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Use of NASR and retaliation by India (if Any)

Wow ! u think there that thar/ rajhastan desert is a very barren land ??empty??? No Life??? are u serious??? U have heard of a nuclear fallout yes???
nothing is off the table when it comes to responding the war mongering with brands like cold start.
so tell you member of parliament to call off your conquest ambitions against Pakistan. go bully smaller countries that ccant fight back
First of all, to consolidate any gains (that are not that easy achieve against Pakistan as she has 600,000 regulars and approx. equal number of reserves), India will have to send a lot of force inside Pakistan.

Pakistan "may retaliate" with Nasr. It is not 1965, when communications systems were not that advanced. Pakistan can move its soldiers and people to well beyond the reach of effects of Nasr missile. I know that Pakistan has already prepared herself for such quick movements and the villagers living in bordering areas also know what do to when asked by the army.

Once Indian forces consolidate their positions and bring in more force, Pakistan may retaliate with Nasr if their are other options not available (which is again highly improbable). I am not listing other options here as it may very well prove to be highly offensive. This will be done after giving appropriate notices to the Indian Army to leave the area.

If Indians do not give heed to Pakistan's warnings and God forbid Nasr is used, there will be very high number of casualties of "Indian soldiers" "inside Pakistan's border".

India will surely retaliate with full scale nuclear strike. This will be considered first strike as she will carry out strike inside another country's territory on civilians. This will be done on a small city first where the defenses will be weak.

Pakistan will then be free to use nuclear bombs through her tested missiles. Pakistan will be on a suicide course. We common Pakistanis are already ready for this suicide and and have accepted our fate that's why we say that their is no hindrance in using nuclear option. You ask a child of 12-14 years of age and he knows that Pakistan will be completely destroyed. You need a lot of effort to prepare nation for a suicide but sometime this is the only graceful option left.

And we know that Pakistan's suicide will result in severely wounded India as well. The economy that she has achieved in the last 15 years, will be sent back to at least 45 years. India will also not be able to control several independence movements that are waiting for such an opportunity. This will result in dead Pakistan and India without limbs, hands and broken back. This scenario is actually widely discussed in both Pakistan's and India's defense circles. If you don't believe me, just ask anyone who sits with defense strategists. Our intelligence operatives in your ranks do tell us how does this scenario go down with your strategists. I am not telling you without confirming this with some Pakistan's defense related individuals.

This is the only scenario (and only scenario means that both know about its probability being 99%) that keeps India from any adventures against Pakistan.

Now India is a very intelligent nation. She will continue its proxies in Balochistan and will try to sabotage any economic projects. People who think that India and Pakistan are not at war are living in a fools paradise. The war is being fought at economic front and proxies are being used to damage other party's economy. India was winning this war until recently, however, the situation is being gradually changed. You will see a lot of "armed" uprisings in the near future. This was is a very long war and may take 20-25 years for us to see the results.
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Lets see if India likes to loose a single coulmn,division in a single NASR attack or they will like to loose a complete nation in a retaliatory fire of Pak nukes. At least I'm counting indian planners to be more smart than average joe like you here, who are quoting theoretical policies which you lot like to quote every now and then that Nuke attack on India inside Pakistan will commence full retaliation from India.

I'm more like counting sissies like your PM,who,even coward,has touch with reality,unlike yahoos who "threatens india with nuke strike with every single f@rt they blow".
My dear, there is no other scenario(s). whether is a tactical or not, one nuke strik means they are wipeout from this globe..tata bye bye

This is indias policy.....
Look at the area of Pakistan and go and ask some sane person how many Nuclear warheads India requires to wipe out Pakistan from this globs ? may be answer would be close to 1000
For that purpose we are building more warheads (Pakistan posses more warheads as compare to India.)
Dude,thats what I said.Whole world abandoned the "Tactical Nuke" as well as "Tsar Bomb" kind of idea.Looks like not only technology,Pakistan is stuck in the mentality of 70s as well.

What is the reason for such decision??Because they effectively identified that Tactical nukes doesn't serve any purpose at all.What it can do,modern conventional weapons like cluster bombs can do it even better,as well as it is extremely cheaper,along with no diplomatic catastrophe.What use of Tactical weapons serve is nothing but increasing the chances of a full blown nuclear war multifold as well as it becomes catastrophe when it comes for its political fallout.

You should know these facts,as you're a TT.In PDF,koi bhi TT ban jata hai. :disagree::disagree:

As I said,those people who thinks they can prevent a conventional strike with a Tactical Nuclear strike,are truly Madman,and those who believe in them are even bigger ones.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

People like you are the reason Kaitju was forced to declare his famous statement which impolied. 90 percent of India doesnot want to think from their grey cells at all.

Pakistan NASR was made because On Rajhastan/Thar desert region Pakistan has utterly lost its conventional might. There is not enough soldiers/tech to stump the Indian conventional superiority or very sudden attack. And If you are such a smart guy, you can easily know what is your 1st corps in Rajhastan area doing from last 4-5years.

No we are not stuck in 70's mentality. We dont have enough gear to counter 2 large corps of Indian army in a timely fashion with whatever conventional might you have.

Think about it for a second and when it gets through your thick head, then comes an questions my TT''ship.

Who says Conventional strike cant be prevented with a tactical nuke strike. Ground will poisoned with nuclear fallout. India can not move through that land.
nothing is off the table when it comes to responding the war mongering with brands like cold start.
so tell you member of parliament to call off your conquest ambitions against Pakistan. go bully smaller countries that ccant fight back

And that justify the use of nukes??? are u already questioning the lack of ability of your armed forces to defend ???
I'm more like counting sissies like your PM,who,even coward,has touch with reality,unlike yahoos who "threatens india with nuke strike with every single f@rt they blow".

I knew you wont remain objective Getout from this objective, if you want to post such kind of rubbish.

Your appraisal n PDF of what we will do as a reaction to what you do is inconsequential to Indian Nuclear Doctrine brother.

Yes that is what we are counting on it as well. Whatever you says is inconsequential to Whatever Indian nuke planners will decide in the heat of battle. Because they are not morons like average indian joe who believes India will retaliate with full nuclear might.

What India can do is retaliate with Tactical nuclear warheads which I'm sure you havent even developed or tested yet.
And you know Indians Muslims like you make our job much easier :)

Do you think we care once you've nuked an Indian column?

You are our enemy today. But the obvious baichara remains. Its there in most Indians. Its definitely there in most Muslim Indians.

All that will vaporize very quickly brother.
Look at the area of Pakistan and go and ask some sane person how many Nuclear warheads India requires to wipe out Pakistan from this globs ? may be answer would be close to 1000
For that purpose we are building more warheads (Pakistan posses more warheads as compare to India.)

R u kidding.....1000 warheads....

Lol just 2 hydronukes sufficient for ....

And u comparing size...ur size is just as our 2 states (uttar pardesh & uttrakhand)

Dont kidding yaar....i thik u dont know what nuks are....research plez
When both India and Pakistan talk about Nuclear exchange, warheads, Nasr, Prahaar, and so many varied topics .. suddenly I feel folks of both sides have either done
  1. Pop the magic blue pill which gives a massive boost to the mojo
  2. Tried herbal shilajit to get the same vigour and ever lasting abilities
  3. Or tried grandma secret recipes to get blood flow and feel a hot iron feeling.

It's s if the newly acquired assets are ripping out of your pants and all wish to showcase if the ruler can measure it or the asset can measure the ruler!

Nasr, cold start all are old strategies...

Cold start got replaced about 8 and 1/2 years back. So is the Nasr based strategy of firing to advancing column in their own soil for defending.

Get a life .. strategy in public domain are the ones which are "legacy" strategies.. similar the retaliation option in open is also not a first reply option. It's media who fools blind folks of both sides who keeps on harping on cold start and Nasr. Thereby increasing newsprint sales..

Both India and Pakistan has moved much ahead with their strategies and counter strategies...
People ... Remember this , who ever launches a nuke for whatever the reason, there is no going back! Read one poster say that pakistan is ready for suicide and another not ready to answer the question of if there is a "nuclear fallout" ?? Seriously one is ready to sacrifice future generation for what?

Who ever launches ? be it india or pakistan, the world will not be take it lightly There WILL BE NO Friends who will help anyone !

NO NUKES!! NO NUKES!!! NO NUKES!!! (sorry this is a quote from a funny movie)
R u kidding.....1000 warheads....

Lol just 2 hydronukes sufficient for ....

And u comparing size...ur size is just as our 2 states (uttar pardesh & uttrakhand)

Dont kidding yaar....i thik u dont know what nuks are....research plez
You are ignorant
Check this

Effects radii for 1 megaton airburst* (smallest to largest): ▼

Fireball radius: 0.97 km (2.93 km²)
Maximum size of the nuclear fireball; relevance to lived effects depends on height of detonation. If it touches the ground, the amount of radioactive fallout is significantly increased. Minimum burst height for negligible fallout: 0.87 km.

Air blast radius (20 psi): 2.27 km (16.2 km²)
At 20 psi overpressure, heavily built concrete buildings are severely
No with a very little non-nuclear warhead NASR is useless, NASR designed to carry out nuclear strike with 0.5 KT to 1KT nuclear warhead to fry advancing Indian tanks.
Why use a nuke when cluster bombs or other conventional weapons can do the job??
A 60 km range rocket is certainly a game changer in the sub continent.
Yes, I guess rocket artillery such as Smerch & Pinaka can change anything into ashes within a 60 Km radius..

A 60 km range rocket is certainly a game changer in the sub continent.
Yes, I guess rocket artillery such as Smerch & Pinaka can change anything into ashes within a 60 Km radius..
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