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US: We will trace and kill new Al-Qaeda leader

Lol.. don't talk like a child now. "you give me first then I will" Its childish. I have the statements from Pakistan government, where are yours? If you don't have it then you are lying. as simple as that. cheers!!

isn't it childish to believe on statements...? Go get some life man.."i have official statement .where are yours":azn:
OBL was an international terrorist. It was not headache of Pakistan. you have only statements. You have to satisfy me because you claimed OBL killed in action. I didn't say anything about it. Suppose OBL is alive so US haven't trace him for 10 years how you expected from a guy to provide information about him. if i had it i bet i should be CIA chief:)

P.S: you have started believing on Pakistani Govt statements. Cool
isn't it childish to believe on statements...? Go get some life man.."i have official statement .where are yours":azn:
OBL was an international terrorist. It was not headache of Pakistan. you have only statements. You have to satisfy me because you claimed OBL killed in action. I didn't say anything about it. Suppose OBL is alive so US haven't trace him for 10 years how you expected from a guy to provide information about him. if i had it i bet i should be CIA chief:)

P.S: you have started believing on Pakistani Govt statements. Cool

Answer to P.S.
The reason I'm quoting the statement so that you believe it, if I say India or US government statement, then would you? No.

Your post doesn't make any sense anyways, so I wouldn't say much about it.

Let me ask my question one more time.

I have Pakistan government statement confirming OBL death in that mansion. So now where's the statement from any dam government supporting your claim that it was a drama? Even Uganda or Somalia will also be considered.

Please don't reply if you don't have any support of your claim. Regards!!
Answer to P.S.
The reason I'm quoting the statement so that you believe it, if I say India or US government statement, then would you? No.

Your post doesn't make any sense anyways, so I wouldn't say much about it.

Let me ask my question one more time.

I have Pakistan government statement confirming OBL death in that mansion. So now where's the statement from any dam government supporting your claim that it was a drama? Even Uganda or Somalia will also be considered.

Please don't reply if you don't have any support of your claim. Regards!!

Isn't it support to my claim that you haven't any evidences..WTH are statements?To say OBL is dead?:cheers:
Isn't it support to my claim that you haven't any evidences..WTH are statements?To say OBL is dead?:cheers:

Isn't that support my claim that you don't even have the statements? I'm not even asking for video or pictures like you. Just an officiall statement from any dam government. I know you can't do that because no civilisation in the world is fond of conspiracy theories unlike one.

so, provide some statements or else you're a liar.
That sounds like another 3 trillion mission when American economy is already hitting 14 trillion debt. Day by day the actual motive of this fake war on fake terror is becoming clear. It is an excuse for America to rein its global hegemony.

and most important question which Americans should ask themselves is, why they are the victim of terrorism? Why Osama and all his allies are anti-american?

Osama was in Pakistan then why Did US targeted Afghanistan? American should be responsible for killing of innocent peoples in Afghanistan because of war on terror which they started to find Osama. I don't find any difference between osama and bush. They were just two different character who did same thing with different purpose

Are we not, dear readers, familiar with Al Qaeda’s (AQ) and the Taliban’s war crimes and human rights violations? Are we not, dear readers, familiar with the fact that AQ and Taliban oppose anyone who dares to question or stands against their hateful beliefs and evil behaviors? Dear readers, were not the Taliban responsible for brutally suppressing the nation of Afghanistan while allowing AQ to conduct their terrorist operations around the world. AQ under Al Zawahiri continues to follow in the footsteps of the late Usama bin Laden (UBL) who was not just responsible for the planning of 9/11 but also for murdering countless others around the world. The clear message to AQ for the US is that we will not allow them to continue these inhumane acts of terror aimed at destroying the sovereignty of the US, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The attacks on innocent civilians in Pakistan have only intensified since UBL’s death and attempts to destroy the peaceful nation of Pakistan leads one to ask, “When will they come for me?” Is not the fear of our citizens a reminder to both governments that their common objective is the elimination of terrorism? And if, dear readers, the aim of both our nations is to eliminate insurgency for the sake of its citizens does not the baseless proclamation of the War on Terror as “fake” only create delusion and dismiss reality?

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Are we not, dear readers, familiar with Al Qaeda’s (AQ) and the Taliban’s war crimes and human rights violations? Are we not, dear readers, familiar with the fact that AQ and Taliban oppose anyone who dares to question or stands against their hateful beliefs and evil behaviors? Dear readers, were not the Taliban responsible for brutally suppressing the nation of Afghanistan while allowing AQ to conduct their terrorist operations around the world. AQ under Al Zawahiri continues to follow in the footsteps of the late Usama bin Laden (UBL) who was not just responsible for the planning of 9/11 but also for murdering countless others around the world. The clear message to AQ for the US is that we will not allow them to continue these inhumane acts of terror aimed at destroying the sovereignty of the US, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The attacks on innocent civilians in Pakistan have only intensified since UBL’s death and attempts to destroy the peaceful nation of Pakistan leads one to ask, “When will they come for me?” Is not the fear of our citizens a reminder to both governments that their common objective is the elimination of terrorism? And if, dear readers, the aim of both our nations is to eliminate insurgency for the sake of its citizens does not the baseless proclamation of the War on Terror as “fake” only create delusion and dismiss reality?

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

The readers including myself are familiar as well as fully aware of al qaeda / ubl's wrong doing merely due to US told us. Otherwise there have been no credible evidence for the same. US asks us to believe and digest whatever being said. But sincerely we do not trust you anymore.
Reasons, back after 9/11, when US planned to invade afghanistan on account of ubl's being present there, the talibans used to say ubl is not there, but us ignored and attacked afghanistan. After 10 years he is said to be hiding in that mansion. Then your intel agency reported wmd in iraq, again everyone in world protested but you still ignored and made iraq piece of hell. Now wmd and 'sorry' from you being intelligence failure. Now you came in, did operation, claimed ubl killing and thrown him into sea? Without showing to anyone?

Just tell me dear who is responsible for killings of thousands of people including your own soldiers? Who were killed on account of your false claims and intelligence failures.

Do you believe in justice? If you have any evidence against anyone, please prove him guilty first then throw him into sea, on moon or even mars, we dont care. But please follow the judicial system.
seriously some ppl just started a fight for no reason, all i was asking for proof since 5 hours and got none. we had proof for saddam, then why not for osama, its because they really did kill saddam but no one knows truth about osama.
Is not the fear of our citizens a reminder to both governments that their common objective is the elimination of terrorism?
I strongly doubt that the Government of Pakistan's intent is to eliminate terrorism, rather, they wish to reassert their control over terrorists, preserving these "stateless actors" for use abroad and at home. It isn't just about pricking India or threatening annihilation to Israel: only by eliminating the vestiges of British-imposed justice and order can the rule of will (coequal with the Koran, as Khomeini argued and Islamic rulers have demonstrated over centuries) be established. Terror is explicitly endorsed in the Koran (3:151, etc.) and these words guide many Muslims today, which is why even non-religious Pakistani army leaders have sought to employ terror against their enemies, foreign and domestic.

You might argue that the post-9/11 U.N. Security Council resolutions obligated Pakistan to eliminate terror as a tool, but very few Pakistanis here at this forum accept that; Pakistani sovereignty, they believe, means that Pakistan should do anything it pleases that is in its power (rule of will) and international agreements can go to hell. We saw that clearly in the Raymond Davis affair, when Pakistanis tried to argue that their definition of diplomatic immunity and the process of granting it should supersede the international laws they had previously agreed to.

Can we press Pakistani leaders to change? Their outstanding characteristics are greed, pride, and refusal to take any difficult decisions that could definitely lose them face, wealth, or risk their positions. So no civilian or army leader takes responsibility for the drone strikes they approve and direct, no one corrects mistaken impressions of the U.S. and Israel, etc. all because it doesn't cost them not to do so. No one bothers to govern honestly because if a plane gets blown up or harvest ruined the U.S. will replace it.

If we want them to change the most we can do is to craft flexible incentives, and even then there is no assurance, not as long as ordinary Pakistanis' confusion (encouraged by their military) keeps them from evaluating information accurately. So forget about the leaders for a while (they are rich enough already!) and confront the ordinary folks on the streets, in mosques, and madrassas.
You know, there is some truth to what you say but you are blinded, not only by the perspective your media provides to you, but also the reinforcements of such views you gain by reading what people have to say on a military forum. Do you expect to find the culturally enlightened or those who prefer peace over war in the majority on a forum where we spent 90 percent of our time discussing machines used to wage war.
Dont generalize the people of Pakistan with the government of Pakistan, for that is the greatest left over from colonialism, the elitist in charge, who dont have the slightest connection to what the people want. As countless members on this forum have reiterated, the highest casualties of terror are Pakistanis, but that is of no relevance to our government, because their main interest is to rob the country from the inside and through the aid the Americans provide.
Americans are not naive, they prefer to have leaders such as Zardari in place, much like they prefer monarchs to rule the oil rich middle east. Our lives are lost, while our own leaders look the other way...that is not because Pakistanis have some inherent violent streak, but the fact we our stuck in the middle of two fighting factions. How do you choose who to support, when the Army is made up of your own people and the extremists are also made up of your own people. Americans have not dealt with such a conundrum since the Civil War so it is a bit rich for you to comment on things you have never experienced.
Many of us would love for Pakistan to be a peace loving democracy, where extremism and corruption has no place, but that is impossible when your own government supports the very same army that you claim keeps us from reaching are full potential. The Americans cant decide if they want a militarized Pakistan or a democratic one, and that view changes depending on regional scenarios, so please stop acting as if America really has any interest in peace in this region.
You didn't answer the question brother.

ok bro ill answer u right now, i have never seen his family on t.v saying that osama is dead, all i see is media talking about that his family is arrested, that does not mean that osama is killed.
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