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US Tries to Stifle Chinese Space Advances

Zero-child policy would have been even better.

Even better nutrition, even better .. everything, would have made the life expectancy 500 years by now.
And your parents / grand-parents would have enjoyed life under Mao even in 2400 AD.

Ok... never mind. Just joking.

Joke or not joke, you do not live in China, have no idea how difficult the poor to afford living in the past. Now people have more money, and can afford more children, I agree to change at some point in the future, two child policy might be better later in the decade.
Don't call yourself a super power until you can feed your people , accomplish sustenable GDP and Quality GDP. When you have more than 2 allies and a 5 th gen jet no this fake demonstrator that has few stealth outside the nose.

China has massive problems from water loss and desertfacation of it's farmlands.

Your economy is based off of currency manipulation of the RMB that leads to you exporting and no consumption once the us labels you a currency manipulator , you will be brought to your knees like japan with the plaza accord

We are the superpower the greatest civilization ever on this planet
Us is an idea freedom for any man race creed USA

A superpower is NOT suppose to borrow money! Quit living in the post WWII past and get with today's reality. Western ideology is just a plagiarized version of Eastern philosophy (look it up).
That is not possible. That is how you Chinese boys are raised to believe. Any injection of race into any discussion in order to make the Chinese members here feel 'superior' about themselves is inevitable.

Didn't the Europeans, whites in particular did that too? I mean look at what the French did to the Vietnamese, and you tell me that only China did that (you make it sound like they are)?

It's racial competition that we are practicing today, not eugenics. Yes, that is okay as long as it doesn't lead to war.
Jesus, someone in charge close this thread down it looks like it could come from stormfront.:sick:
If you do not feel anything 'wrong' about eugenics, as in raising humans the same as animal husbandry with the State being the arbiter of who is of 'superior' genetic stock than others, who is deserving of living, and who is deserving of raising a family, then by all mean petition the Chinese government to embark on a racial eugenics program in China. You can start with evicting the blacks in China right now working, next hunt down the mixed breed kids whose fathers are blacks and sterilize them. It is the least humane thing to do other than killing them outright.

So now we have the Chinese boys believing nothing is wrong with eugenics.

you need to stop putting words in my mouth
Didn't the Europeans, whites in particular did that too? I mean look at what the French did to the Vietnamese, and you tell me that only China did that (you make it sound like they are)?

It's racial competition that we are practicing today, not eugenics. Yes, that is okay as long as it doesn't lead to war.

Gambit thinks hes a white guy :disagree:

He was brought up to believe in white racial superiority, can't put all the blame on the little guy though. His parents were probably servants of some French or American officials.

Reminds of that one episode of the Chappelle Show where Dave Chappelle (a black guy) is a proud member of the KKK :lol:
He can't help it. He has to have more than just words put in his mouth on a regular basis.

But at least Gambit is a very intelligent troll, he never resorted any direct racial slur against the Chinese people.

In the future, i hope more Chinese posters should act like Gambit when trolling against the white racists. :tup:
Gambit thinks hes a white guy :disagree:

Wrong! so much so that it's out of sight!

Innate racial characteristics are real, proven since 100 year ago, and plain there in front of your nose for everyone with more than 1 brain cell to see.

if one believes that only " a person's physical characteristics demands a certain lifestyle and thought patterns", then one is anything about a first-grader. :lol:

It's not the physical characteristics that casue lifestyle and thought patterns, for racialists at least, but what lies deep beneath them . Physical things are no more than a "short-cut" sign.

Is that why Chinese consider blacks to be an 'inferior' race?
Didn't the Europeans, whites in particular did that too? I mean look at what the French did to the Vietnamese, and you tell me that only China did that (you make it sound like they are)?

It's racial competition that we are practicing today, not eugenics. Yes, that is okay as long as it doesn't lead to war.
Does past wrong acts justify today's? Does past wrong ideas justify today's? Are you saying that one's skin color and other physical characteristics takes priority over his intellect and ideas? Do you believe that the Chinese is the 'superior' Asian stock? And that all of Asia should follow China's lead in an upcoming race war against the white race?
No. I personally think you are a inferior person based on all your crap postings though.
But the Chinese do consider blacks to be racially 'inferior'. Did not Sun Yat Sen adopted many of the Europeans' ideas about race and racial superiority notions and adapted them for the Chinese?
Does past wrong acts justify today's? Does past wrong ideas justify today's? Are you saying that one's skin color and other physical characteristics takes priority over his intellect and ideas? Do you believe that the Chinese is the 'superior' Asian stock? And that all of Asia should follow China's lead in an upcoming race war against the white race?

Nope, how Chinese are racially superior to Vietnamese?

I've seen many Vietnamese in my life, 40-50% of them look like Southern Chinese and about 10% of them look like Northern Chinese, and the rest look like Southeast Asians.

And there is no need to start a race war against the white population, their population is slowly diluting by themselves, see how US will become a Latino majority by 2050, and someone else will accomplish the job for us. All we can do is to sit back and enjoy the show.
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