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Veiled Iranian Women Suspected Of Smuggling $12.5M Worth Of Methamphetamine

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Aug 3, 2012
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JAKARTA, Indonesia — A group of 10 alleged Iranian drug smugglers, including eight veiled women, were caught with $12.5 million worth of methamphetamines at Indonesia's main airport, the customs chief said Wednesday.

The group was picked up at Jakarta's Soekarno-Hatta airport with 60 pounds (27 kilograms) of crystal methamphetamine and 5 gallons (23 liters) of the drug in liquid form, said customs chief Anwar Suprijadi.

It is the largest drug bust in the airport's history, he said, describing how the group had arrived on flights from Malaysia, Syria and Qatar on Monday and Tuesday.

Indonesian authorities have never seen veiled women used as drug runners, he said. The drugs, wrapped in plastic food containers and cleaning fluid bottles, were packed into hand luggage. But the oddly-shaped packages were picked out by officers operating scanners.

"We believe they are part of an international syndicate," he said. By wearing conservative Islamic clothing the women tried to "fool officers in a country like Indonesia, where women in black veils are generally considered to be good women."

Nine suspects were paraded in front of the media at an airport detention facility Wednesday, while a tenth is said to have attempted suicide and was in a hospital. A 26-year-old man, who allegedly carried the liquid drug from Doha, tried to sever an artery with a razor blade.

Police said they were trying to uncover a possible link to the arrest on Monday of another Iranian and an American in raids that netted more than 12 pounds (5.6 kilograms) of methamphetamines at an apartment and a hotel room in the nearby capital.

Deputy chief of investigations Dikdik Maulana Mansyur estimated the seizure was worth $950,000. He said the 35-year-old American, who posed as a tourist to make deliveries to local hotels, faces up to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $20,000.

The Iranian, 40, has a previous drug conviction from 2002 and can expect a tougher sentence, he said.

Indonesia has extremely strict drug laws and traffickers are regularly sentenced to death. By the end of 2008, about 140 people were on death row, including more than 40 foreigners, most of them for drug-related crimes.

Customs offices across Indonesia, a vast Muslim-majority nation of 235 million people, were warned to be on the lookout for other possible smuggling attempts. Poor law enforcement, corruption and high demand make Indonesia an attractive location for drug producers.

Indonesia: Veiled Iranian Women Suspected Of Smuggling $12.5M Worth Of Methamphetamines


Using Veiled for Cover to Smuggling Drugs?
aint the first time a muslim uses a veil for such matters. This is routine in the muslim world. I love how OP, a famous wahabi secterian poster, wants to make this a shia vs sunni thing. Sunnis regularly hide explosives under their veils and blow themselves up in both Palestine and Iraq. Drugs are transported in women's burkas in AFG etc...

Indonesia should either hang her up high or send her back to Iran to be hanged. Zero tolerance for drug traffickers, don't care where she's from. All drug traffickers MUST be put to death. They destroy more lives then a serial killer.
aint the first time a muslim uses a veil for such matters. This is routine in the muslim world. I love how OP, a famous wahabi secterian poster, wants to make this a shia vs sunni thing. Sunnis regularly hide explosives under their veils and blow themselves up in both Palestine and Iraq. Drugs are transported in women's burkas in AFG etc...

Indonesia should either hang her up high or send her back to Iran to be hanged. Zero tolerance for drug traffickers, don't care where she's from. All drug traffickers MUST be put to death. They destroy more lives then a serial killer.
mmmmm, very intresting, I thought they were Wahabis and Salafis...

On Topic,
Many Iranians were captured in GCC and KSA smuggling drugs. This is not new. KSA beheaded some of them, so I think they will think a trillion times before entering it.:lol:
mmmmm, very intresting, I thought they were Wahabis and Salafis...

On Topic,
Many Iranians were captured in GCC and KSA smuggling drugs. This is not new. KSA beheaded some of them, so I think they will think a trillion times before entering it.:lol:
Run out of swords? Somebody donate a sword to the saudis so they can finish the rest. You won't get a rise out of me when it comes to drug traffickers, Iranian or martian. They are the scum of the earth, worse than rapists and murderers. Because of our vicinity with AFG and the similar language, people who are looking to make a quick buck jump the border with a little bit of cash and grab themselves all the opium and hash they can get to bring into Iran. The more greedy ones try to take it to Europe and surrounding countries. They get past the border guards easier because all the guards are usually looking for Afghan smugglers who are the regulars in the smuggling business.

And wahabis and salafis consider themselves sunnis. Ask an al quida member or a bin laden type character what his religion is and he will say he's sunni. OP is a wahabi, but in his mind he's a sunni and I was trying to show him what his "own" people do on a daily basis.
aint the first time a muslim uses a veil for such matters. This is routine in the muslim world. I love how OP, a famous wahabi secterian poster, wants to make this a shia vs sunni thing. Sunnis regularly hide explosives under their veils and blow themselves up in both Palestine and Iraq. Drugs are transported in women's burkas in AFG etc...

Indonesia should either hang her up high or send her back to Iran to be hanged. Zero tolerance for drug traffickers, don't care where she's from. All drug traffickers MUST be put to death. They destroy more lives then a serial killer.

Any Prove? I never heard Afghan women smuggling Drung under their Burka or a Palestine & Iraq women hiding explosives under their veils...

yeah right, why do Iranian Smugglers keep coming to Indonesia if There's no place for them in Iran?
must be some place for them to Produce Drugs, and then smuggling that drugs.
its to naive to think a veiled woman is a angle .

And if you ask from pakistan or Iran police they tell you using weiled woman for traficking drugs is one of the ways that afghan drug lords use.
And using woman as suicide bombers is a well known alqaeda terrorists favlrites . Have you forgot about the bombing in moskow subway or bombings in iraq.
its to naive to think a veiled woman is a angle .

And if you ask from pakistan or Iran police they tell you using weiled woman for traficking drugs is one of the ways that afghan drug lords use.
And using woman as suicide bombers is a well known alqaeda terrorists favlrites . Have you forgot about the bombing in moskow subway or bombings in iraq.

Who said veiled women was an angel?
in Indonesia women in black veils are generally considered to be good women Because usually they're trying to do what Our Great Religion told us to do and maintain their Dignity.
It's not same like in Iran, women using Black veils usually have no Dignity, how do they can have Dignity while they're doing contract/temporary marriage a.k.a Mut'ah?
That was very very bad women...

I do know about Moscow, but Afghan and Iraq? never heard about it
Can you cut the crap?You are generalizing the issue to all women.they are drug trafickers and they exist in all countries.
So if in Indonesia I see a prostitute,can I say all the Indonesian women are prostitues?
Next time,you better look what you are spitting.
Can you cut the crap?You are generalizing the issue to all women.they are drug trafickers and they exist in all countries.
So if in Indonesia I see a prostitute,can I say all the Indonesian women are prostitues?
Next time,you better look what you are spitting.

Did i say all Iranian women is drug trafickers?
Women Issue and Drug Issue that I was writing is different Issue,
you mention it, in Indonesia there is prostitution Especially in some region that have Shia population in there and that prostitution called contract/temporary marriage, you know what I talking about
everyday the quality of this site gets worse and worse

troll central, aka defence.pk
Did i say all Iranian women is drug trafickers?
Women Issue and Drug Issue that I was writing is different Issue,
you mention it, in Indonesia there is prostitution Especially in some region that have Shia population in there and that prostitution called contract/temporary marriage, you know what I talking about
Ops,you just exposed yourself Wahabi,you extremist ****.Why don't you just wear a bomb belt and blow up all those prostitutes in your country as your family and friends are doing all over the world?:lol:
Ops,you just exposed yourself Wahabi,you extremist ****.Why don't you just wear a bomb belt and blow up all those prostitutes in your country as your family and friends are doing all over the world?

Why are you always said I was Terrorist when you're speechless?
I was not Terrorist! I'm againts them! Esspecialy Houthis in Yemen, Dajjal Army in Iraq, and HizbusySyaithan in Lebanon!
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