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Netanyahu: Israel-China ties hold great promise

That is because we are a civilized country... and if paying taxes made a country great like us, you all would all have figured out a way to come out from your undeveloped ones
but going to live off a country's welfare when you obviously hate what it stands for... makes you a leech..

You must feel very special that you are living in the US? Good for you, but you're not the only one. Are you aware that the citizens of the very country that you're from, India, are not really following on paying taxes? So you're just going to insult everyone?

Anyway, you have apparently been there for some time now, at least learn the difference between living off wellfare and normal living, wellfare is like a chairty, an aid, coupon whatever you want to call it. Whereas when you're living your normal life, you get paid for your work, not because its a charity, in other words, you're getting paid for the services you provide and some of the money you make goes to your taxes, VATs, etc... that helps run the economy. Remember that US economy is highly reliant on domestic consumption, so the more money you make, the more taxes you pay (overall), more things you buy, plain and simple.

So lets get to your last point, loving the country you living in doesn't mean that you shouldn't be able to criticize some of its policies, whether you're right or wrong about them, freedom of expression was fundemental in shaping what US is today, and people like you, fanatics who blindly follow orders are endagering the very thing that made this country special.
Chinese people always have great respect for the Jewish people and vice versa.

It has nothing to do with whether the two countries are in different systems, or the two countries have diplomatic relationship or not.

The mutual respect is deeply rooted within the citizen level and from bottom up.

What the two governments are doing is just the natural result. I believe the healthy relationship between China and Jewish nation will always be there though China indeed has some reservation over how Israel handles certain matters.

This is why I said China is no different than Russia or the USA. They just secure their interests in a manner which is preferable over the American way.
Chinese people always have great respect for the Jewish people and vice versa.

It has nothing to do with whether the two countries are in different systems, or the two countries have diplomatic relationship or not.

The mutual respect is deeply rooted within the citizen level and from bottom up.

What the two governments are doing is just the natural result. I believe the healthy relationship between China and Jewish nation will always be there though China indeed has some reservation over how Israel handles certain matters.

We have a good relationship with the Jewish people, yes. But not as good with the state of Israel itself, we should continue improving relations with them.
China support the existence of Israel and is against any action that is intended to destroy Israel.

Is that clear enough for you?

Is China your enemy now?

I doubt that China will ever support Zionist crimes and their illegal occupation. If they do, then of course they must be treated as enemies but I don't see it.
By your statement, I bet you are a muslim as well. Let me ask you some questions since you said "God created us all equal and nobody has the right to inflict pain and suffering on others"

Can muslim women have the freedom to get education, work, vote and dress freely as muslim men do?

Can any person born out of muslim family choose his/her religion belief freely by himself/herself, e.g. either convert to other religions, leave islam religion or become atheist freely?

Can any person born out of muslim family choose his/her marriage freely with the person he/she loves, no matter the religion or non-religion the other half has?

Those are very basic questions and people in the west, and China all enjoy resounding "YES" to all the questions above.

How about your answers then???

Obviously, my position is different from most people in the world. I basically hate all states because they inflict terror and suffering, either on their own populations or on people in other countries. I believe God created us all equal and nobody has the right to inflict pain and suffering on others. National interests is just a ridiculous excuse.
You must feel very special that you are living in the US? Good for you, but you're not the only one. Are you aware that the citizens of the very country that you're from, India, are not really following on paying taxes? So you're just going to insult everyone?

Anyway, you have apparently been there for some time now, at least learn the difference between living off wellfare and normal living, wellfare is like a chairty, an aid, coupon whatever you want to call it. Whereas when you're living your normal life, you get paid for your work, not because its a charity, in other words, you're getting paid for the services you provide and some of the money you make goes to your taxes, VATs, etc... that helps run the economy. Remember that US economy is highly reliant on domestic consumption, so the more money you make, the more taxes you pay (overall), more things you buy, plain and simple.

So lets get to your last point, loving the country you living in doesn't mean that you shouldn't be able to criticize some of its policies, whether you're right or wrong about them, freedom of expression was fundemental in shaping what US is today, and people like you, fanatics who blindly follow orders are endagering the very thing that made this country special.

You have a fundamental ignorance of what the word welfare means. To you and some others it means living off charity, while providing the welfare of its citizens is a core constitutional goal for americans. The preamble to the U.S. Constitution cites promotion of the general welfare as a primary reason for the creation of the Constitution. Promotion of the general welfare is also a stated purpose in state constitutions and statutes.

The first clause of Article I, Section 8, reads, "The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States."

You also have a fundamental misunderstanding of what makes the US the no1 economy in the world.. people paying taxes or VAT don't make it a country that people come here and desire to immigrate. It is the opportunities, freedom, business laws, supporting infrastructure, core values and its constitution that allows you to thrive. I can come live in Iran as example and the opportunity to be successful will be @1% chance of what i would have in the US. I could pay all the taxes but the way your constitution is setup, business laws is setup, the way your government is setup, the lack of true freedom exists- would inherently make " chances of successful citizenry" low.

On my last point- I am well rounded in my opinions, my opinions are not about protecting " all", or agreeing with " all" america does... rather my opinions are directed towards those who always go against the US over their original motherlands. If you have followed me and are honest, you will see me criticize Indians on many occasions, you will have known that I was against Iraq war, against continued stay in afghanistan, against NSA's overt spying techniques, against american interventions in most cases, pro intervention in Syria, etc etc...

I only ridicule those here who live in western christian countries for their selfish welfare , while criticizing the core fundamental beliefs of our countries, seem to think their religion takes precedence and are always are against what America stands for, always...WHILE hiding under the shroud of " dissent"...

if 10 topics are posted here about America, different and varying, they are 10/10 against the US, but then go " I am not against the US, I am just dissenting"...upon which I call their B.S.
Obviously, my position is different from most people in the world. I basically hate all states because they inflict terror and suffering, either on their own populations or on people in other countries. I believe God created us all equal and nobody has the right to inflict pain and suffering on others. National interests is just a ridiculous excuse.

If humanity trumps over national interest, why is it wrong for Jewish people to go back to their ancestral land and settle there instead of wandering around on the earth? Are Palestinian people having no place to live? I am really confused. What's so important for you to differentiate a Jewish person from a Palestinian person? Shouldn't they both have equal rights to have a place to live on the earth? Obviously those are just rhetoric questions.

You do realize that no matter how educated we are, we are inherently biased due to our background, be it our upbringing, our religion, our cultural affinity, etc, etc. It is therefore dangerous to always assume a higher moral ground than others. In the end, a person claiming higher moral ground might inflict more damage than a person with humble and open mind. Self interest can be objectively assessed. If we all take care of our self interest by legitimate means, we can achieve equilibrium between our personal interest and fairness to others much easier and more humanely.
People need to understand that there is only self interest why would China give two $hits about other countries. The Chinese government has to take care of its people not people of other countries. If having good relation with Israel serves that purpose then why not. Don't blame China if your country's foreign relations are terrible.
I only ridicule those here who live in western christian countries for their selfish welfare , while criticizing the core fundamental beliefs of our countries, seem to think their religion takes precedence and are always are against what America stands for, always...WHILE hiding under the shroud of " dissent"...

if 10 topics are posted here about America, different and varying, they are 10/10 against the US, but then go " I am not against the US, I am just dissenting"...upon which I call their B.S.

Who's 'our' and what 'core fundamental beliefs'? Idiot.
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People need to understand that there is only self interest why would China give two $hits about other countries. The Chinese government has to take care of its people not people of other countries. If having good relation with Israel serves that purpose then why not. Don't blame China if your country's foreign relations are terrible.

We have paid horrible price in the past to help people of other countries for the sake of communist ideals. We helped Vietnam to fight the U.S., NK against the U.S., donated huge amount of resources to Yugoslavia and other Eastern European countries. In the end, look at all those countries now, they all hate us as situations have changed and they are worse than Americans or other Europeans. Therefore, idealism and so called humanitarian believes have no place in world politics. People are all selfish and quick to forget.
China respect strong nations, including small strong country - Israel.

1. As two victim nations of WWII, Chinese and Jew ppl have the same feeling to each other, specially the history Chinese ever helped Jew refugees from Europe in ShangHai.

2. Israel has some advanced military tech that China interest in, and China has some nuclear tech that they need.

3. Israel had export equipments to China PLA like UAV and radar system.

4. Both Jew and Chinese r good at trade and earning.

For China national interests, there's no any dispute between China and Israel and our relationships is important in Middle East. Chinese like Israel and respect Israeli's brave & self-sacrifice spirit in past wars.
all you got to know is - that It is opposite of your jihadi loving values

Yet again, you made an accusation but couldn't tell us exactly what 'core fundamental American beliefs' I criticized. And how it relates to ones views on political state of the world.

So now you resort to more hateful disparaging as you use against all Muslims. Yet we're the ones full of hatred. :rolleyes:

You don't even know what the term 'Jihad' means. Using it as some kind of slur. :disagree:
Yet again, you made an accusation but couldn't tell us exactly what 'core fundamental American beliefs' I criticized. And how it relates to ones views on political state of the world.

So now you resort to more hateful disparaging as you use against all Muslims. Yet we're the ones full of hatred. :rolleyes:

You don't even know what the term 'Jihad' means. Using it as some kind of slur. :disagree:

I disparage you and your jihadi dreams... and not muslims. But, as the typical anti american hate monger you are- you obfuscate it to saying I am against muslims. Go back to palestine and join Hamas or whomever. But walk that talk...
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