you are coming from, i play mostly support so my usual picks are Witch Doctor, Crystal Maiden or Shadow Shaman

I have been watching and following Dota 2 International from the first first tournament, at that time i had just started playing and watching those games was an amazing learning experience for me.
I watch it from time to time. But don't like playing it, it feels so clunky and un-necessarily complexed. Out of the two I prefer lol, there is no turn rate, the creeps don't block the shiat out of you, there are no couriers whose safety you have to also take into consideration, there is no "special second shop", where you to have go for some items to be completed. Like you are dead, you respawn in base, you have money, enemy has warded the shiat out of your jungle, you can't defend the base because of that one item that is in "special" shop for completion. Sure, I can send my courier, but why add useless, annoying complexity just for the sake of adding complexity. Very poor game design no wonder, its player base is lower compared to lol(and lol don't even have servers in south asia/middle east). And no I am not comparing the prize pool money for big tournaments, both have different financial structure.

P.S. I also hate invisible champs/heroes in both games, but it only gets frustratingly annoying in dota, because there are items for invisibility too, and oopsie you die you lose gem of true sight(yes there is dust and wards but I cant be spamming it in fear). I get it there has to be balance, but it is already balanced I am sacrificing an item slot for a shitty item that doesn't give any stats, just to counter enemy's invisibility. That is enough, why go over-board and drop MY purchase when I die(because I am already behind). Definitely not a game for solo player like me, most probably works well in coordinated group of friends.
I find lol boring af. The creativity freedom in Dota is amazing, you can make anything work. Plus the team fights are a million times better in Dota. Watching Pro League Of Legends game is like watching farm simulator, the fact that one team fight after 50 mins of farming can decide the game disgusts me. There are hardly any comebacks in Pro League. Pro Dota on the other hand is full of comebacks. Pro Dota is unbelievably entertaining to watch. Lol isn't a bad game by any means, I personally hate it after playing Dota.
Watching Pro League Of Legends game is like watching farm simulator, the fact that one team fight after 50 mins of farming can decide the game disgusts me.

You might have watched LCS, don't waste your time watching NA, their teams suck, they have never been in the semis for entirety of league history(except S1 because there were only 2 regions then). Chinese games are much faster. But I do agree that generally watching pro games, get boring compared to dota, but when you watch the top league teams and players like Faker, IG etc. it doesn't get boring because they extract the max out of a champion(very flashy, very fun to watch e.g; Ryu vs faker and thats from 8 years ago). I would have to also disagree on the playing part, because soloq games aren't like pro games. Also the champions in league are so much well designed compared to dota 2, one can be so expressive. e.g; Irelia, zed, azir etc. compare that to dota, you have a fker with global mobility and 1000 dashes (storm spirit, I know he is mana bound, but thats not an excuse). Atleast you know against irelia or yasuo, you see them coming, you plan accordingly, that you shouldn't be near neutral objectives or minions so that they can dash freely. More than half the dota game ends in hero select, meanwhile you can still do alot in lol even if you are countered.

There are hardly any comebacks in Pro League. Pro Dota on the other hand is full of comebacks. Pro Dota is unbelievably entertaining to watch. Lol isn't a bad game by any means, I personally hate it after playing Dota.

For me that's kind of annoying. Sure if the difference in gold between teams is around 5k, sure there should be comebacks happening. But if a team is 10k -20k gold down, down roshan and is still able to comeback because their team reached their scaling before the other team could cleanly end, now I call that bs. If it happens once or twice or even 5 times a tournament I would be ok with but the fact that it happens all the time in dota events kinda gets boring for me.

You should give the Turbo mode a shot in Dota2, its much more fast paced and fun

i agree with the invis hero part, they are annoying like anything but there are counters for everything, i see enemy pick a invis hero and i gladly counter pick like bounty hunter, slardar etc. But i know where you are coming from, i play mostly support so my usual picks are Witch Doctor, Crystal Maiden or Shadow Shaman

Yeah, never tried turbo, some day I'll give it a shot. I played league first so I got into mentality of getting good at one champion/hero. In dota, it doesn't work like that, there are hard counters against certain heroes and most of my gripe is about hero design. In lol, if you get countered, you will have miserable time but you can still make it work if you know your champion well, but in dota it feels almost impossible.

OTP + solo player + no voice comms= miserable experience in dota, where as its not the case in lol, I play lol with mute only communicating through pings. Maybe you guys either play it with friends or use voice communication. Also there are alot of Pajeets in dota, their scuffed mics and shitty names(like something related to Pakistan) makes me angry. SE Asia server gets a bit laggy for me, so I usually keep it auto, otherwise takes too long to just find a game.
You might have watched LCS, don't waste your time watching NA, their teams suck, they have never been in the semis for entirety of league history(except S1 because there were only 2 regions then). Chinese games are much faster. But I do agree that generally watching pro games, get boring compared to dota, but when you watch the top league teams and players like Faker, IG etc. it doesn't get boring because they extract the max out of a champion(very flashy, very fun to watch e.g; Ryu vs faker and thats from 8 years ago). I would have to also disagree on the playing part, because soloq games aren't like pro games. Also the champions in league are so much well designed compared to dota 2, one can be so expressive. e.g; Irelia, zed, azir etc. compare that to dota, you have a fker with global mobility and 1000 dashes (storm spirit, I know he is mana bound, but thats not an excuse). Atleast you know against irelia or yasuo, you see them coming, you plan accordingly, that you shouldn't be near neutral objectives or minions so that they can dash freely. More than half the dota game ends in hero select, meanwhile you can still do alot in lol even if you are countered.

For me that's kind of annoying. Sure if the difference in gold between teams is around 5k, sure there should be comebacks happening. But if a team is 10k -20k gold down, down roshan and is still able to comeback because their team reached their scaling before the other team could cleanly end, now I call that bs. If it happens once or twice or even 5 times a tournament I would be ok with but the fact that it happens all the time in dota events kinda gets boring for me.

Yeah, never tried turbo, some day I'll give it a shot. I played league first so I got into mentality of getting good at one champion/hero. In dota, it doesn't work like that, there are hard counters against certain heroes and most of my gripe is about hero design. In lol, if you get countered, you will have miserable time but you can still make it work if you know your champion well, but in dota it feels almost impossible.

OTP + solo player + no voice comms= miserable experience in dota, where as its not the case in lol, I play lol with mute only communicating through pings. Maybe you guys either play it with friends or use voice communication. Also there are alot of Pajeets in dota, their scuffed mics and shitty names(like something related to Pakistan) makes me angry. SE Asia server gets a bit laggy for me, so I usually keep it auto, otherwise takes too long to just find a game.
Let's agree to disagree. I would love to argue more about this but I have exams this week.
I played an old game called quake III for the very first time the other day. I think it’s a great game for what it is.
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