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Battlefield 4 > COD Ghosts

Anyone played Titanfall yet? Heard it feels v. similar to COD
Played it, love it. It's nothing like CoD, it's only the butthurt Sony fanbois that are say it. Hell, they raided Titanfall's metacritic page to give it 0s and 1s, and lowered the score from what it should have been.


Anyone playing Hearthstone? I love that game, though I'm still not good at it. I got 1 legendary (ragnaros) and mainly play paladin and warlock, mage comes next and then druid. I hate shaman, warrior, priest and assassin.
Thinking of selling Ghosts because I'm getting to frustrated with it :angry:
One thing I don't like about total war is that logistics plays no role in any war except for bringing reinforcements from a nearby city. For example your armies don't rely on supply lines which is actually a very important part of war. Another thing that sucks about total war is that the diplomacy is very bland. It doesn't mean anything to be allies. The sieges always felt kind of dumb too because you are only attacking a small part of a massive city so it just looks like 2 large street gangs are fighting each other.
i love total war i think the best 3 are empire medieval2 rome 1 it is not 100 percent realistic but still it is very good diplomacy is bad every one attacking you for no reason if you play on hard or very hard
which total war you like most ?
i love total war i think the best 3 are empire medieval2 rome 1 it is not 100 percent realistic but still it is very good diplomacy is bad every one attacking you for no reason if you play on hard or very hard
which total war you like most ?

I have all 3 of the ones you mentioned. I personally like them all equally. it looks like Rome 2 is good but i haven't played it yet.
Played it, love it. It's nothing like CoD, it's only the butthurt Sony fanbois that are say it. Hell, they raided Titanfall's metacritic page to give it 0s and 1s, and lowered the score from what it should have been.

Anyone playing Hearthstone? I love that game, though I'm still not good at it. I got 1 legendary (ragnaros) and mainly play paladin and warlock, mage comes next and then druid. I hate shaman, warrior, priest and assassin.

Dude I will never invest in sony products even if they claim their product is a bit powerful, Xbox One has live cloud servers with those servers having multiple powerful GPUs and now announced DirectX 12 as well in the long run Xbox One is going to beat the bushes out of sony product...Last if you notice apart from a 2-4 titles sony has all those ninja type sword type titles and I hate such titles all the modern fighting warfare and other sims are on Xbox One so if you look at the current and up coming titles of Xbox sony is just a waste...and all this BS of kinetic is spy device so be it, it is a powerful advance piece of equipment for games, other things, skype etc

Sony can only dream of making games like titan fall, halo series and up coming couple of other titles, lol look at how sony is selling its buildings and plants and going into loss. The second thing I am going to invest after Xbox One would be steam valve.

If they enhance the graphics for The Last of Us on PS4, I would probably buy it again.
Even though TLOU already looked insanely good on the PS3.
But still, Naughty Dog can take my moooneeeey :D

Btw I played the "Left Behind" DLC. It was epic.
Theres not much shooting/killing involved as the main game, but what I liked was the interaction with the enviroment and with Riley. Best DLC ever! :)
If they enhance the graphics for The Last of Us on PS4, I would probably buy it again.
If they enhance the graphics for The Last of Us on PS4, I would probably buy it again.
Even though TLOU already looked insanely good on the PS3.
But still, Naughty Dog can take my moooneeeey

Do you actually care much about graphics when you are in depth playing game and enemies are coming for you? let me know it and it is funny....we praise our consoles but do we while playing actually look at our beloved consoles or we focus our TVs.:laugh:
Still playing COD: Ghosts for the 360. That is until I throw the disc against the wall because of all the camper frustration.
Do you actually care much about graphics when you are in depth playing game and enemies are coming for you? let me know it and it is funny....we praise our consoles but do we while playing actually look at our beloved consoles or we focus our TVs.:laugh:

Its not so much that I care the most about graphics when I play a game. Graphics is just one aspect. Sound is imo equally important. Among other things.

But if Im going to buy a game again on different platform, then I want there to be certain enhancements/improvements in the new edition so I get my money's worth.

Better graphics, sound, framerate etc is definately a plus because you get more immersed into the game.

But like I said, TLOU already looked so insanely good on the PS3. Im not sure if it can even get better than that.
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