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USAF drills a Chinese mainland bombing run

Still it is sensible and reasonable then you nuking all your neighbors.

then your warnings, serious warnings, last warnings, final warnings and extra spice added warnings............:blah:

And its not Indians who are overconfident. Its chinese who are day dreaming and boasting with over and above confidence. But the fact is that since 19days, you guys have been surrounded by Philippine Navy, and you guys dont have guts to fire a single bullet.

Lots of mouth work has been done by you and your country, now its time to perform. either show your strength or accept defeat and retreat.
Still it is sensible and reasonable then you nuking all your neighbors.

then your warnings, serious warnings, last warnings, final warnings and extra spice added warnings............:blah:

And its not Indians who are overconfident. Its chinese who are day dreaming and boasting with over and above confidence. But the fact is that since 19days, you guys have been surrounded by Philippine Navy, and you guys dont have guts to fire a single bullet.

Lots of mouth work has been done by you and your country, now its time to perform. either show your strength or accept defeat and retreat.

I know you guys guys are expert in trolling but give it up.
You simply can't compete with China when it comes to facts.
Indian members should just stick to trolling South Asian nations. That is your strength, but as soon as you try and troll actual functioning countries........
Well, we can see the beating you guys are taking here. :smokin:
I know you guys guys are expert in trolling but give it up.
You simply can't compete with China when it comes to facts.
Indian members should just stick to trolling South Asian nations. That is your strength, but as soon as you try and troll actual functioning countries........
Well, we can see the beating you guys are taking here. :smokin:

Here comes extra butter and cheese for Chinese members.

China no doubt is ahead of us in growth. But there are few things which makes it look bad and also makes it inferior to most of its neighbour. Few of those are:

1. China is growing and so are people of china getting prosper. But what is the use of this prosperity, where they don't have right to express there views. Its like bird in golden cage.
2. china's growth has gone in head of chinese ppl and even CCP. And often both of them demonstrate it. China by giving warnings to almost every neighboring country. And Chinese ppl threatening to nuke every one with there Megatons.
3. Chinese words are different from there action.
4. Since 19days Philippines has taken them for a ride and china is sitting dumb as a chicken.
And the list goes on..........
Incorrect. The gap between India and China is more than double the gap between US and China in GDP, 100 times the gap in terms of patents and papers. China can crush India like a bug.

That is because our midcourse interceptor can easily destroy any Agni missiles that the Indian regime throws at us while it is still in space while India is using unreliable terminal phase interception.

No one knows if Indian weapons would work. Oh , actually, we do know: they don't work. The Indian nuclear tests were fizzles, just like North Korea. That's expected though. India has a tradition of surprising other countries - by their incompetence. China has the opposite tradition: we are consistently underestimated and every time we win.

I think you shouldn't become so cocky .... Only USA and west would be happy if a nuclear war happen between India and China

and why a topic about USA / China become a words war between Chinese and Indians !?
I think you shouldn't become so cocky .... Only USA and west would be happy if a nuclear war happen between India and China

and why a topic about USA / China become a words war between Chinese and Indians !?
indians jump to their colonial master's defense because they want to be Anglo's servant and get pats on their heads.

Chinese would be very happy if a nuclear war happens between india and China because it would be a one-way massacre. Similar to 1962, but on a much more destructive scale. Probably more than a billion indians would be liquidated in the first few days alone.

You have to understand from their perspective: these indians were enslaved by the Islamic World for 800 years, and then they were enslaved by the Anglos for another 200 years. They know they are literally the descendants of slaves, so they feel inferior. To make up for this inferiority complex, they need to delude themselves into thinking that they are their Anglo masters, and try to find ways to take advantage of their neighbors (especially Pakistan and China) like a blood-sucking parasite. This gives them relief from their inferiority complex.

They are a failed state with a collapsing economy, economic statistic are all lies, politicians are all corrupt, they literally live in a dump where BS is everywhere coming out from their mouths and on the ground too, and starvation / disease is everywhere.

Contract Killer is basically a parasite on PDF, trying to pass off his inferiority complex on to other people, while burning with jealousy at China's success. He is trying to find relief from his inferiority complex. We Chinese PDF members simply take these indian parasites and squash them, no problem. And wait for the day PLA will do the same to the indian state, preferably in the most permanent manner, so South Asia can finally find peace.

indians belong in the 10th century, before Timur and other Central Asian conquerors subjugated them. Them and their parasitic mentality do not belong in the 21st century.
LOL China already humiliated USA in the Korean War. We even captured Seoul and brutally occupied the population.

Then got rolled up. You're lucky we didn't start a 'Bomb China' campaign or China would STILL be putting out the fires. And remember, the U.S. flew their stuff half way around the world. You were in your back yard. And now look at your illegitimate child, North Korea. The people there are eating grass and tree bark. Way to build a country. Keep quiet or we'll sic the Japanese on you. Can you say, 'Nanking' ? I knew you could.

Who cares if USA wants to practice a "bombing run"? That is their own prerogative. China practices JL-2A launches all the time. We'll wipe out USA bases in Asia-Pacific first, and then escalate on to New York City, Washington DC, Los Angeles and so on as needed.


Half your junk will malfunction and fall down on your heads. The rest, we can handle.

Sigh ... you fueling them more than before and this topic will be full of off topics and spams ....
i... while burning with jealousy at China's success. ...

China is doing some good. They have about 300,000,000 people living the 'dream'. BUT... they have about ONE BILLION people who don't have a pot to piss in. Wait till those people 'want theirs'. You'll have another Tienanmen Square Massacre to the tenth power.

...They are a failed state with a collapsing economy, economic statistic are all lies, politicians are all corrupt, they literally live in a dump where BS is everywhere coming out from their mouths and on the ground too, and starvation / disease is everywhere...

Well you should know about 'failed states'. The ONLY time the Chinese tried to 'nation build' turned into North Korea. Way to go, guys.:rofl:
indians jump to their colonial master's defense because they want to be Anglo's servant and get pats on their heads.

Chinese would be very happy if a nuclear war happens between india and China because it would be a one-way massacre. Similar to 1962, but on a much more destructive scale. Probably more than a billion indians would be liquidated in the first few days alone.

You have to understand from their perspective: these indians were enslaved by the Islamic World for 800 years, and then they were enslaved by the Anglos for another 200 years. They know they are literally the descendants of slaves, so they feel inferior. To make up for this inferiority complex, they need to delude themselves into thinking that they are their Anglo masters, and try to find ways to take advantage of their neighbors (especially Pakistan and China) like a blood-sucking parasite. This gives them relief from their inferiority complex.

They are a failed state with a collapsing economy, economic statistic are all lies, politicians are all corrupt, they literally live in a dump where BS is everywhere coming out from their mouths and on the ground too, and starvation / disease is everywhere.

Contract Killer is basically a parasite on PDF, trying to pass off his inferiority complex on to other people, while burning with jealousy at China's success. He is trying to find relief from his inferiority complex. We Chinese PDF members simply take these indian parasites and squash them, no problem. And wait for the day PLA will do the same to the indian state, preferably in the most permanent manner, so South Asia can finally find peace.

indians belong in the 10th century, before Timur and other Central Asian conquerors subjugated them. Them and their parasitic mentality do not belong in the 21st century.

Hahahahahahahahaha......... fist take care of your battle group which is squeezed between Philippine Navy ships. I know you are running here and there to hide your face from embarrassment your CCP has caused to u all. So much of aggression shown on the street of Beijing during your annual Carnival. Even included those Oil Tankers, saying those were Missiles.

This show of fake strength gave brain disorder to all Chinese members here. They took CCP's words as true and started blabbing about nuking all countries.

But at the end, what has happened....... han??? One small nation's navy has made sandwich of the self called soup power.

But still some shameless chinese members are boasting about they nuking us. One side there Govt is singing love songs for India and on the other side these members...........

Height of Shamelessness...= Hongwu.
China is doing some good. They have about 300,000,000 people living the 'dream'. BUT... they have about ONE BILLION people who don't have a pot to piss in. Wait till those people 'want theirs'. You'll have another Tienanmen Square Massacre to the tenth power.

Well you should know about 'failed states'. The ONLY time the Chinese tried to 'nation build' turned into North Korea. Way to go, guys.:rofl:

If they don't have a pot to piss in, they sure have electricity, internet access and mobile phones. 500 million internet users, 1 billion phones, and still growing. China's electrification rate is higher than Israel's. That's proof that wealth is spreading fast. You can't go on the internet if you're starving.

However, India only has 7% of the population on the internet and only has a 50% electrification rate, lower than some African countries.
Again u all have started blabbing. Mid course and half course nonsence. A country which fakes missiles has no credibility. It is as simple as this.

Leave weapons aside. When a normal Chinese made surveillance system does not work properly, how can one think there Defence equip will work. We have surveillance cameras fixed in all our Warehouses. In one of the W/h, our contractor has installed 16 chinese made cameras. Swear to God, since the time it has been installed, never i have seen all of them working together at one time. Minimum 4 are always off.

I hv literally scr*wed my contractor for this. and now he is changing it with some good quality non-chinese made ones.

lol...... You are comparing your product quality (NK missile test) with ours(Agni V). Get a life AH.

Even Somalian Pirates know the quality of chinese products. Thats why they dont Hijack Ships carrying Made in China Products. Lol

I just had to post a response to your enormously stupid comment about stuff made in China. Dude, whatever your contractor supplies next, once you are satisfied with the performance, have a look at the place of manufacture.......it will be China still!

China produces not One (1) but Seven (7) different qualities of almost every product where the first quality would rival anything made in Europe/Japan/USA where as quality 7 will stop working within a few minutes to a few hours. They give all the options to you and it is your duty to select the best product as per your requirement.

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