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US’s 18-point plan to hold China accountable for corona includes deepening 'military ties with India

CIA Mole

May 1, 2019
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United States

Washington, May 15

A top US senator has unveiled an 18-point plan, including enhancing military ties with India, to hold the Chinese government accountable for its "lies, deception, and cover-ups" that ultimately led to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

The prominent suggestions are moving manufacturing chain from China and deepening military-strategic ties India, Vietnam and Taiwan.

"The Chinese government maliciously covered up and enabled a global pandemic that has caused misery for so many Americans. This is the same regime that locks up its own citizens in labour camps, steals America's technology and jobs, and threatens the sovereignty of our allies,” said Senator Thom Tillis, presenting his detailed, 18-point plan on Thursday.

"This is a major wake-up call to the United States and the rest of the free world. My plan of action will hold the Chinese government accountable for lying about COVID-19; sanctioning the Chinese government while protecting America's economy, public health, and national security," he said.

The plan seeking to create a Pacific Deterrence Initiative and immediately approve the military's request for USD 20 billion in funding. It also calls for deepening military ties with regional allies and expand equipment sales to India, Taiwan and Vietnam.

Encourage Japan to rebuild its military and offer Japan and South Korea sales of offensive military equipment, it said.

"Move manufacturing back to the US from China and gradually eliminate our supply chain dependency on China. Stop China from stealing our technology and provide incentives to American companies to regain our technological advantage. Strengthen cybersecurity against Chinese hacks and sabotage," the plan stated.

"Prevent American taxpayer money from being used by the Chinese government to pay off their debt. Implement the US ban on (Chinese technology company) Huawei and coordinate with our allies to implement similar bans,” it added.

The plan seeks restitution from the Chinese government and imposition of sanctions for lying about the virus. It further said China should be sanctioned for their atrocious human rights record.

Senator Tillis' plan urges the Trump Administration to formally request the International Olympic Committee to withdraw the 2022 Winter Olympics from Beijing.

"Stop China's propaganda campaign inside the United States. Treat Chinese government-run media outlets as the propaganda proxies that they are," the plan stated.
This only implicates the US for this virUS.

This was the plan from the start before the US released the virUS.

The more the US blames China and wants to punish China, is further building the huge case for the motive for this US bioweapon.

I recently learnt that CCP govt took into custody or hostage a 6 year.old boy Panchan.Lama around 1996. He was the world's youngest Political prisoner. Another feather in the cap of the communists. No one knows where the guy is now. Indoctrinated.
If any retaliatory action taken against China even in a small way, China must open up 25 Dalian-type shipyards.
The Americans are bluffing. The Chinese hold many aces in the deck of cards.
It's so funny to see America scrambling like a little b*tch. And China seems to have come out on top in all of this, with it's economy up and running. US is still reeling from the consequences.
What about the trillion+ debt?

what about 10 trillion + in just reserves alone. and 7 trillion in natural resources.

The one trillion is not even 10% of they assets.

secondly most of the debt is owned by Americans itself
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