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Uyghur Concentration Camps?

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Honestly I'm not surprised. Chinese never give a shit about basic human rights etc. Not even for their own core people.
In what ways has Chinese ever treated themselves badly? China has made itself into a strong country. However, I can't say the same for Turkey.

If it just included religious extremists then you might have a point. But the evidence coming out is showing it to be a wide reaching program affecting all aspects of Uyghur and Kazakh life.
Where's the evidence? From the same source that said Saddam had chemical weapons??
I would believe that if it wasn't the case that hundreds of thousands are being rounded up into these camps. When you look at the broader actions of removing Uyghur language education, replacing traditional Uyghur architecture with generic chinese designs then it's all part of a sinification plan and Islamism is an excuse.
With respect I disagree. What is Islamic, what is traditional, what is culture is very subjective. I could very easily use your template and wreck the historical legacy of Ataturk. The line of thinking your peddling is the same one that sees the replacement of Arabic script with Roman, the forced ban of Fez, the engineered change of Turkish society to European mores by Kemal Mustafa as part of his reformation as evil. I disagree. Kemal Mustafa saved generations of Turks from the agonies inflicted on the country of my parents origin and the wider Muslim world. In the same vein I see Chinese reformation of Uighurs to a modern world - even if that involves some of the latter screaming and crying about 'abuse'.

This is the impact. When everyday workers hesitate to express any kind of islamic identity just in case they could be considered an "extremist" and taken to a camp. Clearly this isn't about cracking down on extremism at all.
Ah yes, one photo says all about every part of the Xinjiang province, which is larger than Turkey. If you hate us, then the hate is mutual because you guys have been funding a terrorist group which has killed thousands of Chinese over the years. Consider it a reaction of China if such so-called concentration camps do exist, which I doubt.
With respect I disagree. What is Islamic, what is traditional, what is culture is very subjective. I could very easily use your template and wreck the historical legacy of Ataturk. The line of thinking your peddling is the same one that sees the replacement of Arabic script with Roman, the forced ban of Fez, the engineered change of Turkish society to European mores by Kemal Mustafa as part of his reformation as evil. I disagree. Kemal Mustafa saved generations of Turks from the agonies inflicted on the country of my parents origin and the wider Muslim world. In the same vein I see Chinese reformation of Uighurs to a modern world - even if that involves some of the latter screaming and crying about 'abuse'.
If you look at Turkic history then culturally they have changed so much over time. Culture isn't static and changes over time.
What concerns me is that attack on Uyghur identity not some cultural practises. If I saw a new Uyghur arising out of this, one that is strong, progressive but rooted within their own heritage then I wouldn't be so concerned. Instead I just see some generic sinification taking place with only creates more problems in the future.
With respect I disagree. What is Islamic, what is traditional, what is culture is very subjective. I could very easily use your template and wreck the historical legacy of Ataturk. The line of thinking your peddling is the same one that sees the replacement of Arabic script with Roman, the forced ban of Fez, the engineered change of Turkish society to European mores by Kemal Mustafa as part of his reformation as evil. I disagree. Kemal Mustafa saved generations of Turks from the agonies inflicted on the country of my parents origin and the wider Muslim world. In the same vein I see Chinese reformation of Uighurs to a modern world - even if that involves some of the latter screaming and crying about 'abuse'.
They just want to spread their ways of 'antiquity' to every part of the world. Let's face it. Literal interpretation and adherence to religion have hindered the Muslim world for hundreds of years. Yet, our friends here still wish to impose, for the lack of a better word, ignorance on other people. We know what their intention is; we've experienced in the form of death and blood ten years ago.
Why should people leave their lands which has been under occupation since the 18th Century. Uyghurstan should have its freedom, just like Kashmir.
Unfortunately it is the only way forward . Chinese are not going to gift their land and they are also not weak . The Uyghurs can relocate to Pakistan, Turkey , Uzbekistan ,Kyrgyzstan and other central Asian states . Chinese strategy is simple .Forget your culture and religion or else you will have to face consequences . Chinese want to have a unicultural society . You can change someone's culture and ideas but you can't change ones genes . Uyghurs will still look different than other Chinese even after generations of forced brainswashing ( unless forced intermarriages take place )
But re-education here also means forget your native tongue and culture and adopt Han tongue and culture? It is not just about getting rid of the extremist or violence tendencies but also a cultural education.

I could be wrong, perhaps the Chinese members here know more on this matter.
They also banned the name Muhammad


Also, before anyone labels it Western propaganda that is a Russian news link

@dsr478 @lastofthepatriots @war&peace

Unfortunately it is the only way forward . Chinese are not going to gift their land and they are also not weak . The Uyghurs can relocate to Pakistan, Turkey , Uzbekistan ,Kyrgyzstan and other central Asian states . Chinese strategy is simple .Forget your culture and religion or else you will have to face consequences . Chinese want to have a unicultural society . You can change someone's culture and ideas but you can't change ones genes . Uyghurs will still different than other Chinese even after generations of forced brainshing ( unless forced intermarriages are staged )
They are imprisoning their men and forcing their women to marry Communist/atheist swine eaters. This is a deliberate attempt to wipe out Islam and Uyghurs identity.
Although I have never been to Xinjiang, China but I have visited Alma Ata, Kazahistan and knew fair few Kazakhs. In their case and in the case of other Central Asian/Steppe Turks what is conspicous is the Russification of these peoples - Tatar, Chuvash, Dagestani, Bashokir. Cyrilc script is in standard use, Russian dominates. There is precious little left of genuine Turkic culture - certainly those that could be attributed to Islamic influence.

In that sense what you see in Uighur region of China is no differant to the wider Turan region. Only there appears to be lot of moaning and b*tching. That I suspect is more to do with geo-politocs then anything intrinsic. I mean people on PDF and wider world seem to be comfortably amniasic about the wholesale genocide in Grozy as late as 1999 in Chechynia. Now that is what I call terror by a state - all administered by Putin.
Unfortunately it is the only way forward . Chinese are not going to gift their land and they are also not weak . The Uyghurs can relocate to Pakistan, Turkey , Uzbekistan ,Kyrgyzstan and other central Asian states . Chinese strategy is simple .Forget your culture and religion or else you will have to face consequences . Chinese want to have a unicultural society . You can change someone's culture and ideas but you can't change ones genes . Uyghurs will still different than other Chinese even after generations of forced brainshing ( unless forced intermarriages are staged )
They are imprisoning their men and forcing their women to marry Communist/atheist swine eaters. This is a deliberate attempt to wipe out Islam and Uyghurs identity.
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