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US to use Afghanistan as base of drone attacks in Pakistan - Times of India

Just to clear the air about what I think about these Drone attacks.

1. I am totally against any action which violates the territorial integrity and sovereignty of an independent country. Therefore, the Drone attacks on Pakistan is just not correct.

2. An attack from the air or with an area weapon, not only kills terrorists, but also the innocents and does immense collateral damage. Such actions only breeds more terrorists and is counterproductiive.

3. In this case, one is not too sure what is the ground rules. The Pakistan govt and the Army are merely making cosmetic noises. Now, it the Pakistan Govt and Army are in concert, what can anyone else comment about the legitimacy of the action or not?

Comment on Post # 111 & Post # 117.
Yet it doesn't stop trolls from trolling and spoiling threads right? It is also nice to know that your knowledge doesn't stop there. It goes as far as to plagiarizing someone's text on Chinese literature? :azn:

But yes I do agree with you that it is illegal made legal due to tacit understanding between the U.S. and Pakistani government. This I hope will be rectified in due course when the government switches hand. People speaks louder than words. When majority of the Pakistani people are against it, then you know something is wrong.

Listen good man, trolling does not mean anything that is not conducive to you or your Govt's point of view.

Now get that straight.

Second, by howling 'trolling' in every second post, since you are bereft of anything better to contribute, it does not make it 'trolling', but I will concede that you are a good disciple of Geobbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, who said tell TELL A LIE A HUNDRED TIMES AND IT WILL BE BELIEVED TO BE THE TRUTH.

Now, just become a human being and contribute and not waste time.

I am sorry I regret that I cannot state things that may please your and your Govt's agenda.
Ok so Americans' involvement in the affairs of ME is an invitation for Pakistani terrorists to blow people up everywhere from Newyork to london to Bali?

India is not USA. India is not even China, let alone USA. India has very limited options against Pakistan and yes, Pakistani nukes do deter us. Though I can't say for how long and with how much impunity will they be able to deter us.

Drones are certainly not enough to solve the problem. The ideal solution would be to take the nukes from Pakistan and tell the Pakistanis in no uncertain terms that this state policy of using terrorism as an extension of foreign policy simply won't work. Period.

No it's certainly not and I did not imply that. Don't put words into my mouth. You know what I meant.

Then one should refrain himself from provocations and advocations. I am only trying to highlight that it is wrong to bomb any sovereign country regardless. Each country should sort out its own mess without interference from the outside. Terrorism happens everywhere, not just in the U.S and in India. it also happens in China, but doesn't make China go and bomb those countries due to individual actions right? we are talking about 'terrorists' they can be one, two or more people and they can be anyone. We are not talking about having an army sent over to commit those crimes are we? therefore using military force to bomb a country should not be allowed. It is not the logical solution to the problem.
Listen good man, trolling does not mean anything that is not conducive to you or your Govt's point of view.

Now get that straight.

Second, by howling 'trolling' in every second post, since you are bereft of anything better to contribute, it does not make it 'trolling', but I will concede that you are a good disciple of Geobbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, who said tell TELL A LIE A HUNDRED TIMES AND IT WILL BE BELIEVED TO BE THE TRUTH.

Now, just become a human being and contribute and not waste time.

I am sorry I regret that I cannot state things that may please your and your Govt's agenda.

Nice little twist from you. This is exactly what everyone's opinion of you are.
You have been banned before and we all know why don't we? :azn:
Yes I too cannot state things to please your government's agenda.
Check all my comments.

You never commented on how the US has an advantage of using the Central Asian supply route as compared to the Pakistani one in terms of the drone program. You only said Pakistan would lose its leverage, which I proved to you was false with those two posts (111 & 117) of mine :cheers:
Why don't you comment on no. 113

Maybe because that's not the topic being discussed here? Btw, there are more than enough Indian nationals involved in international terrorism, & I can give you names of a lot of Indian citizens that have been arrested in Western countries involved in terrorism.
Is this a show of your forte and patent right on your deficit in understanding beyond the horizon of military knowledge? Does this in anyway illustrate the Tiki tam Tam cheeky stuff?

Anyway, care to tell us what you think about the criminal bombing on Pakistani soil with ze drones?

It is amusing that you regurgitate my own words.

Imitation is the best form of flattery.

Now, if you are blind what can I say.

I did write regularly as to what I think about what you call in illiterate terms as 'ze Drones'.

Instead of being consumed in the irrelevant, read posts and then commence on wasting bandwidth.

I shall refrain from replying to your inanities notwithstanding your cheer group who requires assistance even in an innocuous entity as a forum thread!!

Such is the dependency to be relevant!!

Then one should refrain himself from provocations and advocations. I am only trying to highlight that it is wrong to bomb any sovereign country regardless. Each country should sort out its own mess without interference from the outside. Terrorism happens everywhere, not just in the U.S and in India. it also happens in China, but doesn't make China go and bomb those countries due to individual actions right? we are talking about 'terrorists' they can be one, two or more people and they can be anyone. We are not talking about having an army sent over to commit those crimes are we? therefore using military force to bomb a country should not be allowed. It is not the logical solution to the problem.

a. Drones are not enough. More is needed but that doesn't mean that drones should be stopped. No. They should continue with ever more vigour.

b. I'm yet to see China be as effected by terrorism as is the west or India. There's simply no comparison.

c. We have witnessed a trailor of Chinese anger and reaction to other countries' efforts to meddle in its internal affairs during the Uyghur and Nobel Proze issue.

We are no newcomers to the fact that China can also go to extreme limits to protect what it perceives to be its national interests.

The point is, this is not Pakistan's internal issue anymore since these terrorists are not killing only Pakistanis. If only Pakistanis were the ones effected by this, I'm sure nobody would give two hoots as to how many bombs go off in Pakistan everyday.
Maybe because that's not the topic being discussed here? Btw, there are more than enough Indian nationals involved in international terrorism, & I can give you names of a lot of Indian citizens that have been arrested in Western countries involved in terrorism.

lol talking of Indian citizens involved in terrorism when you yourself shelter an Indian terrorist most wanted by India in your financial capital.

Do you want me to give you his address too? It's available on the internet.
lol talking of Indian citizens involved in terrorism when you yourself shelter an Indian terrorist most wanted by India in your financial capital.

Do you want me to give you his address too? It's available on the internet.

Again, what more do you expect but false propaganda from the Indian media? If I start talking about all the false propaganda coming out of your media, this thread will most probably cross 200 pages.
Again, what more do you expect but false propaganda of the Indian media? If I start talking about all the false propaganda coming out of your media, this thread will most probably cross 200 pages.

:lol: Indian Media?

When did the interpol become a part of Indian media?



This is interpol, mind you.
It is amusing that you regurgitate my own words.

Imitation is the best form of flattery.

Now, if you are blind what can I say.

I did write regularly as to what I think about what you call in illiterate terms as 'ze Drones'.

Instead of being consumed in the irrelevant, read posts and then commence on wasting bandwidth.

I shall refrain from replying to your inanities.

If imitation is a form of flattery, then you must have been flattering the author who wrote about Chinese literature a great deal of a lot!

Good man, glad you have admitted it.

Your lack of inanities aren't a rare sight on this forum. We have witness plenty of bandwidth hogging waste spewing out of your mouth before and now. To act innocent to cover up your other side doesn't make you anymore convincing to the readers.

There is also a thing about being a rhetorically smart to being a rhetoric that gets himself banned. :lol:
:lol: Indian Media?

When did the interpol become a part of Indian media?



This is interpol, mind you.

This is a joke obviously. How did they find out he was there?
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