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US Tries to Stifle Chinese Space Advances

Really? China's history is filled with innovation. Including the very rockets that made all these other rockets possible. Ignore that much?

But whatever. You can keep thinking China is completely incapable of innovation.
I was talking about Chinese contributions to modern science post Industrial Revolution. India too has had a rich and innovation filled history, but contributions to modern science are too few and far in between. If you cannot see that part and are so blinded by your nationalism, then so be it. Considering tinkering of long established and proven (or sometimes stolen) technologies as innovation or originality is pityful to say the least. So atm, there is certainly no innovation or originality coming out of China, except for blatantly copying whatever technology it can lay its hands on. That may jump start certain capabilities, but in no way can be considered original or innovative.

As for the "bots", keep rehashing what your rhetoric filled propaganda taught you. If you think copying technologies amounts to showing off technological progress, one couldnt be further from truth. Btw, FYI even Iran does exactly that (putting two tail fins on a F-5 and calling it an innovative new fighter!!), except that they cannot get their hands on modern technology as China can. Bask in that false glory. The difference lies in the learning curve - the experience of asking questions and trying to answer them. But, hey I dont expect "asking questions" part from you.
Don't call yourself a super power until you can feed your people , accomplish sustenable GDP and Quality GDP. When you have more than 2 allies and a 5 th gen jet no this fake demonstrator that has few stealth outside the nose.

China has massive problems from water loss and desertfacation of it's farmlands.

Your economy is based off of currency manipulation of the RMB that leads to you exporting and no consumption once the us labels you a currency manipulator , you will be brought to your knees like japan with the plaza accord

We are the superpower the greatest civilization ever on this planet
Us is an idea freedom for any man race creed USA

You are a troll and a troll bait your IQ isn't any higher than below freezing(sarcasm), but then again i am just taking a guess, someone with split identity shouldn't be posting crap online or even trying to analyze anything because they haven't hit puberty and probably will not ever.
Therefore, the most important ability here is the ability to manufacture, to materialize ideas, which I believe China is still lacking.

Nicely said. But there is a huge difference between capability to manufacture and to materialize ideas. One needs to come up with original ideas.
. .
china is decades ahead of india in most things. india is extremely reliant on foreign tech for even the basic things. if india is ahead of china in tech then america would focus its attention on india instead of china. but china gets all the american attention. only thing similar about china and india is population size, but thats where the similarities stop.

Though China and India share the artificial similarity in population size, the underlying populations are polarly apart on top of drastically different capability of the population averages in the first place:

India’s population growth pattern is long-term dysgenic – means the bottom half produces disproportionably much more offsprings making the country even dumber in the future.

Mao’s 1-child policy is accidentally doing a China a long-term favour in eugenics -- means by and large both sides of the bell curve get the same treatment, making the country even smarter.

Therefore, even the ‘population similarity” of these two countries is not true, because each of them is indeed pointing to a totally opposite direction, both quantitatively (relatively speaking), and qualitatively.


---------- Post added at 06:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 PM ----------

... there is a huge difference between capability to manufacture and to materialize ideas. One needs to come up with original ideas.

In other words, there is a huge difference between capability to manufacture (e.g. no BS Chinese style) and to "materialize ideas" (e.g. Indian day dreaming)?

Agreed, for once. :tup:

Nicely said. But there is a huge difference between capability to manufacture and to materialize ideas. One needs to come up with original ideas.

F22 is a great idea isn't it. But for now, only US is able to put that idea into reality.

I believe it is not exaggerating to say, even if US gifted a real F22 plus all the blue prints to China, China can't build a F22 as good as the American one.

All and all, boil down to the capability to manufacture.
Though China and India share the artificial similarity in population size, the underlying populations are polarly apart on top of drastically different capability of the population averages in the first place:

India’s population growth pattern is long-term dysgenic – means the bottom half produces disproportionably much more off springs making the country dumper.

Mao’s 1-child policy is accidentally doing a China a long-term favour in eugenics -- means by and large both sides of the bell curve get the same treatment.

Therefore, even the ‘population similarity” of these two countries are not true, because each of them is indeed pointing to a totally opposite direction.


---------- Post added at 06:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 PM ----------

In other words, there is a huge difference between capability to manufacture (e.g. no BS Chinese style) and to "materialize ideas" (e.g. Indian day dreaming)?

Agreed, for once. :tup:


I don't understand a word you just said, sounds like pure Nazism to me, the only thing i understood was Eugenics, so are you trying to say Chinese population were planned from start and bred to be superior, while Indian population were bred to be dumb? Ala Hitler style, that's a massive undertaking for 2 billion people!
Chinese inventions are unique because they are derived from the Yellow River civilization -- the most central and important civilization in world history. Who else has been around for 1000's of years inventing everything on the planet? Nobody. Who else is the present day rising superpower? Nobody.

Ultimately, China's unique success is testament to the superiority of our technology over all others. And China's success is obvious -- it's drawing envy from third world holes and former fallen superpowers.

All inventions, by default, are unique.

The issue here is that many historical Indian “inventions”, best represented by Chess, were not originated in India by a long shot.

The Chinese did invented countless things mainly prior to 1600 A.D., that paved the foundation of the modern world.

Yet give credit where its due, European Enlightenment from 17th century on has made North-of-Alp Europeans ( or say mainly the Germanic tribes) achieved the monopoly position in innovations for the last 400 years.

Objectively speaking, both the Chinese and the North-of-Alp Europeans are roughly at equal intellectual footings (none is more superior than the other) in their contributions to the Human progress so far, whereas all others have been comparatively very minor in influence - unfortunate but true.

I don't understand a word you just said, sounds like pure Nazism to me, the only thing i understood was Eugenics, so are you trying to say Chinese population were planned from start and bred to be superior, while Indian population were bred to be dumb? Ala Hitler style, that's a massive undertaking for 2 billion people!

Eugenics is not unique Nazi phenominon to start with. If you misunderstand me, then it's unfortuante.

Nazis took advantge of Eugenics to achive some of their agenda, yet Eugenics is just another natural law , like "the strongest survival", that underlies the all living organisms in nature, like it or not.

All inventions, by default, are unique.

The issue here is that many historical Indian “inventions”, best represented by Chess, were not originated in India by a long shot.

The Chinese did invented countless things mainly prior to 1600 A.D., that paved the foundation of the modern world.

Yet give credit where its due, European Enlightenment from 17th century on has made North-of-Alp Europeans ( or say mainly the Germanic race) achieved the monopoly position in innovations for the last 400 years.

Objectively speaking, both the Chinese and the North-of-Alp Europeans are roughly at equal intellectual footings (none is more superior than the other) in their contributions to the Human progress so far, whereas all others are comparatively very minor - unfortunate but true.


its better not to bring race into this``
Eugenics is not unique Nazi phenominon to start with. If you misunderstand me, then it's unfortuante.

Nazis took advantge of Eugenics to achive some of their agenda, yet Eugenics is just another natural law , like "the strongest survival", that underlies the all living organisms in nature, like it or not.

Wrong...Eugenics is the DELIBERATE application of known scientific principles and processes towards the manipulation and supposedly 'improvement' of racial traits within a population. You are a racist. Be brave enough to admit it.
Wrong...Eugenics is the DELIBERATE application of known scientific principles and processes towards the manipulation and supposedly 'improvement' of racial traits within a population. You are a racist. Be brave enough to admit it.

NO, you mainstream Zionist media spoon-fed troll.

I am not a racist. I am a race realist, or a racialist.

There is a fundamental difference between the two.

A racist hates and will use every possible means to discriminate and prosecute other races.

I don’t !

A racialist doesn’t hate all other races to begin with, and certainly will not persecute others; instead he/she only recognises the physical and mental differences among all the races. That’s it.

And I do.

Zinoist-dominated Western main stream media and Estern Communist media ( mainly in earlier Soviet blocs, today’s North Korea and China) have deliberately mixed up these 2 totally different concepts since earlier 20th century Communism and the following 1970’s Human Rights movement and Feminism led by the Jewish intellectual elites.

They have branded everything and anybody who has happened to disagree with their zealous anti-nature ideals (supported by their evil political agenda) as a racist, a Nazi and a mass-murderer, which is in total disagreement with the very spirit of “Freedom” and “Individuality” that the European Enlightenment entails. A complete zionist sham!

. .
All inventions, by default, are unique.

The issue here is that many historical Indian “inventions”, best represented by Chess, were not originated in India by a long shot.

The Chinese did invented countless things mainly prior to 1600 A.D., that paved the foundation of the modern world.

Yet give credit where its due, European Enlightenment from 17th century on has made North-of-Alp Europeans ( or say mainly the Germanic tribes) achieved the monopoly position in innovations for the last 400 years.

Objectively speaking, both the Chinese and the North-of-Alp Europeans are roughly at equal intellectual footings (none is more superior than the other) in their contributions to the Human progress so far, whereas all others have been comparatively very minor in influence - unfortunate but true.

Pretty much everything invented prior to 1600 was invented by China. Pretty much everything invented after 1600 was invented by the West and Jews. Islam had a good few hundred years too between 800 and 1300. Guess who invented "al gebra"?

But China is within striking distance from catching up to the West.... give it another 10 to 20 years.... the world could be a very different place with Chinese brand name green technologies everywhere and Chinese aircraft carriers plying the oceans protecting China's vital interests..... because international trade by then will use mainly the RMB.

A great example is China's 5th generation fighter.... here's the new J-20 video! http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjU4NTYxMTc2.html
NO, you mainstream Zionist media spoon-fed troll.

I am not a racist. I am a race realist, or a racialist.

There is a fundamental difference between the two.

A racist hates and will use every possible means to discriminate and prosecute other races.

I don’t !

A racialist doesn’t hate all other races to begin with, and certainly will not persecute others; instead he/she only recognises the physical and mental differences among all the races. That’s it.

And I do.

Zinoist-dominated Western main stream media and Estern Communist media ( mainly in earlier Soviet blocs, today’s North Korea and China) have deliberately mixed up these 2 totally different concepts since earlier 20th century Communism and the following 1970’s Human Rights movement and Feminism led by the Jewish intellectual elites.

They have branded everything and anybody who has happened to disagree with their zealous anti-nature ideals (supported by their evil political agenda) as a racist, a Nazi and a mass-murderer, which is in total disagreement with the very spirit of “Freedom” and “Individuality” that the European Enlightenment entails. A complete zionist sham!

Wrong...A 'racist' does not need to hate in order to believe in innate racial characteristics that determine a person's lot in life. If you believe that a person's physical characteristics demands a certain lifestyle and thought patterns, you are a racist.
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