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US: We will trace and kill new Al-Qaeda leader

I am proud that the US chose Israel as one of its close allies, and that we share similar values of freedom and democracy.


Illegal settlements and indiscriminate bombings,violations of human rights,war crimes and extra judicial killings?

Lol thn why does israel act like a deaf .... when the US,UN and the WORLD talks of stopping illegal settlements, war crimes and god knows what?

Maybe God tells "chosen people" to commit such disgusting acts!Nope!

As for the Palestinians,
What about them? u will continue to oppress them.

Pakistan killed more innocent people in Kashmir, Afghanistan and among its own people

Kashmir,Afghanistan? U gotta be smokin some real shyt!

When did the Govt of Pakistan kill "our own people".....:rofl:

In ur dreams?

so who are you to lecture Israel.

The whole world lectures the pariah state called israel.

Anyway the date your presented is the figure of your imagination.

Did he provide the sources??
Do not worry, Israel will carry on. the ME countries are so weak that only the 7 million of us have no problem to defeat half a billion Muslims of the ME.

Thanks US,UNable and puppet leaders of those arab states.

Plus in a few decade israel will die a natural death.....Change in demographics of the country will play an important role.

the best thing that happened to Afghanistan and Pakistan is the US involvement and its war on terror and against Al-Qaeda. May the forces of freedom and democracy prevail again!

Ameen........ God bless Pakistan.

Plus its freakin funny when the all mighty USA starts negotiating with the "evil" taliban.:coffee:

Fks news i mean fox!
Karzai: Afghanistan, U.S. Negotiating With Taliban - FoxNews.com

Get use to Israel as a regional power, you do not have any other option.

Regional power ?:rofl::rofl: tht cant influence "jack" in the region........Go through the definition of a regional power........Israel is just a pawn and a military base of USA in the ME.
For your disappointment America is far from bankruptcy, and they overcome much harder economic crisis in 1929. They are already recovering as we speak. Guess you will need to bow for there superiority for another century at least.

Israel defeated all its barbaric and primitive enemies and has no problem to deal with the new Palestinian Nazi regime known as Hamas. We defeated all Arab armies when the were only 600 hundred thousand in Israel. Now we are 7 millions, if I were you, I would perpare myself for an eternity of disappointments.

The US is doing the Muslim world a favour when it fights its own war (which it is too weak to fight) against radial Islamic terror organisations like Al Qaeada. Pakistan can only survive if the US continue to do Pakistan's hard job and fight against terrorists in Pakistan's territory, such as OBL and his crony Al-zwaeiri (or whatever his name is).

Indeed the US is the land of the braves!

Blablabla stop taking rubbish. you living in denial.

Long live Hamas the democratically elected representives of the Palestinians
Blablabla stop taking rubbish. you living in denial.

Long live Hamas the democratically elected representives of the Palestinians

Blablabla stop taking rubbish. you living in denial.

Long live US and Israel!

Illegal settlements and indiscriminate bombings,violations of human rights,war crimes and extra judicial killings?

Lol thn why does israel act like a deaf .... when the US,UN and the WORLD talks of stopping illegal settlements, war crimes and god knows what?

Maybe God tells "chosen people" to commit such disgusting acts!Nope!

What about them? u will continue to oppress them.

Kashmir,Afghanistan? U gotta be smokin some real shyt!

When did the Govt of Pakistan kill "our own people".....:rofl:

In ur dreams?

The whole world lectures the pariah state called israel.

Did he provide the sources??

Thanks US,UNable and puppet leaders of those arab states.

Plus in a few decade israel will die a natural death.....Change in demographics of the country will play an important role.

Ameen........ God bless Pakistan.

Plus its freakin funny when the all mighty USA starts negotiating with the "evil" taliban.:coffee:

Fks news i mean fox!
Karzai: Afghanistan, U.S. Negotiating With Taliban - FoxNews.com

Regional power ?:rofl::rofl: tht cant influence "jack" in the region........Go through the definition of a regional power........Israel is just a pawn and a military base of USA in the ME.

Pakistan support terror organisations which kill innocent people in Afganistan, India and sometimes in Pakistan too (christians, Indus, shiates, Ahmedies, etc). I see that the news did not yet reach Baluchistan mountains, so you should know your own country and concentrate in stopping its terror policy before you are lecturing Israel.

Israel is the only liberal democracy in the ME, the only country in the ME who protects freedom and human rights. The Palestinians have better life and more political rights than Pakistan's people. Israel offered the Palestinians a state of their own but the Nazi Palestinian organisation known as Hamas reject any compromise with Israel. So, the Palestinians doomed the fate of their next generation to live in poverty and in refugee camps instead in their own independent state.

You can blame the West and Israel with your pathetic situation, that what you do best - never to take responsibility and confront your problems. That is why Pakistan is in the shape it is. The US even needs to fight your war against terrorism and save you from yourself by killing OBL in your own territory under the protection of your intelligence services.

You are sitting deep in the mud that you created, blame everybody and judge far better countries than Pakistan.

Unlike Pakistan, Israel is going forward and for your disappointment it is the most powerful country in the ME, and we are only 7 millions!
Chalmers Johnson(American author and professor and former consultant for the CIA from 1967–1973) has written a book titled "Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire" that tries to find the answer to this anomaly. He focuses on evaluating the extent to which American foreign policy inspires terrorism. Most of the book is based around supporting his central assertion of something called blowback: "a term the CIA invented to describe the likelihood that [American] covert operations in other people's countries would result in retaliations against Americans, civilian and military, at home and abroad."

For Johnson it is no mystery. Terrorists generally don't dislike America for what it represents (material wealth and democracy), but for what the American government does in foreign nations.A consistent theme of American foreign policy has been picking winners - usually incorrectly. In Afghanistan, the Americans funded the Taliban in the 1980s, but then changed their mind after September 11 and came back and supported the opposition Northern Alliance. Picking winners is a favourite habit of governments in the economic realm, and it is also evident in foreign policy. But picking winners also means the losers begin to resent you.

While distaste for American values or religious fervour might be a propaganda tool terrorists use to motivate followers, the underlying tension is created by foreign policy actions taken by the American government, starting with the CIA's overthrow of the Iranian leader in 1953. Since that time, American policy has become increasingly interventionist, and the CIA has engaged in numerous clandestine operations that many Americans would be appalled of, if they knew what went on in their name.

Johnson wrote the first edition of his book before the September 11 attacks. In it, he correctly predicted acts of retaliation upon US interests. His argument is that everyone reaps what they sow; the worst blowback from the 20th century, and more recently from Iraq and Afghanistan, is yet to come The thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians that have been killed due to American "friendly fire" have families. Even if we in the West forget these Iraqi deaths, their families won't. The terrorists will capitalise on the resentment against Americans to gain financial support. This means Americans should prepare for the hatred their government has recently generated in the Middle East. It means there will almost certainly be another major terrorist attack on American soil 5-10 years down the track.

Sadly, more American citizens have died in Iraq than were killed on September 11. It is time America reverted to a humble foreign policy that focuses on securing American democracy and liberty, before it justifies billions of dollars and thousands of lives by citing false security concerns or the need to install democracy by force in other nations. Blowback is real, and the quicker Americans understand this, the quicker America can stop being a target for terrorism.
I am proud that the US chose Israel as one of its close allies, and that we share similar values of freedom and democracy.

for your frustration, the US is a strong nation and would continue to remain in this position for many years, thank god.

As for the Palestinians, Pakistan killed more innocent people in Kashmir, Afghanistan and among its own people, so who are you to lecture Israel. Anyway the date your presented is the figure of your imagination.

Do not worry, Israel will carry on. the ME countries are so weak that only the 7 million of us have no problem to defeat half a billion Muslims of the ME.

the best thing that happened to Afghanistan and Pakistan is the US involvement and its war on terror and against Al-Qaeda. May the forces of freedom and democracy prevail again!

Get use to Israel as a regional power, you do not have any other option.

no lol, jew lobby controls usa, thats y israel does not have to fight any war, they just ask usa to fight for them.
Im sure the Americans will trace the new leader and then wait till the presidents approval ratings fall to record lows and then conveniently kill the Al Qaeda leader. Which is still better than Pakistan, some portions of our government will know and will refuse to act, other parts will know and will withhold that information to play political games with the US government (with dismal results), and another portion (Zardari) will not have the slightest idea what is going on.
The leader will die, the Americans will be happy and Pakistanis wondering what is going on?
...Which is still better than Pakistan, some portions of our government will know and will refuse to act, other parts will know and will withhold that information to play political games with the US government (with dismal results), and another portion (Zardari) will not have the slightest idea what is going on.
Do Pakistanis even want to change this?
Im sure the Americans will trace the new leader and then wait till the presidents approval ratings fall to record lows and then conveniently kill the Al Qaeda leader. Which is still better than Pakistan, some portions of our government will know and will refuse to act, other parts will know and will withhold that information to play political games with the US government (with dismal results), and another portion (Zardari) will not have the slightest idea what is going on.
The leader will die, the Americans will be happy and Pakistanis wondering what is going on?

Do you think Zawahiri is in Pakistan? I do - So, is Zawahiri a enemy of Pakistan? If yes, doesn't Pakistan have a responsibility to exterminate this threat?, If yes, what's the bad blood about?

US is determined to sideline Pakistan and in doing so create space for itself in Afghanistan - Pakistan for obvious reasons cannot allow this but seeks to pick and choose a time more conducive to it''s interests to exterminate Zawahiri - however, it is so incompetent at managing it's message that the world is persuaded that Pakistan, far from exterminating Zawahiri, may be protecting him - after all, look at the OBL case.

Zawahiri can wait, a US with permanent bases in central Asia is a common threat to all.
Do Pakistanis even want to change this?

The problem remains that the ones that can make a change fear for their livelihoods. It is hard to face to a government so corrupt and an enemy so ruthless, but it remains to be seen if we will ever act and change this.
Do you think Zawahiri is in Pakistan? I do - So, is Zawahiri a enemy of Pakistan? If yes, doesn't Pakistan have a responsibility to exterminate this threat?, If yes, what's the bad blood about?

US is determined to sideline Pakistan and in doing so create space for itself in Afghanistan - Pakistan for obvious reasons cannot allow this but seeks to pick and choose a time more conducive to it''s interests to exterminate Zawahiri - however, it is so incompetent at managing it's message that the world is persuaded that Pakistan, far from exterminating Zawahiri, may be protecting him - after all, look at the OBL case.

Zawahiri can wait, a US with permanent bases in central Asia is a common threat to all.

I completely agree with that, I was originally sure we knew where OBL was and we were keeping him as our trump card...much like any other government would do...but then we, once again, messed up a golden opportunity to leverage him into some good for the nation, be it economically or a more secure location on the world stage.
I am one of those who feels terrorists are the common enemy of all and should be eliminated, no matter where their allegiances lie, but the problem is Pakistan is caught in a high stakes game that could cost us it's very existence, so I can see why we do some of the things we do, but still, competence is the key ingredient missing from all decisions made by our government or military.
Where does this nonsense come from? Are you parroting what you are taught in school?

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."

- Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001.
It's because the Jews control the American economy and hence influence politics. Most of the Fortune 500 companies are owned and controlled by Jews, and some of the Cabinet are also Jews. Without Jews, America would be a Third World country and nobody would give two shits about it.
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