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Nov 28, 2012
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United States

A U.S. Army team transfers the remains of Staff Sgt. Dustin Wright, 29, of Lyons, Ga., at Dover Air Force Base, Del., on Oct. 5. Wright was one of four U.S. troops killed in an ambush in Niger.

When U.S. troops were ambushed in Niger last October, the widespread reaction was surprise: The U.S. has military forces in Niger? What are they doing there?

Pentagon Cites Multiple Missteps That Led To Ambush Of U.S. Troops In Niger

Yet in many ways, the Niger operation typifies U.S. military missions underway in roughly 20 African countries, mostly in the northern half of the continent. The missions tend to be small, they are carried out largely below the radar, and most are focused on a specific aim: rolling back Islamist extremism.

In almost all of the missions, the Americans are there to advise, assist and train African militaries — and not to take part in combat. Still, those supporting roles can often take U.S. forces into the field with their African partners, as was the case in Niger.

"The missions are different, but obviously if they're out in a high-threat environment, they're going to be prepared for combat as a contingency," said Dan Hampton, a retired Army colonel at the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, a think tank sponsored by the Defense Department.

"It's hard to say it's not a combat mission when there's the potential for conflict and combat as they accompany these African troops," he said.

The U.S. Has No Clear Strategy For Africa. Here's Why It Really Needs One

In Niger, a dozen U.S. troops traveled with members of the nation's military to meet villagers in a remote southwestern corner of the country, near the border with Mali. The entire contingent was ambushed as it was leaving. Four Americans were killed and two were wounded, and five Nigerien troops were also killed.

A Pentagon investigation has found that a series of missteps left the Americans exposed and vulnerable. It has sent the classified report to Congress, and military officers have started to brief the families of the soldiers who were killed. The report has not been released publicly, but an official who has seen it described it to NPR Pentagon correspondent Tom Bowman.

The U.S. military established its Africa Command, AFRICOM, in 2007, in an effort to work more closely with African militaries that were often ill-equipped to deal with emerging extremist threats.

While many African countries welcome the U.S. assistance, they usually aren't interested in a high-profile U.S. presence. AFRICOM headquarters are in Stuttgart, Germany, and not in Africa.

"The focus of the U.S. military operations is basically 'African solutions for African problems,' " said John Campbell, who follows Africa for the Council on Foreign Relations. "What that means is developing the indigenous capacity to respond to security threats."

President Barack Obama sent the U.S. forces to Niger in 2013, a time when extremists were on the rise in northwestern Africa. Boko Haram was on the march in Nigeria, Niger's neighbor to the south. Radicals aligned with al-Qaida had taken over large parts of Mali, Niger's neighbor to the west.

Borders mean little in this region. The area has a long history as a trade and smuggling route that connects sub-Saharan Africa with North Africa and troubled countries like Libya — Niger's neighbor to the north.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said the U.S. military has more than 1,000 personnel in the region, an apparent reference to an area that includes Niger as well as Mali and Nigeria.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack in Niger, though Mattis did refer to the Islamic State.

Mattis described the mission as "supporting the French-led and the African troops, in the campaign to throw ISIS and the terrorists, the radicals, those who foment instability and murder and mayhem, off their stride."

The U.S., he added, was largely helping with intelligence and surveillance. The U.S. reportedly has one drone base in Niger and is working on a second one.

This is only one region in Africa where the U.S. is active. Here are several other examples:

Uganda: The U.S. military launched a search in 2011 for rebel leader Joseph Kony, whose Lord's Resistance Army had terrorized Uganda and neighboring states for years. The U.S. efforts have help weaken the group. But Kony remains at large and the search has wound down.

Somalia: The American military charged into the East African nation in 1992 and helped end a famine but became entangled in the country's civil war. The U.S. is now working with the military in its fight against al-Shabab militants.

Djibouti: This tiny nation hosts the only permanent U.S. military base in Africa, though the Americans here tend to focus more on the turbulence in the nearby Persian Gulf.

Libya: The U.S. has carried out periodic drone strikes as part of a campaign aimed at the Islamic State and other extremists in the war-ravaged country.



The issue of danger pay has been scrutinized in the aftermath of the ambush, in which a force of about 50 armed militants attacked a unit of 11 American and about 30 Nigerien soldiers. U.S. troops deployed in Algeria, Burundi, Chad, Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Tunisia and Uganda already qualified, according to Pentagon pay guidelines.

There is no US troops or any foreign troops in Algeria save the few from Africom during training exchange between the Algerian army and the US forces... that is limited in time and scope...
If that the case that will be the death of the Algerian government.. We are not Moroccan or Arabs in general to stand for that..
Hell, they couldn’t even raise à French flag for a film , do you think the Algerian will put up with a foreign base..:crazy::crazy::crazy:
There is no US troops or any foreign troops in Algeria save the few from Africom during training exchange between the Algerian army and the US forces... that is limited in time and scope...
If that the case that will be the death of the Algerian government.. We are not Moroccan or Arabs in general to stand for that..
Hell, they couldn’t even raise à French flag for a film , do you think the Algerian will put up with a foreign base..:crazy::crazy::crazy:
what about thous who protect the us embassy they are all year in algeria or any us embassy in the world
what about thous who protect the us embassy they are all year in algeria or any us embassy in the world
Those are assigned to the protection of the Ambassy, which by itself considered foreign entity..They do not have any other role but the inside defense of the Ambassy’s perimeter...The article covers the American bases and American troops that are deployed in Africa..The article forgot to mention , Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Lybia and Mauritania..All these countries shelters permanently US troops..

Just a list of benefit that US troops that go to those countries, as Africom, for technical training exchange..Show me a $ value budgeted to the US troops in Algeria.? There is none that the only tall tale sign of their presence..Africom and the ANP have a continuous exchange training program that take place in Algeria and in Stuggart Germany..That does not constitute US troop being based in the country..Like Morocco..You have F16..maintenance is conducted by US personal, which means US continuous presence..The maintenance is US, secretly graded by the US...no lard *** Moroccan is allowed near them..
Just as the joint manœuvres between the two countries, they come to train and your troops watch and the sidelines, clean after them..Same as in any Arab country arab..they come they play and the only requirement they have is to visit Jama’a el fan au Maroc, the Pyramids for Egypt and Petra for Jordan...
Just a list of benefit that US troops that go to those countries, as Africom, for technical training exchange..Show me a $ value budgeted to the US troops in Algeria.? There is none that the only tall tale sign of their presence..Africom and the ANP have a continuous exchange training program that take place in Algeria and in Stuggart Germany..That does not constitute US troop being based in the country..Like Morocco..You have F16..maintenance is conducted by US personal, which means US continuous presence..The maintenance is US, secretly graded by the US...no lard *** Moroccan is allowed near them..
Just as the joint manœuvres between the two countries, they come to train and your troops watch and the sidelines, clean after them..Same as in any Arab country arab..they come they play and the only requirement they have is to visit Jama’a el fan au Maroc, the Pyramids for Egypt and Petra for Jordan...

US TROOPS IN ALGERIA :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Those are assigned to the protection of the Ambassy, which by itself considered foreign entity..They do not have any other role but the inside defense of the Ambassy’s perimeter...The article covers the American bases and American troops that are deployed in Africa..The article forgot to mention , Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Lybia and Mauritania..All these countries shelters permanently US troops..
no us soldier in tunisia stays permanently or even base they come part of africome exchange programs and they go back


This video contain helmet-cam footage.

An ambush that killed 4 Americans.

may god rest their souls
I'm not an animal to gloat for their death

أنا لست حيوان لشماتة لموتهم
White Americans have bad pasty skin so they want their offspring to be darker.
Actually we are not black we are more white then rest of the African countries

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