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US: We will trace and kill new Al-Qaeda leader

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
This "quote" is all over the Internet, yet can you find a source for it? Just another anti-Israel disinformation campaign. As one commentator put it
It's not about this image. It's about the fact that blood libels are still being prescribed to the Jewish people as if it's our medicine. People cannot think logically and intuitively anymore.

Still, you had to hear this from somewhere, and furthermore, you had to have been conditioned not to examine it more closely. Did that come from your schooling? From your mosque? From your family?
Pakistan support terror organisations which kill innocent people in Afganistan, India and sometimes in Pakistan too (christians, Indus, shiates, Ahmedies, etc).

Look at ur pathetic claims! first it was Kashmir and afghanistan and now u slipped it out? .... which org does Pakistan support in afghanistan?? the ones which we r fighting and US is negotiating as of right now?

India? the country tht has killed 125-13000000 ppl in Kashmir and raped over 11000 women ? ur pathetic.

I see that the news did not yet reach Baluchistan mountains, so you should know your own country and concentrate in stopping its terror policy before you are lecturing Israel.

Which policy? sorry we dont follow pathetic zionist like policies like u guys do!

Israel is the only liberal democracy in the ME, the only country in the ME who protects freedom and human rights.

The so called pawn state of USA tht has survived on the blood of innocent a leach in the middle east.

The Palestinians have better life and more political rights than Pakistan's people.

Yes a life where they cant even get cement,POL or food.:rofl:

Israel offered the Palestinians a state of their own but the Nazi Palestinian organisation known as Hamas reject any compromise with Israel. So, the Palestinians doomed the fate of their next generation to live in poverty and in refugee camps instead in their own independent state.


You can blame the West and Israel with your pathetic situation, that what you do best - never to take responsibility and confront your problems.

We dnt blame israel...but we do blame our usa and its puppets in our country.

That is why Pakistan is in the shape it is.

Since only a few years............ We will be back on track.
The US even needs to fight your war against terrorism

Get a life... since we joined this so called WOT... we have only seen problems...which we didnt even dream of before.

and save you from yourself by killing OBL in your own territory under the protection of your intelligence services.

Proof or get lost! Also BBC is reporting tht ISI knew of CIA activities before the obl raid... how do u defend tht?

You are sitting deep in the mud that you created, blame everybody and judge far better countries than Pakistan.

Lol far better countries....Hypocrites.

Unlike Pakistan, Israel is going forward and for your disappointment it is the most powerful country in the ME, and we are only 7 millions!

We dont give a damn abt israel... abt the 7 million ppl B.S ....... Thanks to US aid and support........ otherwise u dont even have food security.
Look at ur pathetic claims! first it was Kashmir and afghanistan and now u slipped it out? .... which org does Pakistan support in afghanistan?? the ones which we r fighting and US is negotiating as of right now?

India? the country tht has killed 125-13000000 ppl in Kashmir and raped over 11000 women ? ur pathetic.

sorry buddy its you who is being pathetic
the UN found no proof of sexual abuse being comitted in kashmir

Look at ur pathetic claims! first it was Kashmir and afghanistan and now u slipped it out? .... which org does Pakistan support in afghanistan?? the ones which we r fighting and US is negotiating as of right now?

India? the country tht has killed 125-13000000 ppl in Kashmir and raped over 11000 women ? ur pathetic.

Which policy? sorry we dont follow pathetic zionist like policies like u guys do!

The so called pawn state of USA tht has survived on the blood of innocent a leach in the middle east.

Yes a life where they cant even get cement,POL or food.:rofl:


We dnt blame israel...but we do blame our usa and its puppets in our country.

Since only a few years............ We will be back on track.

Get a life... since we joined this so called WOT... we have only seen problems...which we didnt even dream of before.

Proof or get lost! Also BBC is reporting tht ISI knew of CIA activities before the obl raid... how do u defend tht?

Lol far better countries....Hypocrites.

We dont give a damn abt israel... abt the 7 million ppl B.S ....... Thanks to US aid and support........ otherwise u dont even have food security.

Laugh all you want, it will not change reality.

Pakistan has a policy of supporting terror organisations which operates in India (including Kashmir) and Afghanistan (the Taliban and its subsidies) and thus responsible for the killing of tens of thousand of civilians. Protest against your government and your precious ISI before lecturing Israel.

Unlike the failed state of Pakistan that even with massive US assistance is still impoverished, due to corruption and its fixation on defence budget to fight another war against India, Israel is an economic success with political freedom to all its citizens. Unlike Pakistan, Israel never experienced martial regime or are you going to blame the Americans for that too?

The Israeli-Palestinians have better life than the people of Pakistan! Even the life condition of the Palestinians under the Nazi organisation known as Hamas are better than most of the Pakistanis who live on less than $2 per day. Concentrate on the problems of your own country before you come and criticise more successful countries than Pakistan.

Unfortunately for you, there is no contradiction in what I said about the Palestinians: Israel offered them their own independent state over and over again, but your beloved Nazi organisation known as Hamas rejects any compromise and dooms the Palestinian people for long years of misery.

And oh, your country just continue to go down the hill.

The best example is its tolerance towards terror organisations and towards radical Islamic organisations. Pakistan cannot even control the curriculum in the 30,000 or so Madrassas which part of them are just a recruitment centre for more terrorists. Then, of course you blame the US for your misfortune and not looking back on the mistakes of your corrupted government and army. Now, you need the US military to fight your war because Pakistan Army is powerless to prevent terror attacks inside Pakistan - not just against civilians and government institutions, but against its own facilities!

Regarding OBL, do really expect me to believe that the most wanted terrorist lived for half a decade comfortably in the garrison city of Abbotabad few yards from PMA and the ISI did not know that he is there? That for a decade OBL is going around in Pakistan and nobody knows? Why he felt so comfortably to live so close to Pakistan's defence installations? The Americans do not say it because they still need Pakistan's help (or at least not to disturb) in the WOT. It is like the Pakistan army and intelligence claims that they did not know about AQ Khan nuclear proliferation. Do you think someone believe to your government's lies? They use to lie to their own people so they think that they can lie to the world and we would believe them. BTW, it was reported that ISI arrested an army Major for telling the US where OBL is, so an Army major knows and the powerful ISI do not know?

Now, Pakistan ISI continue to defend Mullah Omar who is the leader of a terrorist organisation. I would not be surprise if this new leader of Al Qaeda is also in Pakistan and your precious ISI either incompetent and can't find him or helps him to hide from the US, like with Mullah Omar. And this is Pakistan's gratitude to the US for giving it more the $10 billion since 9/11.

Unlike Pakistan, Israel manage to use US assistance in order to get stronger and improve its economy. With money that was not spent on defence we build better education system and better welfare services, we assimilated immigrants who are more than double of the original population. Pakistan' on the other hand, used the money to build an Army and ISI who are usually worthless against terrorism and would be defeated by the Indian military if they dare to go to war. What was left went to the pockets of government officials and military generals who build them nice vials and send their children to study in Oxford (I met some of them...).

If you can still laugh after all this, good for you!
Laugh all you want, it will not change reality.

Sure it wont...... u would still not agree with it.

Pakistan has a policy of supporting terror organisations which operates in India (including Kashmir) and Afghanistan (the Taliban and its subsidies) and thus responsible for the killing of tens of thousand of civilians.

Proof or get lost.......

Protest against your government and your precious ISI before lecturing Israel.

Oh shut ur mouth ... its not Pak n ISI criticized by UN for war crimes n systematic genocide in Gaza.

Unlike the failed state of Pakistan that even with massive US assistance is still impoverished
Massive? u gotta be smokin some real shizz... 7 billion in aid since 2001....... compare tht to the 70 billion $$ we lost in wot n the 40000 precious life......... n we r not impoverished like ur frnd.....

And ur the last ones to talk abt aid... u have the biggest begging bowel.

due to corruption and its fixation on defence budget to fight another war against India
And whats tht to do with israel or the topic? u dumb troll.

Israel is an economic success with political freedom to all its citizens. Unlike Pakistan, Israel never experienced martial regime or are you going to blame the Americans for that too?

No, u just get shot/arrested in israel or ur probably assasinated....... freedom my ...

The Israeli-Palestinians have better life than the people of Pakistan
Yeah we know tht.../.:tdown:

Even the life condition of the Palestinians under the Nazi organisation known as Hamas are better than most of the Pakistanis who live on less than $2 per day.
We got more rich thn the whole of israel....... a beggar country tht cant even produce food itself........... i wonder is it was better off under a nazi govt.

Concentrate on the problems of your own country before you come and criticise more successful countries than Pakistan.

Like regional powers?:rofl:

Unfortunately for you, there is no contradiction in what I said about the Palestinians: Israel offered them their own independent state over and over again, but your beloved Nazi organisation known as Hamas rejects any compromise and dooms the Palestinian people for long years of misery.

Lol ur a contradiction urself.

And oh, your country just continue to go down the hill.

Dont worry son its just a few years since our economic probs.... we will sort it out soon.... funny thing is tht even in this condition we can take out ur pathetic pariah state.

The best example is its tolerance towards terror organisations and towards radical Islamic organisations. Pakistan cannot even control the curriculum in the 30,000 or so Madrassas which part of them are just a recruitment centre for more terrorists

Who financed them??? cia n wahabi petro dollars.

Then, of course you blame the US for your misfortune and not looking back on the mistakes of your corrupted government and army.[/QUOTE

We blame our govt for being allies of usa.

Now, you need the US military to fight your war because Pakistan Army is powerless to prevent terror attacks inside Pakistan

Before the us invasion of afghanistan we had no such attacks or any war to fight......... n fighting our war>? rofl....... learn history.

not just against civilians and government institutions, but against its own facilities!

Funny the usa could even stop 9/11.

Regarding OBL, do really expect me to believe that the most wanted terrorist lived for half a decade comfortably in the garrison city of Abbotabad few yards from PMA and the ISI did not know that he is there? That for a decade OBL is going around in Pakistan and nobody knows? Why he felt so comfortably to live so close to Pakistan's defence installations? The Americans do not say it because they still need Pakistan's help (or at least not to disturb) in the WOT. It is like the Pakistan army and intelligence claims that they did not know about AQ Khan nuclear proliferation. Do you think someone believe to your government's lies? They use to lie to their own people so they think that they can lie to the world and we would believe them. BTW, it was reported that ISI arrested an army Major for telling the US where OBL is, so an Army major knows and the powerful ISI do not know?


Now, Pakistan ISI continue to defend Mullah Omar who is the leader of a terrorist organisation. I would not be surprise if this new leader of Al Qaeda is also in Pakistan and your precious ISI either incompetent and can't find him or helps him to hide from the US, like with Mullah Omar. And this is Pakistan's gratitude to the US for giving it more the $10 billion since 9/11.

Proof or get lost!

Unlike Pakistan, Israel manage to use US assistance in order to get stronger and improve its economy. With money that was not spent on defence we build better education system and better welfare services, we assimilated immigrants who are more than double of the original population.

What amount of us aid do u get for a tiny stolen land with just 7 million ppl ...... how r not fighting a full scale war? now compare tht to a country of 180 million ppl fighting a war n losing 70 billion dollars in it...... u will get ur answer.

Pakistan' on the other hand, used the money to build an Army and ISI who are usually worthless against terrorism and would be defeated by the Indian military if they dare to go to war. What was left went to the pockets of government officials and military generals who build them nice vials and send their children to study in Oxford (I met some of them...).

Again rants with no bloody proof.... just a bunch of bs commin frm a ignorant troll.. full of hatred..

If you can still laugh after all this, good for you!

i laugh at ur crappy post.
I see a lot of people blaming some other side/country for the world's problems.

I also see a lot of people denying commonly known facts, asking for evidence when that evidence is kept secret by power players.

How about you people start acknowledging (at least some of) your OWN party's mistakes instead of ONLY blaming some other side?..
Sure it wont...... u would still not agree with it.

Proof or get lost.......

Oh shut ur mouth ... its not Pak n ISI criticized by UN for war crimes n systematic genocide in Gaza.

Massive? u gotta be smokin some real shizz... 7 billion in aid since 2001....... compare tht to the 70 billion $$ we lost in wot n the 40000 precious life......... n we r not impoverished like ur frnd.....

And ur the last ones to talk abt aid... u have the biggest begging bowel.

And whats tht to do with israel or the topic? u dumb troll.

No, u just get shot/arrested in israel or ur probably assasinated....... freedom my ...

Yeah we know tht.../.:tdown:

We got more rich thn the whole of israel....... a beggar country tht cant even produce food itself........... i wonder is it was better off under a nazi govt.

Like regional powers?:rofl:

Lol ur a contradiction urself.

Dont worry son its just a few years since our economic probs.... we will sort it out soon.... funny thing is tht even in this condition we can take out ur pathetic pariah state.

Who financed them??? cia n wahabi petro dollars.

Then, of course you blame the US for your misfortune and not looking back on the mistakes of your corrupted government and army.[/QUOTE

We blame our govt for being allies of usa.


Before the us invasion of afghanistan we had no such attacks or any war to fight......... n fighting our war>? rofl....... learn history.

Funny the usa could even stop 9/11.


Proof or get lost!

What amount of us aid do u get for a tiny stolen land with just 7 million ppl ...... how r not fighting a full scale war? now compare tht to a country of 180 million ppl fighting a war n losing 70 billion dollars in it...... u will get ur answer.

Again rants with no bloody proof.... just a bunch of bs commin frm a ignorant troll.. full of hatred..

i laugh at ur crappy post.

Oh well, I tried to enlightened a nationalist of the worse kind - the kind who has nothing to say, asks for proofs all the time and do not deliver any of his own, and does not have the basic skills for conversation.

Yes, with your curses and screaming you managed to convince me that Pakistan is a great country: peaceful, prosperous, advanced. Never did anything wrong to anyone, but all kind of countries tries to bully it all the time. Yea, right... you did a good job.

The bottom line is that Pakistan is a failed state which either cannot or does not want to fight terrorism in its territory, never accomplished anything rather than a huge military, nuclear weapons and one ISI which only knows how to destabilise other countries/regions but cannot find the most wanted terrorist right under its nose (if chose to believe your government lies).

As a nationalist focus your passion on your own country, improve it, that it would be part of something useful rather than terrorism, military, and nuclear weapons. Until then, your basis to criticise Israel which the only democracy in the ME is pretty shaky. 7 millions of us achieved much more than you 180 million out there. Yes, including becoming a regional power in the ME that cannot be ignored. An we made it out of scratch.

Focus on supporting your government's effort to eliminate Al Qaeda instead of supporting Hamas which is a bunch of cold blooded murderers. One proof you did provide: you do not know anything about the Arab-Israeli conflict.

I guess I gave you enough paragraphs that you can cut and take out of context, enjoy yourself! Nowadays, you have so little to enjoy, and it will not get any better...
Hopefully USA will listen to India advice, as India said years ago, Osama Bin Laden is hiding in a major city in Pakistan, and was proven correct.
Sure it wont...... u would still not agree with it.

Proof or get lost.......

Oh shut ur mouth ... its not Pak n ISI criticized by UN for war crimes n systematic genocide in Gaza.

Massive? u gotta be smokin some real shizz... 7 billion in aid since 2001....... compare tht to the 70 billion $$ we lost in wot n the 40000 precious life......... n we r not impoverished like ur frnd.....

And ur the last ones to talk abt aid... u have the biggest begging bowel.

And whats tht to do with israel or the topic? u dumb troll.

No, u just get shot/arrested in israel or ur probably assasinated....... freedom my ...

Yeah we know tht.../.:tdown:

We got more rich thn the whole of israel....... a beggar country tht cant even produce food itself........... i wonder is it was better off under a nazi govt.

Like regional powers?:rofl:

Lol ur a contradiction urself.

Dont worry son its just a few years since our economic probs.... we will sort it out soon.... funny thing is tht even in this condition we can take out ur pathetic pariah state.

Who financed them??? cia n wahabi petro dollars.

Oh well, I tried to enlightened a nationalist of the worse kind - the kind who has nothing to say, asks for proofs all the time and do not deliver any of his own, and does not have the basic skills for conversation.

Yes, with your curses and screaming you managed to convince me that Pakistan is a great country: peaceful, prosperous, advanced. Never did anything wrong to anyone, but all kind of countries tries to bully it all the time. Yea, right... you did a good job.

The bottom line is that Pakistan is a failed state which either cannot or does not want to fight terrorism in its territory, never accomplished anything rather than a huge military, nuclear weapons and one ISI which only knows how to destabilise other countries/regions but cannot find the most wanted terrorist right under its nose (if chose to believe your government lies).

As a nationalist focus your passion on your own country, improve it, that it would be part of something useful rather than terrorism, military, and nuclear weapons. Until then, your basis to criticise Israel which the only democracy in the ME is pretty shaky. 7 millions of us achieved much more than you 180 million out there. Yes, including becoming a regional power in the ME that cannot be ignored. An we made it out of scratch.

Focus on supporting your government's effort to eliminate Al Qaeda instead of supporting Hamas which is a bunch of cold blooded murderers. One proof you did provide: you do not know anything about the Arab-Israeli conflict.

I guess I gave you enough paragraphs that you can cut and take out of context, enjoy yourself! Nowadays, you have so little to enjoy, and it will not get any better...

Thanks for the b.s...

A poor soul like uself can only rants and thn shys away when asked for proof.
Hopefully USA will listen to India advice, as India said years ago, Osama Bin Laden is hiding in a major city in Pakistan, and was proven correct.

India also said that those 50 terrorists are in Pakistan, but lots of them were found in India.
2 of them actually. And that too "found" out by us.:toast_sign:

why werent they found before giving the list,

n not exactly, ur RAW did not found them, ur police did not found them, it was really media who pointed them out.
why werent they found before giving the list,

n not exactly, ur RAW did not found them, ur police did not found them, it was really media who pointed them out.

Error. Rectified ASAP admitting the mistake.

And who told you that "RAW" and policemen are responsible for the list .LOL
lol i said that it is RAW's responsibility to track ppl down. but they could not.

Sorry in India its not RAW's responsibility to track criminals.

Its IB and Crimebranch which does it. You may say they failed.
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