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USAF drills a Chinese mainland bombing run

The first step to disrupting or countering a plan is to know it.

If we know where China will attack then your plan is already in great danger.

Does China know where we will attack?
LMAO you lost to PLA in the 1950's. You can practice any fantasy scenario you want, but everybody knows USA is far too afraid to actually do anything. Try to protect your Pinoy ally first, we just grabbed their island with military force!
Considering that it some point.. the US had attack plans for the UK..
and has demonstrated how well laid out its plans for Pakistan are..
The plan for China must be very elaborate with hundreds of scenario's laid out..
and graduates from West point crunching their heads away at Computers making new ones.
LMAO you lost to PLA in the 1950's. You can practice any fantasy scenario you want, but everybody knows USA is far too afraid to actually do anything. Try to protect your Pinoy ally first, we just grabbed their island with military force!

We achieved our primary objective (preventing the spread of communism into South Korea), how on earth is that a loss? We pushed your lackey back from South Korea, and then we pushed Chinese forces back after initially giving ground, inflicting hundreds of thousands of casualties, if not on the order of a million. Unfortunately we did not reunite North Korea with South Korea (to the detriment of North Koreans), but we safeguarded South Korea. While not a total victory, our primary goal was achieved.

:edit: I think I see your worldview on this. To you, the US is the primary enemy, we were your primary enemy, who you focused on, who you trained to fight. You on the other hand, were just another communist lackey to our big bad, the Soviet Union. We didn't consider you the real enemy, we considered communism (the Soviet Union being the avatar of it) the enemy. You considered the United States the enemy and so cheered when we did not reunite North Korea with South Korea.

we cheered because we prevented the spread of Communism into South Korea (a.k.a. protected South Korea from Kim rule and Soviet Influence).

To you the Korean war was the beginning and the end. To us it was part of a greater conflict.

Reuniting North with South wouldn't be considered a victory against China, though the enemy we fought was Chinese. it would be considered a victory against Communism and the Soviet Union. We were your primary focus, and you as an independent country weren't even on our radar.

A good offense is an effective defence. While an initial defence of the Philippines would only consider securing the immediate area and not upping the ante to a wider scale conflict, if China chose to we would attack mainland military facilities, static air defence, and supply hubs via missiles and stealth aircraft. Make no mistake before we acted on securing the immediate area our bases would be on high alert and hair trigger notice.

China hasn't yet grabbed any territory, just issued empty threats that went ignored by the US and the Philippines (and Russia and Vietnam).

Poaching sealife is not grabbing territory, just being criminal.
LMAO you lost to PLA in the 1950's. You can practice any fantasy scenario you want, but everybody knows USA is far too afraid to actually do anything. Try to protect your Pinoy ally first, we just grabbed their island with military force!
My friend, things are different now.

While Chinese are very capable fighters, US military capability has considerably evolved since Vietnam debacle.
The first step to disrupting or countering a plan is to know it.

If we know where China will attack then your plan is already in great danger.

Does China know where we will attack?

You can't foil other nation's nuclear policy, nuff to say. :coffee:
LOL China already humiliated USA in the Korean War. We even captured Seoul and brutally occupied the population.

Who cares if USA wants to practice a "bombing run"? That is their own prerogative. China practices JL-2A launches all the time. We'll wipe out USA bases in Asia-Pacific first, and then escalate on to New York City, Washington DC, Los Angeles and so on as needed.


Didn't USA re-take Seoul? :D
Poaching sealife is not grabbing territory, just being criminal.
We stopped the Pinoys from enforcing their laws in Scarborough Shoal with our navy ships, while our fisherman exploit their natural resources and laugh. So where is Uncle Sam? Just talking about "shoulder-to-shoulder" but running in the opposite direction like in Korea?

My friend, things are different now.

While Chinese are very capable fighters, US military capability has considerably evolved since Vietnam debacle.

We do evolve a lot as well, relying on the multidimensional modern information warfare instead of the traditional war machines. :coffee:
You can't foil other nation's nuclear policy, nuff to say. :coffee:

No first use not withstanding, China won't commit suicide over a little wide-spread destruction. They need something more permanent, like imminent occupation with no recourse or the imminent destruction of the ccp.
We do evolve a lot as well, relying on the multidimensional modern information warfare instead of the traditional war machines. :coffee:
Yes! China has learned some valuable lessons too. It is improving itself as well. But US has much greater experience on its side.
Yes! China has learned some valuable lessons too. It is improving itself as well. But US has much greater experience on its side.

Yeah, they have greater experience, but fighting against someone who is second after you is totally different than knocking down those third world nations with no infrastructure. :coffee:

Maybe some of our neighbors could be some good experiments to test the real cability of our information warfare.
We stopped the Pinoys from enforcing their laws in Scarborough Shoal with our navy ships, while our fisherman exploit their natural resources and laugh. So where is Uncle Sam? Just talking about "shoulder-to-shoulder" but running in the opposite direction like in Korea?


Like I said, poaching resources is not grabbing territory, its just criminal (and not too bright in the greater scheme of things).

You didn't force the Philippines to leave the shoal, they still have ships there.

Your claims as of yet are beneath our notice, we aren't going to get involved because you poach fish, elsewise we'd be involved everytime some Chinese or Vietnamese or Malaysian fishermen decided to fish in territory claimed by any number of claimants because the catch is so much better than closer to home.

Now if your country destroys Philippine naval vessels that is a different story. Looks like they havn't built up the nerve yet though. We are currently conducting routine wargames near the area along with the Philippines though, so if China decides to up the ante we can respond quickly enough and with a good amount of coordination.
No first use not withstanding, China won't commit suicide over a little wide-spread destruction. They need something more permanent, like imminent occupation with no recourse or the imminent destruction of the ccp.

Well, when CCP has no other choice, they will indeed take the entire US along with them before they go down.

You have to think more wisely bro. :coffee:
No first use not withstanding, China won't commit suicide over a little wide-spread destruction. They need something more permanent, like imminent occupation with no recourse or the imminent destruction of the ccp.
I think USA can survive without NYC too.

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