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US warns China not to attempt Crimea-style action in Asia

question is who in Asia will USA protect ?? the biggest reason and player of destruction of Asian countries is USA .
question is who in Asia will USA protect ?? the biggest reason and player of destruction of Asian countries is USA .
Thats China who begged for US's protection in 1979.
Amid doubt that China would invade, Deng Xiaoping travelled to Washington to brief
President Carter on China's attack plans. Carter approved the Chinese invasion,
"protected" China from Soviet counterattack and pushed China for restraint.
The "worst possible case" of a nuclear war between China
and the Soviet Union
was averted.
9/11 intelligence; China invades Vietnam
US warns China not to attempt Crimea style action in asia..........and what will they do if China did.......whining and bitching some more.:lol:

Russia taking over crimea provides Chinese with a golden opportunity to take over Taiwan and this is what they should be doing. Daniel Russel does not even mention Taiwan.

had it not been the fxxking korean war, China would have taken over Taiwan in the 50s.
US foreign department is honestly clueless. Why would bluff like this when just a month ago, Russia called their bluff and humiliated them? They are currently at the lowest point of their credibility, and they decided that now was the most opportune time to issue warnings? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
US is afraid that it's Super Duper tag would be striped away if another power does a crimea & if it isn't able to do anything :D
WASHINGTON: China should not doubt the US commitment to defend its Asian allies and the prospect of economic retaliation should also discourage Beijing from using force to pursue territorial claims in Asia in the way Russia has in Crimea, a senior US official said on Thursday.

Daniel Russel, President Barack Obama's diplomatic point man for East Asia, said it was difficult to determine what China's intentions might be, but Russia's annexation of Crimea had heightened concerns among US allies in the region about the possibility of China using force to pursue its claims.

"The net effect is to put more pressure on China to demonstrate that it remains committed to the peaceful resolution of the problems," Russel, the US assistant secretary of state for East Asia, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Russel said the retaliatory sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States, the European Union and others should have a "chilling effect on anyone in China who might contemplate the Crimea annexation as a model."

This was especially so given the extent of China's economic interdependence with the United States and its Asia neighbors, Russel said.

Russel said that while the United States did not take a position on rival territorial claims in East Asia, China should be in no doubt about Washington's resolve to defend its allies if necessary.

"The president of the United States and the Obama administration is firmly committed to honoring our defense commitments to our allies," he said.

While Washington stood by its commitments - which include defense treaties with Japan, the Philippines and South Korea - Russel said there was no reason why the rival territorial claims could not be resolved by peaceful means.

He said he hoped the fact that the Philippines had filed a case against China on Sunday at an arbitration tribunal in The Hague would encourage China to clarify and remove the ambiguity surrounding its own claims.

Russel termed the deployment of large numbers of Chinese vessels in its dispute with the Philippines in the South China Sea "problematic" and said that Beijing had taken "what to us appears to be intimidating steps."

"It is incumbent of all of the claimants to foreswear intimidation, coercion and other non-diplomatic or extra-legal means," he said.

In Asia, China also has competing territorial claims with Japan and South Korea, as well as with Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan in potentially energy-rich waters.

Obama is due to visit Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines from April 22, when he is expected to stress his commitment to a rebalancing of US strategic and economic focus towards the Asia-Pacific region in the face of an increasingly assertive China.

Just a matter of curiosity, in the case China wishes on doing so, what US would do?

Just a matter of curiosity, in the case China wishes on doing so, what US would do?

US will slap sanction on China, and bcz China is Not an oil supplier, so their economy will collapse
US will slap sanction on China, and bcz China is Not an oil supplier, so their economy will collapse
China is waitng. US please sanction China and see who collapse first. Only naive Vietnamese like you believe it will happen :lol:

Just a matter of curiosity, in the case China wishes on doing so, what US would do?


US will just say "God bless you" :lol:
China is not powerful as Russia, althought China want their people think they are stronger.

if China want to repeat what Russia did, they would terribly fail.

China has a population of 1.4 billion, one of the longest coastlines in Asia. China will have a more powerful military than the US does, and there's nothing the US can do about that. 8-)
USA cannot do anything to China if they done that
But i don't think that China will do this type things
Because believe or not it will effect Chinese economy very badly according to me
Sooner or later Taiwan will implode internally. That is when China will make its move and make a humanitarian takeover of the island. :victory: The Taiwanese military will offer no resistance and there will be no casualty. No US military unit will be allowed to get near Taiwan during the takeover process.
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US will slap sanction on China, and bcz China is Not an oil supplier, so their economy will collapse

Wrong! China would never collapse because of Oil. They still have Russia! And despite of that, in the case US sanction China the backfire would be even greater for the US economy.
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