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The first one who brought Sunni/Shia crap to this thread was Abii. You would rarely see a single post of him doesn't have flaming sectarian words. This time he used the word "Sunni" rather than his usual words like Wahhabi, terrorists, Salafis...etc.

Only because ALL your friends and yourself on this forum say derogatory things to Shias. Besides he didn't say all Sunnis, but the ones who do suicide bombings etc are Sunnis.

Now lets compare that to all the stuff you and your buddies have said. Mosamania has said that he wants to burn all Shias alive. You have said that you don't consider Shias Muslim. Muslim Conscript has used phrases like damned Shia throughout this thread... All people that give thanks, and get thanks from BlackEagle. Lol even earlier in this thread you said the Shia hater Muslim Conscript was a "great person".

Great company you keep BlackEagle :enjoy:
The first one who brought Sunni/Shia crap to this thread was Abii. You would rarely see a single post of him doesn't have flaming sectarian words. This time he used the word "Sunni" rather than his usual words like Wahhabi, terrorists, Salafis...etc.

It's useless talking with Jahil people, they will never understand,
even you've been trying to explained Thousand times to them...
It's useless talking with Jahil people, they will never understand,
even you've been trying to explained Thousand times to them...

Yes it is useless trying to explain to us your ideology. So please don't bother coming to this section again Bambang. Thank you :D
Yes it is useless trying to explain to us your ideology. So please don't bother coming to this section again Bambang. Thank you

I get it, you think I'm the same like yours? no We're NOT THE SAME!
You didn't Believe us because you think we're lie like you'll do, Right?
Our Great Religion didn't Teach us To Lie like in yours!
I get it, you think I'm the same like yours? no We're NOT THE SAME!
You didn't Believe us because you think we're lie like you'll do, Right?
Our Great Religion didn't Teach us To Lie like in yours!

How do you know what religion I am Bambang?
The first one who brought Sunni/Shia crap to this thread was Abii. You would rarely see a single post of him doesn't have flaming sectarian words. This time he used the word "Sunni" rather than his usual words like Wahhabi, terrorists, Salafis...etc.
wahabis are still sunnis are they not? They're extremists though. I simply showed OP that extremism is more common in his own sect than ours and it was a response to his trolling. 99.9999 percent of all suicide bombings are done by sunnis, and groups like taliban, al quida, jundollah... are all sunni groups. This is a fact and I will bring it up whenever one of you wahabis wants to talk **** about shias and Iranians.

Turks are sunnis, but they're human beings, not terrorist animals. Do you ever see them talk about shias in a derogetory manner? I've never seen one. People of the khaleej regularly do however. You have done so many times.

no matter how much you try to act innocent and cuddly, your track record speaks for itself. Also don't try to put words in other people's 'mouths.'

This Indonesian wahabi has been talking about temporary marriages and shia practices since the day he logged on to this site. Showing him what his people do on a daily basis will hopefully make him look at himself and stop hating other people. For the most part there is no hope for the likes of him and you. You two are lost causes.
lol the funniest part of all this is that I'm not muslim and shahin prolly isn't either. This Indonesian wahabi has been blowing fuses for a day over nothing.

How did these East Asians even become muslims? Nothing's more annoying than extremist Europeans and East Asians. Like c'mon, Middle Easterners invented all these religions, get your own religion to blow up over.
lol the funniest part of all this is that I'm not muslim and shahin prolly isn't either. This Indonesian wahabi has been blowing fuses for a day over nothing.

I don't know wether he will want to kill us more when he finds out we are not Muslim. Do you think he hates Shia or non Muslims more?

I don't know wether he will want to kill us more when he finds out we are not Muslim. Do you think he hates Shia or non Muslims more?

well they hate everything, even their own wives and daughters, so it's hard to say. Shias and Iranians are at the center of their hate fest so I'd say we're doing better as kafirs than shias, although technically shias are also Kafirs to these guys lol

complicated situation. We need a wahabi mullah to sort this issue out for us.
Shia are not kaffir

You are a kaffir if you do not worship the one true god, a unbeliever

So if you two are athests or pagan/fire worshippers then you indeed are kaffirs or infidels

The shia muslims of iran are muslims
Shia are not kaffir

You are a kaffir if you do not worship the one true god, a unbeliever

So if you two are athests or pagan/fire worshippers then you indeed are kaffirs or infidels

The shia muslims of iran are muslims

Thanks for the definition....
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