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Use of Chemical Weapons by India

Biological weapons are much more environmentally stable with far reaching effects and wide area of contamination than chemical weapons. And it is much harder to detect by UN investigators, as a small petri-dish of bacteria can be stored for years in a cryogenic facility, and can be destroyed at will.

Where have the Indians run away to - rat holes?

We have chemical and biological weapons, why should we run in a rat's hole? Perhaps you should, grab a gas mask and run into any hole you can.
Exactly bio weapons aren't that hard to produce i could produce a bio bomb /carrier in my home using normal household items.
Even tiny,stupid state SYRIA also have che weapons what u expect from mammoth country official or un official :azn:

Now that's what i call.... manhood but only if it had occurred before post#110

Actually, all of a sudden all Indian, replies have changed.
India is using biological warfare in Pakistan.... post 2007, using dengue and polio virus.
There are some Nut jobs in islam who believe that vaccines contain pork remnants and therefore haram, instead they advocate a mother giving breast milk to a child till 5 yrs of age to develop immunity.WOW:cheesy:

With people like them who ask female doctors to be covered in burqa and her hands covered even for non muslim doctors no wonder i find you have medical problems.
After many years of denying the existence of a chemical weapons program, India disclosed in June 1997 that it possessed chemical weapons. Under the terms of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), which India signed in 1993 and ratified in September 1996, India had destroyed approximately 75 percent of its stockpile of Schedule 1 chemicals by the end of 2006. In March 2009, India announced that it had destroyed all of its chemical weapons stocks in accordance with the CWC.

However, India used chemical weapons against freedom fighters in Indian Occupied Kashmir and attacked Pakistani posts on the LOC with chemical artillery shells.

India also possess Biological weapons and considering its previous record, there always is a possibility that India might use it again or provide chemical and biological weapons it to the terrorists for use clandestinely. In 1999, former Biopreparat first deputy chief Ken Alibek asserted in his book Biohazard that during a trip to India, he saw indications of a possible biological weapons program. Alibek states that increased security at certain Indian facilities convinces him that India is developing these weapons.

In July 1999, according to unidentified Pakistani sources, India has started preparations to develop biological weapons. According to these sources, it is receiving help from Israel, along with unidentified German and Bulgarian companies. The sources also state that India will use these weapons to avert the use of nuclear weapons. This was posted at http://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/infer/data/byformat/kbe/cns.kbe.xml

In January 2001, the US Department of Defense reported that India has many qualified scientists, numerous biological and pharmaceutical production facilities, and biocontainment facilities suitable for research and development of dangerous pathogens. The report also states that at least some of these facilities are being used to support research and development for biological warfare (BW) defense work.

While the world is deliberating the use of chemical weapons by Syria, we must not forget the India had earlier lied about possession of chemical and biological weapons and is conducting further research on these weapons. India has also used chemical weapons in Kashmir, reportedly in NE India and against Pakistan.

Congressional Record

Congressional Record, V. 145, Pt. 9, June 9, 1999 to June 17, 1999 - Congress - Google Books

India 'using chemical weapons' in Kashmir

BBC News | South Asia | India 'using chemical weapons' in Kashmir

Is India Using Chemical Weapons

Business | Is India Using Chemical Weapons? -- Pakistan Testing Rival's Artillery Shells For Residue | Seattle Times Newspaper

Why is Uncle SAM letting India get away with the crime of using Chemical Weapons ?

Uncle SAM shame on you for turning a blind eye !!!
Why is Uncle SAM letting India get away with the crime of using Chemical Weapons ?

Uncle SAM shame on you for turning a blind eye !!!

Cos Uncle Sam knows its a load of Bullcrap you guys say,so they ignore your rants.
Biological weapons are much more environmentally stable with far reaching effects and wide area of contamination than chemical weapons. And it is much harder to detect by UN investigators, as a small petri-dish of bacteria can be stored for years in a cryogenic facility, and can be destroyed at will.

We have chemical and biological weapons, why should we run in a rat's hole? Perhaps you should, grab a gas mask and run into any hole you can.

Actually it all has to do with India lying to the world community and violating its international treaty obligations and not how easy it is to produce what you can.

Yes I do need a gas mask. Not because of Indian chemical weapons, because of the stink that Indians produce when they lie openly and without any shame.
There are some Nut jobs in islam who believe that vaccines contain pork remnants and therefore haram, instead they advocate a mother giving breast milk to a child till 5 yrs of age to develop immunity.WOW:cheesy:

With people like them who ask female doctors to be covered in burqa and her hands covered even for non muslim doctors no wonder i find you have medical problems.

Those nut jobs only talk to you....
fyi... india choose dengue virus for Punjabis because it has no vaccine and choose polio virus for NWFP, where it can send killers easily.
Wasn't pakistan their best ally in war against terror, no wonder USA loves them so much that "PREDATOR" is national bird of pakistan which flies 24/11/365.:police:

Pakistan and Malaysia are two different countries.......
Actually it all has to do with India lying to the world community and violating its international treaty obligations and not how easy it is to produce what you can.

Yes I do need a gas mask. Not because of Indian chemical weapons, because of the stink that Indians produce when they lie openly and without any shame.

Listen guy BIO and chemical weapons are not that hard to produce anyone with masters degree in biology,medicine,chemistry can produce them.I donno what are you crying about?When we can produce life saving drugs and then ship them off free to africa cant we produce the above said things if we wanted to?When we say we dont have it means we don't not that we don't have capability to produce.

Pakistan and Malaysia are two different countries.......

I wonder then why are your getting burnt over things which dont concern you?
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