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US warns China not to attempt Crimea-style action in Asia

There is no equivalent.
Crimea was part of Ukraine and Russia took it back. 3 actors.
Taiwan was part of China and China will absorb it in time. 2 actors.

See the difference?
There is no equivalent.
Crimea was part of Ukraine and Russia took it back. 3 actors.
Taiwan was part of China and China will absorb it in time. 2 actors.

See the difference?

LTNS Private! How are you?

Well I see it this way:

Crimea was gifted to Ukraine and Russia took it back. Vast majority of Crimeans support unification with Russia
Taiwan was part of China but influenced heavily by usa and japan also and whether China will absorb it in time or not peacefully - time will tell. Currently majority of Taiwanese oppose to unification (poll) - multiple actors.

What ever,keeps your ego high.

My ego is okay at reasonable levels.
LTNS Private! How are you?

Well I see it this way:

Crimea was gifted to Ukraine and Russia took it back. Vast majority of Crimeans support unification with Russia
Taiwan was part of China but influenced heavily by usa and japan also and whether China will absorb it in time or not peacefully - time will tell. Currently majority of Taiwanese oppose to unification (poll) - multiple actors.

My ego is okay at reasonable levels.

I just got out of the cuckoo's nest. Now I can blog again. It's good not to have a pair of jumper cables put on your head every two days. ..... just kidding.
Finally got thru the winter ok and enjoying the spring as I type.

Speaking as an outsider, as long as the people on both shores of the strait are doing well and having a good life, it's all that matters.
Give it time, both people will come together.
China has a population of 1.4 billion, one of the longest coastlines in Asia. China will have a more powerful military than the US does, and there's nothing the US can do about that. 8-)
quality not quantity....
China has a population of 1.4 billion, one of the longest coastlines in Asia. China will have a more powerful military than the US does, and there's nothing the US can do about that. 8-)
we have both :cheesy:8-)[/quo
Yeah right since when Chinese quality surpass the west...you need the west even if you do want to...you are growing you have alot to learn....

we have both :cheesy:8-)

Yeah right since when Chinese quality surpass the west...you need the west even if you do want to...you are growing you have alot to learn....
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