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Yeah turn based strategy big fun part is you are allowed to think and contemplate more deeply (the civil war game Im talking about was fully turn based).

I went through the real time strategy games phase mostly...because it gives a better rush...but you do lose perspective of being able to take your time etc.

I think Hearts of Iron IV combines elements from both (i.e you can control the speed and time factor as needed)...so should be pretty interesting.
True. The only turn based strategy game I played was one for the playstation portable though the name escapes me, but that thing lagged a lot because of the processor being overworked due to the numerous units in the game. What's the name of the civil war one you playes?

But usually I have always preferred RTS over turn based, but they do become redundant overtime.

Turn based gives you that chess feel again which is pretty cool and like you said gives you the chance to plan out your next move without constant interruption.

And speaking of RTS, the only good one they have for WW2 is Ruse which came out 5 years ago if I can recall correctly.

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True. The only turn based strategy game I played was one for the playstation portable though the name escapes me, but that thing lagged a lot because of the processor being overworked due to the numerous units in the game. What's the name of the civil war one you playes?

But usually I have always preferred RTS over turn based, but they do become redundant overtime.

Turn based gives you that chess feel again which is pretty cool and like you said gives you the chance to plan out your next move without constant interruption.

And speaking of RTS, the only good one they have for WW2 is Ruse which came out 5 years ago if I can recall correctly.

Yeah I had to look it up, its been so long:



Honestly cant remember if I played the original or sequel or both.

Sort of ancient kind of game now heh. But I did really enjoy the re-enacted battle scenes it had in it...I was reading a lot into the civil war (well as much as a kid had time for that kind of thing) at that time (having watched Gone with the Wind and Gettysburg which made me interested in the subject)....so that helped too.
Btw @Nilgiri Ruse is pretty fun. If you ever decide to get it for PC let me know, we can test each others strategic acumen. I got dibs on the Germans though :D
Yeah I had to look it up, its been so long:



Honestly cant remember if I played the original or sequel or both.

Sort of ancient kind of game now heh. But I did really enjoy the re-enacted battle scenes it had in it...I was reading a lot into the civil war (well as much as a kid had time for that kind of thing) at that time (having watched Gone with the Wind and Gettysburg which made me interested in the subject)....so that helped too.
Lol, a game named after the respected General Robert E. Lee? You know that would be banned today considering what Confederate monuments have gone through.

And yeah Gone With the Wind really got me interested into the civil war and pre civial war era south (antebellum South is what they called it if I'm correct). Also my high school trip to the Gettysburg battlefield site really kindled my interest as being on the very land in which one of the most decisive battle in world history took place, besides the fact that many men from both sides valiantly laid their lives down, left an impression on me that still remains to this day. There was another movie that also caught my attention and I really liked and by today's standard is objective and well balanced, its called "gods and Generals" if I'm correct.
Lol, a game named after the respected General Robert E. Lee? You know that would be banned today considering what Confederate monuments have gone through.

And yeah Gone With the Wind really got me interested into the civil war and pre civial war era south (antebellum South is what they called it if I'm correct). Also my high school trip to the Gettysburg battlefield site really kindled my interest as being on the very land in which one of the most decisive battle in world history took place, besides the fact that many men from both sides valiantly laid their lives down, left an impression on me that still remains to this day. There was another movie that also caught my attention and I really liked and by today's standard is objective and well balanced, its called "gods and Generals" if I'm correct.

Yeah no way they'd let a game be called that now.

Gone with the Wind was kinda my mom's all time favourite movie (coz she could brag to us about which parts were different from the "even better" book)...so I know that movie pretty well.

Yup Gettysburg is quite the visit for anyone to make. "Yank" civil war buff friend of mine always told me, each time he went there, he was honoured and humbled.....but the one thing that really struck him each time was there was always mostly southerners that were visiting and had all the deep, long stories to tell him (and/or correct him) about things. It does matter a lot more to them good ole folks "down there".

And yep "Gods and Generals" was the prequel to "Gettysburg" mostly focusing on the lead up to the war etc...also quite superbly done....but it didnt do as well as Gettysburg because much more talking etc compared to the action.

Back before PBS became all leftie corrupted, they did a pretty solid miniseries (though of course pro-Union slant to it, but thats to be expected) on the civil war thats worth watching, it fleshed out a lot for me regarding the Civil war (especially specific campaigns that get overlooked) when I came across it many years back:

And speaking of RTS, the only good one they have for WW2 is Ruse which came out 5 years ago if I can recall correctly.

There is another one
Steel division. Haven't played it but looks good in videos.

Sudden strike 4 is also there but is somewhat arcade-y however you do need to take into account factors like fuel for tanks and vehicles etc.
Few things when you connect keyboard and mouse
Thats actually cheating
A reason why console players never go against Pc players wont go in all details
And its Mobile why not play PC ;) much more fun

Hey its not cheating if my equipment is better :D
There is another one
Steel division. Haven't played it but looks good in videos.

Sudden strike 4 is also there but is somewhat arcade-y however you do need to take into account factors like fuel for tanks and vehicles etc.
Looks awesome. Are both games on steam?
I’m a bit old fashioned when it comes to gaming tastes. Mostly I prefer Nintendo systems and handhelds from Snes, gba, n64, ds, gamecube, 3ds, wii/wiiu, Switch.

Absolute favorite games are the Zelda and Mario franchises. Also dig JRPGs.

Play my fair share of PC games also like Assassins creeds, dark souls series, age of empires, company of heroes, and fun indie games.
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