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US withdraws negotiators from Pakistan, no supply deal

WASHINGTON: The United States has withdrawn negotiators from Pakistan after talks failed to produce an agreement on reopening vital NATO supply routes into Afghanistan, the Pentagon said Monday.

"The decision was reached to bring the team home for a short period of time," Pentagon spokesman George Little told reporters.

The team of negotiators had been in Pakistan for about six weeks, he said, as US officials had believed they were close to a deal with Islamabad to lift the blockade on NATO convoys.

But no breakthrough was imminent and there was no scheduled date for a resumption of the negotiations, Little said.

The United States, however, would continue to maintain a "dialogue" with Pakistan and the departure of the expert negotiating team did not mean Washington had given up discussions with Islamabad, he said.

"That's not to be taken as a sign of our unwillingess to continue the dialogue with Pakistanis on this issue," he said, adding that the negotiators are "prepared to return at any moment."

Members of the negotiating team started to leave over the weekend and the remainder of the negotiators would soon return to the United States, Little said.

The comments came after Pakistan's COAS General Ashfaq Kayani, refused last week to meet US assistant defense secretary Peter Lavoy, who traveled to Pakistan to try to resolve the dispute, officials said.

Lavoy "was hoping to meet with General Kayani to work through this issue," Little said.

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International relations are often about appearances and grandstanding. They also reflect equations and are meant to pass clear and unambiguous messages.

NATO is desperate to find a scapegoat for their failure in Afghanistan and Pakistan was always their first choice. With an election year in the US, and the US economy in the doldrums, it was inevitable that the US administration would look for distractions and opportunities to portray Obama as a 'resolute leader'.

Historically, a pullout is often a precursor to war.


As the election approaches and there is nothing to show on the domestic front, Obama is likely to get ever more desperate. Already Romney is looking like a strong challenger.
NATO is desperate to find a scapegoat for their failure in Afghanistan and Pakistan was always their first choice. With an election year in the US, and the US economy in the doldrums, it was inevitable that the US administration would look for distractions and opportunities to portray Obama as a 'resolute leader'.

Pakistan is also in an election year. Nobody has first dibs on grandstanding.


As the election approaches and there is nothing to show on the domestic front, Obama is likely to get ever more desperate. Already Romney is looking like a strong challenger.

Do you think the American electorate would support Obama waging war on Pakistan at the current time?
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Pakistan is also in an election year. Nobody has first dibs on grandstanding.

But we are told that the army controls Pakistan. What does the army care about elections?

Do you think the American electorate would support Obama waging war on Pakistan at the current time?

Consent can be manufactured. False flag operations can be orchestrated.

Witness Iran.
But we are told that the army controls Pakistan. What does the army care about elections?

I do not think anyone gets elected in Pakistan without the Army being ok with them first. Its almost constitutional in the way it is institutionalized.

Consent can be manufactured. False flag operations can be orchestrated.

Witness Iran.

I do not think the US will declare war on Pakistan in the classic sense of the word. What we will see is graded escalation of attacks and infringements on your soil. While the diplomatic channels will still remain open. You are an important ally of theirs after all.
I do not think the US will declare war on Pakistan in the classic sense of the word. What we will see is graded escalation of attacks and infringements on your soil.

One possibility is the US doing a blitzkrieg to destroy Pakistan's conventional capability. Pakistan does not have the ability to retaliate onto the US and will not use the nuclear option anyway. Separation of Baluchistan into a NATO protectorate would be a foregone conclusion.

This would absolutely devastate China's position in the region, which is the real goal of American policy.
I am happy that these talks failed. The only two are badly affected by these failed talks are PPP & US, of course PPP was ready to open the route because they are spineless & incompetent politicians who cannot handle or do anything. I salute our Pak Army & Gen. Kayani for doing the right thing, these supply routes are not in the best interest of Pakistan, it is only spreading hate & terror in Pakistan.

After this I will really love Pak Army taking major steps by cutting Military ties with the US & also most importantly US Embassy & US Consulates needs to be limited to their original Embassy work nothing more than that. Currently they are running secret missions & Intel missions in Pakistan & are also spreading terrorism & chaos in Pakistan. CIA, Black Water, Special Ops etc they all are sitting in US Embassy & US Consulates of course they are not here for Christmas party.

Pakistan needs to free itself from the shackles of US & they need to cut ties with the US or limiting them.

I seriously doubt that the Army had anything to do with the routes being still blocked. It was $/Truck most probably that deadlocked the negotiations. If the Military was so in love with the country, they would have forced the Government to deny diplomatic immunity to all non diplomatic staff of the US and to kick out the thousands of excessive staff that they have here.

One possibility is the US doing a blitzkrieg to destroy Pakistan's conventional capability. Pakistan does not have the ability to retaliate onto the US and will not use the nuclear option anyway. Separation of Baluchistan into a NATO protectorate would be a foregone conclusion.

This would absolutely devastate China's position in the region, which is the real goal of American policy.

If the moves would indeed devastate China's progression and position in the region, I doubt China would take all that sitting down. If they can fight the US in Vietnam, why not in Pakistan? Besides, if the US does begin to destroy our conventional capability, would we not retaliate against their bases within our striking range with IRBM/MRBM/SLCM/GLCM/ALCM etc.??
One possibility is the US doing a blitzkrieg to destroy Pakistan's conventional capability. Pakistan does not have the ability to retaliate onto the US and will not use the nuclear option anyway. Separation of Baluchistan into a NATO protectorate would be a foregone conclusion.

This would absolutely devastate China's position in the region, which is the real goal of American policy.

Few things. With the global focus shifting eastwards, India is sitting in a pretty decent position. The CARS can and is being accessed otherwise as well, but is not a make or break for India's longterm energy or mineral needs.

Secondly, if moving the Balochistan impediment you mean a sea route access, India already has near exclusive port access routes worked out with Iran. What would be a real game changer in terms of trade and strategic considerations, would be a land bridge.

But for that Sindh is still going to be in the way.

Either way, you give way too much importance to India, and way too little to the US strategic braintrust, if you believe that their next move in Pakistan will be dictated by Indian interests.
if the US does begin to destroy our conventional capability, would we not retaliate against their bases within our striking range with IRBM/MRBM/SLCM/GLCM/ALCM etc.??

I am not sure we would target Arab countries, even if they have US bases. The only option would be the CBGs, but I don't know if Pakistan has the capability to do serious damage to them.

Either way, you give way too much importance to India, and way too little to the US strategic braintrust, if you believe that their next move in Pakistan will be dictated by Indian interests.

I am not suggesting the US is deciding its moves to suit Indian interests -- they are squarely focused on China, the CARs and the Middle East. I am saying US interests happen to coincide with India's interests in many areas.
I am not suggesting the US is deciding its moves to suit Indian interests -- they are squarely focused on China, the CARs and the Middle East. I am saying US interests happen to coincide with India's interests in many areas.

Agreed. And we will capitalize on such where it is in our own interest to do so. But having the US in the region as a long term player is not in Indian interests, and you will not see India doing anything to further such. Words and gestures you will see a lot of.
Couple of few decisions that Zardari will cash up in upcoming elections-
I don't understand what the hell is the problem with Indians. Why the hell are you comparing the two news out of which one is from unknown sources while this news if official citing different reasons for the recall.

Hypocritic nature of the Indian members,when some unknown sources reveals some news item which goes against Pakistan, Indian members start trolling and show their true hateful nature, but when same unknown sources tell some news which is in favor of pakistan, again their arses are on fire and they start trolling and show their hate filled hypocritic nature.

What is the matter with you guys, why the hell are you trolling and showing your true colors in each thread.

I think from now on, i will make sure that Indian members who fcuk around instead of getting an infraction will start receiving bans straight away.

Enough of Indian BS and pathetic trolling.

Instead of complaining about Indians. Why not take decisive action and ban them all? Those people don't ever have anything productive to contribute to the conversation.

lolllz - enjoy your tikkas. Yo havent missed too much. The supply route is still closed and no deal has been struck!! :lol:

how disappointing for our indian friends
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