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US: We will trace and kill new Al-Qaeda leader

ok bro ill answer u right now, i have never seen his family on t.v saying that osama is dead, all i see is media talking about that his family is arrested, that does not mean that osama is killed.

You're right. They've never come public. That doesn't prove that they don't exist or they were not present in that mansion on May 2. Whatever you're saying is just imagination.

You're saying that this ls all drama whlch is going on from last 10 years so that Pakistan can be weakened and then Pakistan would not come in between to save other Muslim country as it did in 1970!!

Wow!! Does that make any sense?

1 Why they did not do this drama in Afghanistan?
2 what is Pakistan's interest in this drama?
3 If you say that zardari is agreed to whatever USA says then give us the video of the same.
The readers including myself are familiar as well as fully aware of al qaeda / ubl's wrong doing merely due to US told us. Otherwise there have been no credible evidence for the same. US asks us to believe and digest whatever being said. But sincerely we do not trust you anymore.
Reasons, back after 9/11, when US planned to invade afghanistan on account of ubl's being present there, the talibans used to say ubl is not there, but us ignored and attacked afghanistan. After 10 years he is said to be hiding in that mansion. Then your intel agency reported wmd in iraq, again everyone in world protested but you still ignored and made iraq piece of hell. Now wmd and 'sorry' from you being intelligence failure. Now you came in, did operation, claimed ubl killing and thrown him into sea? Without showing to anyone?

Just tell me dear who is responsible for killings of thousands of people including your own soldiers? Who were killed on account of your false claims and intelligence failures.

Do you believe in justice? If you have any evidence against anyone, please prove him guilty first then throw him into sea, on moon or even mars, we dont care. But please follow the judicial system.

Part 1
Dear S.M.R:

Forum readers, let us bring the follower of dark conspiracy theories to the light shed upon truth by once again listing facts and verifiable sources. Only then will he truly see who blindly believes everything? Where dear readers Is the good in arguing without credible evidence from verifiable sources? Where dear readers is the good in ignoring facts and truth in favor of a conspiracy made up of convenient falsehoods? Here, dear readers is the good of confronting the evidence?

In the following link witness Taliban leader vow attacks on the US:

In the following link witness Pakistani Taliban bombing a US consulate convoy in Peshawar:

BBC News - Pakistan Taliban bomb US consulate convoy in Peshawar

In the following link witness Taliban claim responsibility for the Times Square bombing plot:

In the following link hear from the girl kidnapped by the Taliban to commit suicide bombing:

With such facts and truth in our possession well past is the time for blame and conspiracy theories. Al-Qaeda and TTP are in Afghanistan and Pakistan using each country as a safe-haven to attack the other. It is only through combined efforts that neither Pakistan nor Afghanistan will be safe-havens and the Taliban will have nowhere to run or hide. While we did not find Usama bin-Laden (UBL) in Afghanistan was not the nation of Afghanistan brutally suppressed under the Taliban dictatorship while Al-Qaeda was allowed by Taliban to use the country as a safe-haven to conduct terrorist operations around the world?

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
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You're right. They've never come public. That doesn't prove that they don't exist or they were not present in that mansion on May 2. Whatever you're saying is just imagination.

You're saying that this ls all drama whlch is going on from last 10 years so that Pakistan can be weakened and then Pakistan would not come in between to save other Muslim country as it did in 1970!!

Wow!! Does that make any sense?

1 Why they did not do this drama in Afghanistan?
2 what is Pakistan's interest in this drama?
3 If you say that zardari is agreed to whatever USA says then give us the video of the same.

dude look, they started this drama from Iraq, then into Afghanistan, and now into Pakistan, even Washington post said that third war might be in Pakistan, and USA's interest is China. which happens to be Pakistan's good friend.
dude look, they started this drama from Iraq, then into Afghanistan, and now into Pakistan, even Washington post said that third war might be in Pakistan, and USA's interest is China. which happens to be Pakistan's good friend.

I am sorry brother. Let me ask you the questions again.
1 Why they did not do this drama in Afghanistan?
2 If you claim that Zardari is involved in this drama then where's the proof of your claim?
3 And why USA, GoP, ISI, CIA, and AQ is doing all this drama???

I hope I'll get the answer this time. Thank you.
I am sorry brother. Let me ask you the questions again.
1 Why they did not do this drama in Afghanistan?
2 If you claim that Zardari is involved in this drama then where's the proof of your claim?
3 And why USA, GoP, ISI, CIA, and AQ is doing all this drama???

I hope I'll get the answer this time. Thank you.

1. where is war taking place right now?
2. does zardari care about Pak, his all property and family is in some other country.
3.nobody had ever heard of Al Qaeda before usa started to talk about, already told you about zardari,
The readers including myself are familiar as well as fully aware of al qaeda / ubl's wrong doing merely due to US told us. Otherwise there have been no credible evidence for the same. US asks us to believe and digest whatever being said. But sincerely we do not trust you anymore.
Reasons, back after 9/11, when US planned to invade afghanistan on account of ubl's being present there, the talibans used to say ubl is not there, but us ignored and attacked afghanistan. After 10 years he is said to be hiding in that mansion. Then your intel agency reported wmd in iraq, again everyone in world protested but you still ignored and made iraq piece of hell. Now wmd and 'sorry' from you being intelligence failure. Now you came in, did operation, claimed ubl killing and thrown him into sea? Without showing to anyone?

Just tell me dear who is responsible for killings of thousands of people including your own soldiers? Who were killed on account of your false claims and intelligence failures.

Do you believe in justice? If you have any evidence against anyone, please prove him guilty first then throw him into sea, on moon or even mars, we dont care. But please follow the judicial system.


Can we deny the wrath inflicted upon the people of Iraq under Saddam’s dictatorship? Do you really believe Iraqi people are worse off living in freedom today? The intelligence may not have revealed WMDs, but it did unmask how much Saddam's people were ready to topple with his regime. Today Iraq is free with a democratic government. We agree that there was an intelligence failure, but then most intelligence agencies agreed with the conclusion that Saddam still possessed WMD capabilities (it was not just us). Al-Qaeda was certainly successful in orchestrating large number of killings and utilizing the situation to their benefit. Most Iraqis were killed in the aftermath of Iraq's liberation by Al-Qaeda operatives but today they are on path to recovery. We welcome any evidence which states otherwise. As promised by President Obama our combat troops are already out of Iraq and soon the few trainers who are left will be leaving. Iraq faces some challenges, which will soon be resolved, when you will see Iraq as a beacon of freedom and democracy in the Middle East and around the world.

CDR Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Can we deny the wrath inflicted upon the people of Iraq under Saddam’s dictatorship? Do you really believe Iraqi people are worse off living in freedom today? The intelligence may not have revealed WMDs, but it did unmask how much Saddam's people were ready to topple with his regime. Today Iraq is free with a democratic government. We agree that there was an intelligence failure, but then most intelligence agencies agreed with the conclusion that Saddam still possessed WMD capabilities (it was not just us). Al-Qaeda was certainly successful in orchestrating large number of killings and utilizing the situation to their benefit. Most Iraqis were killed in the aftermath of Iraq's liberation by Al-Qaeda operatives but today they are on path to recovery. We welcome any evidence which states otherwise. As promised by President Obama our combat troops are already out of Iraq and soon the few trainers who are left will be leaving. Iraq faces some challenges, which will soon be resolved, when you will see Iraq as a beacon of freedom and democracy in the Middle East and around the world.

CDR Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Owing to the person spewing out this rubbish, it is only equivalent of mumbling garbage. Foreign fighters did not flow into Iraq. Most of the so-called terrorism is actually resistance being put up by Iraqi people. I have been to Iraq four times since 2003. One for humanitarian work and twice for small energy contracts and the last time just few weeks ago on behalf of American supplier interested in exploring Iraqi markets. Every time, I see Iraqi growing more and more averse to American occupation as they call it. Don't believe Noori Malki, he is another agent of IRGC which helped advance American goals into Iraq indirectly and hence does not represent Iraqi people. You can get the hints when Iraqis point to Americans as invaders and occupiers but not liberators.
Part 1
Dear S.M.R:

Forum readers, let us bring the follower of dark conspiracy theories to the light shed upon truth by once again listing facts and verifiable sources. Only then will he truly see who blindly believes everything? Where dear readers Is the good in arguing without credible evidence from verifiable sources? Where dear readers is the good in ignoring facts and truth in favor of a conspiracy made up of convenient falsehoods? Here, dear readers is the good of confronting the evidence?

In the following link witness Taliban leader vow attacks on the US:

In the following link witness Pakistani Taliban bombing a US consulate convoy in Peshawar:

BBC News - Pakistan Taliban bomb US consulate convoy in Peshawar

In the following link witness Taliban claim responsibility for the Times Square bombing plot:

In the following link hear from the girl kidnapped by the Taliban to commit suicide bombing:

With such facts and truth in our possession well past is the time for blame and conspiracy theories. Al-Qaeda and TTP are in Afghanistan and Pakistan using each country as a safe-haven to attack the other. It is only through combined efforts that neither Pakistan nor Afghanistan will be safe-havens and the Taliban will have nowhere to run or hide. While we did not find Usama bin-Laden (UBL) in Afghanistan was not the nation of Afghanistan brutally suppressed under the Taliban dictatorship while Al-Qaeda was allowed by Taliban to use the country as a safe-haven to conduct terrorist operations around the world?

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Dear Bill, thanks for your input.

You are referring to the recent mess that is the result of US's presence in Afghanistan. Since Pakistan became ally of US in the War against terrorism, so these terrorists have made Pakistan their Prime Target. The recent terrorism in Pakistan is result of that Pak-US alliance. I have no personal soft corner for any terrorist of the world, be it planners and executors of 9/11, and/or every terrorism activity in any part of the world including Pakistan specifically. All the terrorist should be convicted in court of law, not based on statements declaring anyone terrorist and his extra judicial killing afterwards.

The whole scenario of the world changed especially after 9/11. Keep aside / ignore all the conspiracy theories as well as theorists, which although most of them are born on your own soil.

Just give us any credible evidence justifying the:
  1. Afghan invasion,
  2. Iraq Invasion

Just put yourself in shoes of a judge for a moment, and think, had the people forced the US to provide concrete evidences justifying Afghan attack or attack on Iraq for WMDs, Dont you think we would have saved millions of people who died in vein? We would have saved both the countries from destruction, We would have saved million of kids from becoming orphans.
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Dear Bill, thanks for your input.

You are referring to the recent mess that is the result of US's presence in Afghanistan. Since Pakistan became ally of US in the War against terrorism, so these terrorists have made Pakistan their Prime Target. The recent terrorism in Pakistan is result of that Pak-US alliance. I have no personal soft corner for any terrorist of the world, be it planners and executors of 9/11, and/or every terrorism activity in any part of the world including Pakistan specifically. All the terrorist should be convicted in court of law, not based on statements declaring anyone terrorist and his extra judicial killing afterwards.

The whole scenario of the world changed especially after 9/11. Keep aside / ignore all the conspiracy theories as well as theorists, which although most of them are born on your own soil.

Just give us any credible evidence justifying the:
  1. Afghan invasion,
  2. Iraq Invasion

Just put yourself in shoes of a judge for a moment, and think, had the people forced the US to provide concrete evidences justifying Afghan attack or attack on Iraq for WMDs, Don't you think we would have saved millions of people who died in vein? We would have saved both the countries from destruction, We would have saved million of kids from becoming orphans.

I will attempt to clarify to " why" the afghan war. its simply 911. Not sure if you were around then, it's almost a 11 yearly old war and many could be too young to remember. The US did not just throw darts on world map and decide to come to god forsaken place to sacrifice blood and treasure.

Regarding Iraq - it is well documented that Saddam pushed hard to make the world believe that he did have WMD, that he did so because he did not want Iran thinking otherwise. That to push that meme he kept throwing out inspectors. Most of the death started after the war was won . In Iraq, most civilians ( overwhelming)deaths were due to terrorists acts and not the US military and millions did not die ...it's unfair when such exaggeration is put forth

Now I have questions for you. Where were you when Saddam gassed and killed his own citizens in the hundreds of thousands , where was your concern when he attacked another country killing its citizens ? where was your outrage when he used chemical weapons on Iranian soldiers and on the Kurds? why was the judge disrobed during those actions..
A reminder: members may want to ignore Arsenal6, a Brit who re-flagged himself just to annoy Jews and Zionists.

LOL getting all hot under the your collor aren't you SOlomon2 LOL :chilli:
Keep burining Brother I know its hard when someone exposed the lies you create..
Those STONE THROWING KIDS have caused a lot of mental trauma to you, hasn't it ? Supporting the Jewish cause against extermination from the Nazi and then cursing Palisteinans and hoping for thier genocide. Guess you can figure the symptoms out already, people.

Yeah annoying racist zionist is pretty much what I'm doing - nice to see you can read afterall. :enjoy:

BTW there are jews that hate the Racist existance of Irsael and what they are doing to the Arabs stealing land s and such, but then Solomon are you going to get rid of them ? Of cause you would just like the Nazi tried to do with the Jews. Hence why you make complete sectionj of peole who support in killing innocent ARabs.
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