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US UAV shot down in Pakistan

Look carefully at the pic of destroyed drone. It has a logo of "plus" sign and "Aeronautical Systems" written.

The company that manufactured it is General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI).

Logo is identical on battery and website of company.

Also, AM was rightly suggesting early that this Drone could be ours as GA-ASI has some confidential sales as well.
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I have added the pic and it is working fine with me here.

I have added as attachment as well.


Got it!

Great find! This Picture may not be worth a thousand words, but it is worth two. Aeronautical Systems!
Just saw it again... Is this the battery or something? Could they be supplying the battery to any other system?
I'm confused, what does this mean? It wasnt spying? Its not a predetor or global hawk?
:yahoo::bunny::bounce::chilli::flame: hehe, FATA is an excellent place to get your hands on US technology... tomahawk cruise missiles, and now the Predator:partay:
Pentagon says crashed "drone" in Pakistan not from U.S.
Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:17pm IST Email | Print | Share| Single Page[-] Text [+]
By Zeeshan Haider

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The Pakistani military said on Wednesday a pilotless aircraft that crashed in the northwestern region of South Waziristan had been recovered, but the Pentagon denied any U.S. drone had been lost in the area.

Separately, the U.S. military said one of its aerial vehicles had gone down with engine problems in Paktika province in eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday, but U.S. forces had immediately recovered the aircraft.

It was not immediately possible to reconcile the Pakistani and U.S. statements, which suggested that more than one drone may have crashed. Pakistan has not yet displayed the wreckage of the aircraft it said it found.

A spate of recent missile attacks by unmanned U.S. aircraft in Pakistan has strained ties between the allies.

Pakistan has said U.S. missile attacks and one U.S. ground assault are a violation of its sovereignty and the army has vowed to defend Pakistani territory.

U.S. officials denied Pakistani reports suggesting the latest incident involved a U.S. aircraft, saying no American drones, known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), had crashed or been lost in the area.

"We have no reports of any downed UAVs," Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman told reporters on Wednesday.

Asked if that included unmanned aircraft operated by other agencies of the U.S. government, Whitman stressed he had no reports of any missing drones.

Shortly later, however, a U.S. military spokesman in Afghanistan said a drone had crashed there.

President Asif Ali Zardari met U.S. President George W. Bush in New York on Tuesday and spoke strongly about protecting Pakistani sovereignty, Bush said.

The Pakistani military confirmed that a pilotless aircraft had come down but did not identify it as American. Other countries with forces in Afghanistan have not been known to operate drones over Pakistani territory.

"A surveillance unmanned aerial vehicle while flying over Pak-Afghan border yesterday night crash landed, on this side of the border ... apparently due to malfunctioning," the army said in a statement.

"The wreckage ... has been recovered."

One Pakistani security officer, who asked not to be identified, said it was a U.S. aircraft.

"It's American. It's theirs, no one else flies drones there," the officer said.

(Additional reporting by Hafiz Wazir, Saad Khan and Augustine Anthony)

..Any commenst guys...:pop: :usflag:
don't live in a state of denial, the image taken by AAJ TV above clearly shows a part made by General Atomics and with their logo too. go visit their website and see for yourself.

what's even more funny is that tomahawks crash-landed in the tribal areas in 1998 and were in perfect condition. there was also a Global Hawk crash in pakistan in 2002, unfortunately our govt. handed it over to a US team that arrived immediately.
Don't be so silly guys... no need to be so happy.. here is the latest link..
Pentagon says crashed drone in Pakistan not from U.S. | World | Reuters
Pentagon says crashed "drone" in Pakistan not from U.S.........

WASHINGTON ( 2008-09-24 21:55:30 ) :A US military drone went down in eastern Afghanistan with engine problems on Tuesday but was recovered immediately and was never near the Pakistan border, a military spokesman said on Wednesday.

US Army Capt Christian Patterson said in a telephone call from Afghanistan that the unmanned aerial vehicle was being operated by US armed forces when it crashed. "It was recovered immediately after it went down," he said. "It wasn't close to the border."


Choice is yours. Which one version you prefer? :azn:

Any replies "guys"...
don't live in a state of denial, the image taken by AAJ TV above clearly shows a part made by General Atomics and with their logo too. go visit their website and see for yourself.

what's even more funny is that tomahawks crash-landed in the tribal areas in 1998 and were in perfect condition. there was also a Global Hawk crash in pakistan in 2002, unfortunately our govt. handed it over to a US team that arrived immediately.

Image just proves manufacturer.. like if Pakistan's f 16 will be crashed that does not mean that US lost a plane by simply checking the US made parts...

WASHINGTON ( 2008-09-24 21:55:30 ) :A US military drone went down in eastern Afghanistan with engine problems on Tuesday but was recovered immediately and was never near the Pakistan border, a military spokesman said on Wednesday.

US Army Capt Christian Patterson said in a telephone call from Afghanistan that the unmanned aerial vehicle was being operated by US armed forces when it crashed. "It was recovered immediately after it went down," he said. "It wasn't close to the border."


Choice is yours. Which one version you prefer? :azn:

Any replies "guys"...

I will go with the US/Reuters... US- Most Strong Democracy & Reuters - Most reliable source for news....:whistle: ...
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