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USA / Russia stolen hitlers tech to make there weapons


Aug 15, 2009
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I am watching National Geography channel on SKY called

THE HUNT FOR HITLERS SCIENTISTS saying that both USA and Russia caputred NAZI scientists and copy there jets and rockets technology.

American jet called SABRE was a copy of German plans which USA had stolen after WW2. In Korean war USA found and that Russian had made similar jet as there SABRE which was 100% same. First rocket both countries shoot in space was also Hitlers work.

And USA now blaming China to steal from USA when they have clearly done that there self.
I am watching National Geography channel on SKY called

THE HUNT FOR HITLERS SCIENTISTS saying that both USA and Russia caputred NAZI scientists and copy there jets and rockets technology.

American jet called SABRE was a copy of German plans which USA had stolen after WW2. In Korean war USA found and that Russian had made similar jet as there SABRE which was 100% same. First rocket both countries shoot in space was also Hitlers work.

And USA now blaming China to steal from USA when they have clearly done that there self.

Bro... You are slightly correct..German science delivered a base for cutting edge tech.. US still copying lot of technology... And China is a Mega Copying machine (But they are also Hard working and keen on development)... They copied almost all soviet weapons.. and some good US.
But in the case of Soviet Union..things changed. They are highly educated in all field.. Education was the ultimate weapon of Soviets.. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Metallurgy, Aerospace, everywhere(not only in defence)... because they are smart and hard working..(Communism.. a common aim lead them quickly in a practical manner instead of US gimmick manner..) At Hitlers time.. Germans are lead by a common aim and policy that make them also smart and intelligent. US still using the exploited human resource from all over the world.

"Work for Nation" is far far away from "Work for Money"
It will deliver practical Solutions.. instead of gimmicks and style.. :sniper:
Russian/eastern European scientists have strong analytical mathematics abilities because they do not rely on computers as much as western countries during cold war. US and Western Europe basically have monopoly on computer tech and there is an embargo on such technologies.

Was told by my lecturer/academic supervisor
Russian/eastern European scientists have strong analytical mathematics abilities because they do not rely on computers as much as western countries during cold war. US and Western Europe basically have monopoly on computer tech and there is an embargo on such technologies.

Was told by my lecturer/academic supervisor
That is not something to brag about. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the former Soviet satellites called US to see if we wanted to buy all the Soviets weaponry in their possession, anything from rifles to tanks to aircrafts and even to nuclear missiles. We went shopping big time. In the process, we met up with many Soviet educated scientists and engineers who wish that they have the computer technologies the West take for granted. Much of an engineer's work is repetition so why not have a mindless machine do the 'scut' work for you? If YOU are the hiring manager, who would be pick, an engineer who proudly boast that he is proficient with the sliderule, or one who demonstrated even a beginner's level at Matlab?
no trolling by americans learn to accept initially you stole alot from the Germans and the knowledge they shared with you give thanks to them..shame the once mighty German Armed Forces is shrinked 10 times..

mr420 Sabre is not highly unlikely 100% of what Germans had..and China cares less about what tom dick and harry says or think and that irritates some of the nations..
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