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Netanyahu: Israel-China ties hold great promise

Everyone has interests, you do know many Arab Muslim countries are secretly cooperating with Israel right ?

On topic China can take lessons from Israels anti terrorism tactics and technological innovation, no need to hate them nor like them.

@Raphael @Chinese-Dragon

Would you (if you were a president or prime minister of a certain country) support another country's terror and crimes for your own interests? You are right, Arab countries and Turkey do this all the time, they are totally inhumane and immoral. As for me; NEVER.
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Everyone has interests, you do know many Arab Muslim countries are secretly cooperating with Israel right ?

On topic China can take lessons from Israels anti terrorism tactics and technological innovation, no need to hate them nor like them.

@Raphael @Chinese-Dragon

I could care less what China does, point is that it is no different than any other power.
We had this discussion more than once. :lol:

According to you, you can't be an American without completely supporting our foreign policy. So what about those who dispute our economic policy? :lol:

Where do you see any surprise in securing foreign interests? Your arguments are pathetic. :lol:

They are no arguments, I only see him braying like the beast he has chosen to be.

I could care less what China does, point is that it is no different than any other power.

Arab and so-called "Muslim countries" aren't any better than China. Do we have the right to expect high morality from others when we are lacking it ourselves?
They are no arguments, I only see him braying like the beast he has chosen to be.

Exactly. Not the first time nor the last. :lol:

Arab and so-called "Muslim countries" aren't any better than China. Do we have the right to expect high morality from others when we are lacking it ourselves?

You're speaking of our administrations, amongst our people we have supportive views. Nobody want's any Arab leader in power at this moment. They can't do anything about it though until we get some mass movements going.

I don't expect anything from any nation. I've already known China was like this years ago. I just found it funny that people hailed China as if it's the leader of the free world.
We had this discussion more than once. :lol:

According to you, you can't be an American without completely supporting our foreign policy. So what about those who dispute our economic policy? :lol:

Where do you see any surprise in securing foreign interests? Your arguments are pathetic. :lol:
Because he is from a pathetic Country :crazy:
I could care less what China does, point is that it is no different than any other power.
Agreed :tup:
Would you (if you were a president of prime minister of a certain country) support another country's terror and crimes for your own interests? You are right, Arab countries and Turkey do this all the time, they are totally inhumane and immoral. As for me; NEVER.

Neither maintain a neutral policy.
The conflict between Israel and Palestine is for them to figure out, and has nothing to do with our economic cooperation with either party.

I understand what you are saying but do you think countries should do everything for their interests? Are there any limits?
Agreed :tup:

Neither maintain a neutral policy.

This is how China operates, and it's preferable in my opinion over Russia and the USA. China is only aggressive when it comes to serious matters on their shores since we all know the past of Japanese imperialism and atrocities. I like how China plays things.

And this isn't China's fault. But, this is what Israel wants from influential powers such as China or Russia who compete with the West. Israel want's neutrality from such nations so it can gain diplomatic immunity. So when it comes to international pressure and resolutions both China and Russia will be silent. While the West will support Israel. So they have it both ways.

Israel is all talk, they will never jump from camp to camp. They want tens of billions in economic and military aid from the West while at the same time decent relations with nations that don't get along with the West.

So as I said, it isn't the Chinese's fault. It just plays into the Israeli narrative perfectly.
Obviously, my position is different from most people in the world. I basically hate all states because they inflict terror and suffering, either on their own populations or on people in other countries. I believe God created us all equal and nobody has the right to inflict pain and suffering on others. National interests is just a ridiculous excuse.
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I understand what you are saying but do you think countries should do everything for their interests? Are there any limits?

Agreed, sadly, there aren't any limits these days. What he said about the conflict is falsely portrayed as well. It's not up to the two to solve the issue. It is one dominant side with a never ending western supply to give them all advantages against the whole region which man handles the whole situation.

So, this will benefit Israeli expansionism.
I don't see why everyone is getting so fussed about it; China and Israel will help each other. Good. Congrats. Move on.
Co operation is good...just don't forget their special relationship with the US...
Agreed, sadly, there aren't any limits these days. What he said about the conflict is falsely portrayed as well. It's not up to the two to solve the issue. It is one dominant side with a never ending western supply to give them all advantages against the whole region which man handles the whole situation.

So, this will benefit Israeli expansionism.

Yes, obviously he doesn't know much about the conflict. But then, do we know much about the various issues and conflicts in the Far East? Like I said, even Arab and Muslim countries are openly collaborating with Israel so I don't hold China to a higher standard than our evil and pathetic leaders. That would be unfair and stupid. At least China doesn't take sides, which is much much better than what the West does and most Arab / Muslim puppet states.

You're speaking of our administrations, amongst our people we have supportive views. Nobody want's any Arab leader in power at this moment.

I'm of the opinion that generally people deserve the leaders they have.

I don't see why everyone is getting so fussed about it; China and Israel will help each other. Good. Congrats. Move on.

Don't you like philosophy?
I'm of the opinion that generally people deserve the leaders they have.

You are right unfortunately.

Rasulullah (SAW) said: “Allah does not punish the individuals for the sins of the community until they see the evil spreading among themselves, and while they have the power to stop it, do not do so.” (Ahmad) Ibn Taimiyyah said: “This is why those who are in authority are of two groups: the scholars and the rulers. If they are upright, the people will be upright; if they are corrupt, the people will be corrupt.”


Is China allowed by @Fukuoka to have relations with JEW NATO? hehe :lol:

Very good point, he's always trolling our section on this issue. :lol:
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