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Veiled Iranian Women Suspected Of Smuggling $12.5M Worth Of Methamphetamine

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Why are you always said I was Terrorist when you're speechless?
I was not Terrorist! I'm againts them! Esspecialy Houthis in Yemen, Dajjal Army in Iraq, and HizbusySyaithan in Lebanon!

You are perfect man. I hope they don't jump and accuse us of calling them that just because they are Shea, we also say much worse things on Sunni terrorists like Qaeda Taliban...etc. Even their sympathizers are not allowed in Arabic forums.
A 26-year-old man, who allegedly carried the liquid drug from Doha, tried to sever an artery with a razor blade.

This is alarming...If the gang is traced it might find it links with the CIA and the money earned being used to fund various terrorist groups around the region.
You are perfect man. I hope they don't jump and accuse us of calling them that just because they are Shea, we also say much worse things on Sunni terrorists like Qaeda Taliban...etc. Even their sympathizers are not allowed in Arabic forums.
look at this guy

genius, you and mosa have already said you want to burn shias and the proof is documented for everyone to see. You have time and again said things right out of the wahabi handbook. The terrorist you're thanking and falling in love with is a famous shia hater and one of the hundreds of lifeless trolls on this website. The guy is literally a character right out of Guantanomo Bay.

BE, we fight and talk smack to each other, but you really need to change your attitude. Hating shias and Iranians is so childish and stupid. Be proud of your culture and try to make something out of your life instead of thinking about shias and IRanians. Every idiot wahabi terrorist lover on this board has been "thanked" by BLACKEAGLE. This borderline al quida character you're thanking is a mental breakdown away from blowing himself up. Read his posts and see who you're associating yourself with.
Why are you always said I was Terrorist when you're speechless?
I was not Terrorist! I'm againts them! Esspecialy Houthis in Yemen, Dajjal Army in Iraq, and HizbusySyaithan in Lebanon!
Whether you like it or not,I see you and AlQaeda on the same team,because both of you have the same extremist dirty views toward others.You are very capable of wearing a bomb belt and blowing up some shias to go to Jannah.:lol:
Did i say all Iranian women is drug trafickers?
Women Issue and Drug Issue that I was writing is different Issue,
you mention it, in Indonesia there is prostitution Especially in some region that have Shia population in there and that prostitution called contract/temporary marriage, you know what I talking about

You know one do it through a contract called temporary marriage so if there is a child at least he knew who is his father and somebody have to provide for it , but in other regions they do it without any contract and i guess you knewwhat will be the consequence for the child , he/she cant call anybody dad.
You are perfect man. I hope they don't jump and accuse us of calling them that just because they are Shea, we also say much worse things on Sunni terrorists like Qaeda Taliban...etc. Even their sympathizers are not allowed in Arabic forums.

Bolt: Hmm, only The Messanger of Allah-Peace be Upon Him- can be a Perfect Man

Absolutely Al-Qaeda is Terrorized Group, and the Current Taliban too
I said Current Thaliban, because the earlier Thaliban is a good Thaliban That was when Mullah Omar still in charge and NATO has not invading Afghanistan, They didn't do Drug Traficking, Didn't do any Suiside Bombing, Car Bombing, etc...

somebody has to shut the wahabis up. If the mods don't do it, I have to.

One Question, what is Wahabi?

Whether you like it or not,I see you and AlQaeda on the same team,because both of you have the same extremist dirty views toward others.You are very capable of wearing a bomb belt and blowing up some shias to go to Jannah.

Huft, How much your IQ? How many times i have to teel you I'm againts Terrorist!
What? I'm Capabel of what? you Damn Shia!
Suiside Bombing is Going to Nar not Jannah you fool!
Bolt: Hmm, only The Messanger of Allah-Peace be Upon Him- can be a Perfect Man

Absolutely Al-Qaeda is Terrorized Group, and the Current Taliban too
I said Current Thaliban, because the earlier Thaliban is a good Thaliban That was when Mullah Omar still in charge and NATO has not invading Afghanistan, They didn't do Drug Traficking, Didn't do any Suiside Bombing, Car Bombing, etc...

One Question, what is Wahabi?

Huft, How much your IQ? How many times i have to teel you I'm againts Terrorist!
What? I'm Capabel of what? you Damn Shia!
Suiside Bombing is Going to Nar not Jannah you fool!
braindead extremist suicide bomb/jihad loving sunnis. Basically you have regular sunnis and then a minority of the above kind who's lives are centered around hating shias, Iranians, Jews, women, kafirs and every single other culture, race and ilk on this planet. You're one of them.
^ LOL you owned him :rofl: :sniper:
Wahabis own themselves on a regular basis. Can you imagine being a wahabi where your life's greatest achievement could be summed up in a suicide belt?

They live a miserable life full of hate and extremism and then go out body parts flying. What a waste of space. At least our extremists are half human. These guys are full on aliens from outer space.
Wahabis own themselves on a regular basis. Can you imagine being a wahabi where your life's greatest achievement could be summed up in a suicide belt?

They live a miserable life full of hate and extremism and then go out body parts flying. What a waste of space. At least our extremists are half human. These guys are full on aliens from outer space.

Even though I am against fundamentalism in all aspects, I have to agree with you. At least Shia fundamentalists are not as extreme. Not that all Sunnis should be blamed however, just this Wahabi branch which seems to have infected a few members of this website.
braindead extremist suicide bomb/jihad loving sunnis. Basically you have regular sunnis and then a minority of the above kind who's lives are centered around hating shias, Iranians, Jews, women, kafirs and every single other culture, race and ilk on this planet. You're one of them.

That was Called Khawarij not Wahabi you Damn Shia!
What? How much your IQ? You didn't understand my word? I said Suiside Bombing is Going to Nar not Jannah you fool!
That was Called Khawarij not Wahabi you Damn Shia!
What? How much your IQ? You didn't understand my word? I said Suiside Bombing is Going to Nar not Jannah you fool!

This guy is a good example of the hatred being taught to Wahabis in Indonesia. Thanks for shedding light on this Bambang
That was Called Khawarij not Wahabi you Damn Shia!
What? How much your IQ? You didn't understand my word? I said Suiside Bombing is Going to Nar not Jannah you fool!

This guy is a good example of the hatred being taught to Wahabis in Indonesia. Thanks for shedding light on this Bambang
Not just in Indonesia, pretty much every sunni country cept Turkey. Only Turkey is free from the wahabi disease. You can come across wahabis in most sunni countries, some more (saudi, khaleej in general), some less, but they all have these idiots.
Not just in Indonesia, pretty much every sunni country cept Turkey. Only Turkey is free from the wahabi disease. You can come across wahabis in most sunni countries, some more (saudi, khaleej in general), some less, but they all have these idiots.

It starts and ends with Saudi. They have a lot of money to spread around Sunni countries, trying to infect them with the disease. God forbid Saudi actually use the money for something productive, like R&D, or improving their country's infrastructure! Nope, just more US military gadgets and terrorism please :D
aint the first time a muslim uses a veil for such matters. This is routine in the muslim world. I love how OP, a famous wahabi secterian poster, wants to make this a shia vs sunni thing. Sunnis regularly hide explosives under their veils and blow themselves up in both Palestine and Iraq. Drugs are transported in women's burkas in AFG etc...

Indonesia should either hang her up high or send her back to Iran to be hanged. Zero tolerance for drug traffickers, don't care where she's from. All drug traffickers MUST be put to death. They destroy more lives then a serial killer.
The first one who brought Sunni/Shia crap to this thread was Abii. You would rarely see a single post of him doesn't have flaming sectarian words. This time he used the word "Sunni" rather than his usual words like Wahhabi, terrorists, Salafis...etc.
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