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Use of NASR and retaliation by India (if Any)

Pakistanis always bring in NASR as a game changer- a deterrance for India. I want to hear their views on the possible uses of the same

Nasr was developed to counter the Indian "Cold Start" doctrine, a blitzkrieg that would paralyze Pakistan within 72 hours.
To achieve that, India won't be attacking with 6-7 tanks but with complete divisions thru multiple entries. This is where the Nasr comes in. Even with a subkiloton yield, the missile can neutralize the intruder with minimum damage to the environment. It will be used on our own soil once our territory is compromised.
Any pre emptive attack on Indian soil will be of conventional nature. We have dedicated missiles to destroy IAF bases with conventional warhead.
It is a tactical weapon that can be used when the needs arises while the strategic nuclear weapons are the last resort
i meant to say if we lost territory

Pakistan only tested fission based nuke not tactical nukes or low yeild device that day

Go check out what test shakti-4 and 5 are
Do not waste my time
Miniature nuke means converting them into
wow yar is bandy ny tou hamary saary Nuclear program ko hi tejas bana dia
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Pakistan only tested fission based nuke not tactical nukes or low yeild device that day

Go check out what test shakti-4 and 5 are
Do not waste my time

Who says that? An idiot sitting on his chair refusing to believe that Pak Nuclear R&D will remain dormant for 12-13 years and would not try to miniaturize nuke warheads further ?

I mean not a single nation on earth would release tactical or official data about tactical warheads in 21st century. The announcement of Nasr is itself evident a working tactical nuke warhead has been achieved. If you have to counter this evidence. Bring something solid instead of your rehtorics and Pakistan cant do this or that idiotic rants. Thankyou
I'm appalled at your utter ignorance and stupidity. Lookup on the internet about the 30 may 1998 tests of Pakistan where we tested compact plutonium warheads. If you chose to remain ignorant and want to belittle pakistani contribution by saying Pakistan doesn't have capability miniaturize nuclear warheads up to the level of Nasr. You are welcome to try out any misadventure to find out

On the other hand. Give me proof India has miniaturize and cold tested nuke warheads so much so that it can be fitted on Prahaar missile.


Go through 1998 Nuclear test to get a view on "Miniaturization of Nukes"..

Second,Prahaar is a conventional missile.A long range battlefield rocket artillery actually.

Tactical Nukes are totally useless,according to rest of the world,because it exposes you without sufficient compensation.Even an use of tactical nuke will effectively ensure that either rest of the nuclear powers will bomb you to the stone age,or effectively incarcerate you so that Pakistan will scrap their heels for next 1000 years.

Pakistan decision makers are madman,really.They don't have an ally(forget a nuclear power) which stays with them in case of war(China doesn't even count.Historically China never helped them in any war).Yet they make speeches as if whole world will stay behind them even if they make a nuclear strike.Thats why whole world call their speeches "bluff".
India's position is extremely clear..

Forget Nasr,even Pakistan use Rocket Launcher or Grenade armed with nuclear warhead,India will consider it as "First Strike" and will commence Full Retaliation.And its not just the case of Pakistan,its for any other country.

Those who doesn't know what a situation of this looks like,watch this movie...

The Sum of All Fears

Lets see if India likes to loose a single coulmn,division in a single NASR attack or they will like to loose a complete nation in a retaliatory fire of Pak nukes. At least I'm counting indian planners to be more smart than average joe like you here, who are quoting theoretical policies which you lot like to quote every now and then that Nuke attack on India inside Pakistan will commence full retaliation from India.
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I was having a discussion on the thread https://defence.pk/threads/solution-for-indian-occupied-kashmir-liberation.442740

The matters turned to Nuclear Option (as usual ;) )The Pakistani members started talking about NASR and how it will be used against India. I countered by saying any use of NASR will lead to massive nuclear strike by India.

@hellfire countered that it may not always be the case.

This thread is to discuss possible uses of NASR and reactions (if Any) by India

Scenario 1 Attack on column of tanks breaching the pakistani mainland and moving towards one of the top cities

This scenario assumes that the attack will happen on Pakistani soil against a column of tanks. The casuality figures seem very less to me. Why use a nuke if you are going to just destroy 6-7 tanks. Forgive my ignorance about military tactics I dont think that if a column of tanks is attacking then only 6-7 tanks will be in area of 1 - 1.5 KM. My understanding is atleast 20-25 tanks will be in that zone and use of a nuke to destroy that many tanks and to halt the progress of the rest of column ( to save from nuclear fallout) is a good use of a tacticle nuke

India's Reaction - My understanding is that in case of such high casualities India will retaliate with full Nuclear Strike

Scenario 2 use of NASR on Airbases/ Indian army columns within Indian territory

This scenario seems a bit difficult given the short range of NASR. To do this the missile has to be brought directly to the border itself

India's Reaction A nuclear attack (tacticle or strategic) within India's border will definitely lead to a massive nuclear retaliation.

Scenario 3 A sea based version of NASR used to attack and destroy an Aircraft Carrier

I dont know if a sea based version of NASR exists. But if it does it will be a very effective "Carrier Killer" (if it manages to get in range without being detected and stopped) Given the short range of NASR this scenario seems very difficult. No Aircraft carrier will come within 60-70 KM of the coast and any ship carrying the missile will be intercepted and destroyed before it can do the damage. However if it succeeds then

India's Reaction A nuclear attack on an Aircraft Carrier will lead to a full scale Nuclear Reaction

I dont want this to be a troll thread. I want discussion on these of any other scenario(s) where NASR can be used. What reaction will India give for such a use
first of all u r sayiing like when indian army will advance pakistani army will move in a side and let them advance
of course there is going to be retaliation
now with a big "iF" you advanced comes NASR
Nasr was developed to counter the Indian "Cold Start" doctrine, a blitzkrieg that would paralyze Pakistan within 72 hours.
To achieve that, India won't be attacking with 6-7 tanks but with complete divisions thru multiple entries. This is where the Nasr comes in. Even with a subkiloton yield, the missile can neutralize the intruder with minimum damage to the environment. It will be used on our own soil once outlet territory is compromised.
Any pretty emptive attack on Indian soil will have conventional nature. We have dedicated missiles to destroy IAF bases with conventional warhead.
A Nuke that will neutralize the Intruder ie Kill yes - How will this be minimum damage to the environment? how? Thats funny ! Its A Nuke !!! It is bad for everything and everyone!

Go through 1998 Nuclear test to get a view on "Miniaturization of Nukes"..

Second,Prahaar is a conventional missile.A long range battlefield rocket artillery actually.

Tactical Nukes are totally useless,according to rest of the world,because it exposes you without sufficient compensation.Even an use of tactical nuke will effectively ensure that either rest of the nuclear powers will bomb you to the stone age,or effectively incarcerate you so that Pakistan will scrap their heels for next 1000 years.

Pakistan decision makers are madman,really.They don't have an ally(forget a nuclear power) which stays with them in case of war(China doesn't even count.Historically China never helped them in any war).Yet they make speeches as if whole world will stay behind them even if they make a nuclear strike.Thats why whole world call their speeches "bluff".
I would rather let you believe that :)

Go through 1998 Nuclear test to get a view on "Miniaturization of Nukes"..

Second,Prahaar is a conventional missile.A long range battlefield rocket artillery actually.

Tactical Nukes are totally useless,according to rest of the world,because it exposes you without sufficient compensation.Even an use of tactical nuke will effectively ensure that either rest of the nuclear powers will bomb you to the stone age,or effectively incarcerate you so that Pakistan will scrap their heels for next 1000 years.

Pakistan decision makers are madman,really.They don't have an ally(forget a nuclear power) which stays with them in case of war(China doesn't even count.Historically China never helped them in any war).Yet they make speeches as if whole world will stay behind them even if they make a nuclear strike.Thats why whole world call their speeches "bluff".

This kind of post makes me bang my head in wall. I mean, For God sake, Even USA developed tactical nukes because at that time USA was unable to counteract conventional large scale armoured thrust of USSR. Only when USA conventional edge becomes sophisticated they dismantled tactical nuclear warheads. Pakistan is where USA was in 70's 80's in terms of conventional edge.

Decision makers are not madmen. Madmen are those who fails to analyze the whole situation and tries to cherrypick and thinks other Nuclear nation will bomb Pakistan on the basis of that Pakistan nuke their own territory. Laughable

A Nuke that will neutralize the Intruder ie Kill yes - How will this be minimum damage to the environment? how? Thats funny ! Its A Nuke !!! It is bad for everything and everyone!

So You are saying detonating a nuke in Thar/Rajhastan desert will affect the greenery of the said desert ?
I would rather let you believe that :)

Actually,whole world believes it.

Tell me,if a country is so strong mentally,that they can nuke others,how come their moral gets so low when it comes to drone strike?
Decision makers are not madmen. Madmen are those who fails to analyze the whole situation and tries to cherrypick and thinks other Nuclear nation will bomb Pakistan on the basis of that Pakistan nuke their own territory. Laughable

Your territory being nuked by you is inconsequential brother. Our doctrine is clear. A nuclear attack on an Indian military formation will be taken as a nuclear attack on India.

And reacted to.
This kind of post makes me bang my head in wall. I mean, For God sake, Even USA developed tactical nukes because at that time USA was unable to counteract conventional large scale armoured thrust of USSR. Only when USA conventional edge becomes sophisticated they dismantled tactical nuclear warheads. Pakistan is where USA was in 70's 80's in terms of conventional edge.

Decision makers are not madmen. Madmen are those who fails to analyze the whole situation and tries to cherrypick and thinks other Nuclear nation will bomb Pakistan on the basis of that Pakistan nuke their own territory. Laughable

So You are saying detonating a nuke in Thar/Rajhastan desert will affect the greenery of the said desert ?
Wow ! u think there that thar/ rajhastan desert is a very barren land ??empty??? No Life??? are u serious??? U have heard of a nuclear fallout yes???
Your territory being nuked by you is inconsequential brother. Our doctrine is clear. A nuclear attack on an Indian military formation will be taken as a nuclear attack on India.

And reacted to.

Yeah Whatever. Like I said average joe like you keep parroting these policies. Unless India has a working Tactical nuke warhead through which it can respond to. Forget about Nuking the whole Pakistan based on a single tactical nuke strike on India armour division in ajhastan/Thar Area.

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