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US trying to sell the F-35 to India

Of course India should buy the F 35 in view of maintaining its position as the No 1 World weapons importer while most of its population is living under abject poverty, competing to defeacate everywhere and crumbling under wastes.

Look who is giving advice to India.:rofl: Didn't Pakistan increased defense budget by 12% and decreased development budgets last year and bought 50+ JF-17 from China when lots of people were suffering from hunger and disease in 2010 floods. Same is the story for Sindh flood also.
Of course India should buy the F 35 in view of maintaining its position as the No 1 World weapons importer while most of its population is living under abject poverty, competing to defeacate everywhere and crumbling under wastes.

Come again?
Of course India should buy the F 35 in view of maintaining its position as the No 1 World weapons importer while most of its population is living under abject poverty, competing to defeacate everywhere and crumbling under wastes.

What is wrong with you :rofl: what has B-2 bombers got to do with open defecation :rofl:
Look who is giving advice to India.:rofl: Didn't Pakistan increased defense budget by 12% and decreased development budgets last year and bought 50+ JF-17 from China when lots of people were suffering from hunger and disease in 2010 floods. Same is the story for Sindh flood also.

relax buddy :)

last year when I ws in Philly, I was going around a few museums and war memorials...

dere was a guy in a torn suit, begging on the streets :cheesy:

"hey buddy, you got a dollar" was his ask :frown:
Of course India should buy the F 35 in view of maintaining its position as the No 1 World weapons importer while most of its population is living under abject poverty, competing to defeacate everywhere and crumbling under wastes.

here it goes, troll.
US fighter were rejected on technological parameters which is going to hurt Uncle Sam in global market that's why too prove it's technological superiority F-35 is on plate.
Of course India should buy the F 35 in view of maintaining its position as the No 1 World weapons importer while most of its population is living under abject poverty, competing to defeacate everywhere and crumbling under wastes.
This is what I call a brain fart! Can a post be more idiotic than this? Shows total intellectual bankruptcy. With such trolls around posting complete garbage, the standard of PDF is taking a hit and heading South faster than the speed of light! :tdown:
And how many times do i have to read this report on this forum. Atleast my memory tells me that it has been posted here for atleast a dozen times in last month or so. Atleast i can name few members that have previously posted this same thing with a different source or title, lankan ranger i think leads the competition for atleast twice or thrice posting this, i remember Spark posted it as well.... please someone should close or merge this thread with those already running. thanks.:angry:
Why do we need to do that? We've got the PAK FA T-50 haven't we?

And then the F-35 is a disaster. Engineers already found problems with the engine, avionics and HMD during the initial testing phase, so it can be logically assumed that by the time the rest of the testing is finished, a magnitude of problems will arise that will only shoot the cost up to astronomical levels.

In February 2011, the Pentagon put a price of $207.6 million for each of the 32 aircraft to be acquired in FY2012, rising to $304.15 million if its share of RDT&E spending is included

With a payload of only two 2,000 pound munitions in its bomb bays, the F-35 is hardly a first-class bomber either. With more bombs carried under its wings, it becomes ‘non-stealthy,’ and its enhanced payload is nothing to write home about. As a ‘close air support’ attack aircraft to replace the A-10 in active and reserve units and to help US troops engaged in combat, the F-35 is a nonstarter. It is too fast to independently find and identify tactical targets; too fragile to withstand ground fire; and it lacks the payload and especially the endurance to loiter usefully over US forces in ground combat for the sustained periods they need.

Needless to say, the F-35 advocates will protest, what of its two most prized features: ‘stealth’ and advanced avionics? What the Pentagon will not tell you is that ‘stealthy’ aircraft are quite detectable by radar; it is simply a question of the type of radar and its angle relative to the aircraft. Ask the pilots of the two ‘stealthy’ F-117s that the Serbs successfully attacked with radar defenses in the 1999 Kosovo air war! So much for stealth.

With many countries truncating their demands and some even cancelling them, the US of A is desperate to find a buyer to unload the F-35. India shouldn't fall into the trap.

Bottom line: The F-35 is a bad idea that shows every sign of turning into a disaster as big as the F-111 fiasco of the 1960s.

Also it cant be used as an air superiority fighter - it has only 4 internal pylons , translating to 2 BVR missiles and 2 WVR missiles. if you put extra missiles on external stores, you are compromising stealth and if you dont then you dont have enough missiles to be a threat to anyone.
No air force wants to send an airplane armed with only 2 long range missiles into hostile air.

"I wake up in a cold sweat at the thought of the F-35 going in with only two air-dominance weapons." - Major Richard Koch, chief of USAF Air Combat Command’s advanced air dominance branch
If it was me to decide, i will cancel MRCA (around 200 approx) and PAK FA (around approx) and buy straight 400 piece of F35 and ask US to give few B-2 bombers and Raptor (50 piece each) and rest buy MKI. I think Indian pilot have good flying experience on this bird.

But this will be perfect world :)
The only aircraft resistant to Chinese LRTR's is F22A .
If J20 is the target F35 would be far better .
Look im not bringing either of China/J20 here
Of course India should buy the F 35 in view of maintaining its position as the No 1 World weapons importer while most of its population is living under abject poverty, competing to defeacate everywhere and crumbling under wastes.

Look beggers are teaching lessons.
I dont c any reason for India to buy these 5th gen fighters when it already has a joint venture in PAK FA with Russia

But at the end money has to be spent somewhere, and America needs money no one will disagree on this, and better option than India to sell such beasts.

we all know that F-35 is much better option that MRCA..especially
when india has 280 odd su 30 for heavy duty job
If it was me to decide, i will cancel MRCA (around 200 approx) and PAK FA (around approx) and buy straight 400 piece of F35 and ask US to give few B-2 bombers and Raptor (50 piece each) and rest buy MKI. I think Indian pilot have good flying experience on this bird.

But this will be perfect world :)
thats some wishful thinking
if left to me i would ask them to sell the alien spacecrafts and ufo's so that we can scare china

But this will be perfect world:flame::flame::flame::taz:
we all know that F-35 is much better option that MRCA..especially
when india has 280 odd su 30 for heavy duty job

Well we are already inducting 250 of T-50, first 50 single-seated and next 200 has twin-seated starting from 2016. Even China will induct J-20 by 2019. F-35 will be 3 times more expensive than MMRCA and we already invested that amount for T-50.

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