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US to use Afghanistan as base of drone attacks in Pakistan - Times of India

You never commented on how the US has an advantage of using the Central Asian supply route as compared to the Pakistani one in terms of the drone program. You only said Pakistan would lose its leverage, which I proved to you was false with those two posts (111 & 117) of mine :cheers:

1. The advantage of the Northern Corridor is that it is relatively safe than the 2000 km long Pakistani Corridor.

2. It allows the US presence in the Russian underbelly and by undertaking improvement of the infrastructure in these countries, it will create goodwill.

3. Instead of ferrying petrol, oil and lubricants from the Middle East, the US would use Caspian Oil and hence give a ready market to these countries and to their advantage.

4. US requirement of foodstuff would open up markets in these countries to their advantage.

5. Therefore, the diplomatic win win over many CAR countries in comparison to one Pakistan will accrue greater advantage.

6. Being in the neighbourhood of Xinjiang, will open up avenues to surveil China as also create problems through the Uyghurs! Win win!

Now check what will be the disadvantage to Pakistan.

1. No moral advantage of 'controlling' and 'limiting' the Drone strikes from bases in Pakistan.

2. Loss of revenue for the fee for transiting supplies through Pakistan.

3. Unlimited Drone strikes as and when it please Pakistan would cause chaos in Pakistan, more so, since they cannot attack the US in Afghanistan. Because if they do, then the US extend operations to destroy the Taliban bases in Pakistan and encourages the Pashtuns for an independent Pakhtunkwa!!

I could go on, but it is all kiteflying since things are still panning out and are fluid.

Pakistani may feel that their Govt is inept, but then they are good at survival instincts.
If imitation is a form of flattery, then you must have been flattering the author who wrote about Chinese literature a great deal of a lot!

Good man, glad you have admitted it.

Your lack of inanities aren't a rare sight on this forum. We have witness plenty of bandwidth hogging waste spewing out of your mouth before and now. To act innocent to cover up your other side doesn't make you anymore convincing to the readers.

There is also a thing about being a rhetorically smart to being a rhetoric that gets himself banned. :lol:

As I said earlier that Pakistan maybe dependent on China, but they have not sold their soul to China.

PDF has surely not.

So, your wail for a ban is a waste of time and very condescending to the people who run this forum!!

I am sure you are not on their Board, or are you to dictate terms?

I find your moniker very interesting. It seems to be a mix of Obama and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
1. The advantage of the Northern Corridor is that it is relatively safe than the 2000 km long Pakistani Corridor.

It's not safer. It passes through Russia & Uzbekistan, which are not safe countries. Uzbekistan still has its Al-Qaeda affiliated Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan in there, as well as other Uzbek terror groups.

It allows the US presence in the Russian underbelly and by undertaking improvement of the infrastructure in these countries, it will create goodwill.

Not really.

Instead of ferrying petrol, oil and lubricants from the Middle East, the US would use Caspian Oil and hence give a ready market to these countries and to their advantage.

Doesn't help with the drone war

US requirement of foodstuff would open up markets in these countries to their advantage.

Same as above

Therefore, the diplomatic win win over many CAR countries in comparison to one Pakistan will accrue greater advantage.

Same as above

Being in the neighbourhood of Xinjiang, will open up avenues to surveil China as also create problems through the Uyghurs! Win win!

The route you will be taking will of course not be touching Xinjiang of course, or be anywhere close to it. Not that it has anything to do with the drone war anyways.

1. No moral advantage of 'controlling' and 'limiting' the Drone strikes from bases in Pakistan.

False. Pakistan's activities will not be monitored, & it can operate where ever it wants to more freely. It will be a great moral boost to the people of Pakistan

Loss of revenue for the fee for transiting supplies through Pakistan.

The US does not pay the costs of maintaining the trucks & the road systems they go on, which incur a huge cost for Pakistan right now, which won't be applicable in the future.

Unlimited Drone strikes as and when it please Pakistan would cause chaos in Pakistan, more so, since they cannot attack the US in Afghanistan.

There will be less drone strikes as compared to now as the time needed to get the supplies into Afghanistan will be longer taking the C.Asian route as compared to the direct sea route from Pakistan. The US forces will also come under more fire from the terrorists as their supplies would be coming in late.

You can keep sprouting your garbage, but nothing you said up pertained to the drone war in Pakistan. So as I said, the US becomes severely disadvantaged in the drone war game when it breaks contact with Pakistan :oops:. :cheers:
a. Drones are not enough. More is needed but that doesn't mean that drones should be stopped. No. They should continue with ever more vigour.

Yet they have not done so? Afterall they did set foot into Iraq and Afghanistan, but why not Pakistan? and why are the indian trolls only advocating instead of getting its government involved?

b. I'm yet to see China be as effected by terrorism as is the west or India. There's simply no comparison.

You have yet to see? I'd say you haven't seen or done enough research. China too gets affected but that doesn't make China falsly make claim and bomb a soveriegn nation. Remember Americans worked with Pakistan and they supported the different sects against the Soviet Union?

They are doing the same in Libya as we speak, supporting rebels who are not really Libyans to overthrow the Libyan government.
When they want to use them for their own agenda, they are referred to as 'freedom fighters' but 'terrorists' when they are not?

Terrorism is terrorism in the end, their acts serves the same purpose, which is to kill. It matters little about the scale. You cannot blame crimes made by individuals solely on to a country.

c. We have witnessed a trailor of Chinese anger and reaction to other countries' efforts to meddle in its internal affairs during the Uyghur and Nobel Proze issue.

And what does this have to do with this thread? :what:
Asif the nobel peace prize isn't known for being a scandalous political tool used to smeer dirt on other countries.
We even see Obama win it too, did he do much to warrant such a 'prestigious' award? Funny that you also bring Uyghurs into this thread. So are you saying India doesn't have problems with the kashmiris?

We are no newcomers to the fact that China can also go to extreme limits to protect what it perceives to be its national interests.

That my friend can only happen if your country is powerful enough. Else the country would have been bombed to oblivion instead. Rather than getting bombed. We have trade with Americans. They also run up huge trade deficits. I guess that is how extreme Americans can get with China?

The point is, this is not Pakistan's internal issue anymore since these terrorists are not killing only Pakistanis. If only Pakistanis were the ones effected by this, I'm sure nobody would give two hoots as to how many bombs go off in Pakistan everyday.

It is very much a Pakistani internal issue. That is until India publically declares that it is not. until then, I guess you can only resort to back riding the Americans on this.
Owned on the Dawood front, Bilal jumps to Iraq to save face.

Stop posting Bilal, you're only embarrassing yourself.

Tell me how they came to the conclusion of Dawood Ibrahim whereabouts. It just seems like a lot of lies & speculation to me. They should at least some kind of pictures of his house.

And btw, that's not even the complete address, it doesn't have what Phase Number (1-8) his house is in. All Defence Housing Authority (DHA) houses have a phase number. So it's not even a complete address :lol:
As I said earlier that Pakistan maybe dependent on China, but they have not sold their soul to China.

PDF has surely not.

So, your wail for a ban is a waste of time and very condescending to the people who run this forum!!

I am sure you are not on their Board, or are you to dictate terms?

I find your moniker very interesting. It seems to be a mix of Obama and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Now you have just wasted some more bandwidth by responding to me. Clearly you have ate your own words there? I thought you were going to refrain from answering to my posts? Perhaps you only meant not answering one post? Even that, you have failed.

Goes to show how little your words mean to people on this forum. Not surprised no one takes you seriously and that you got banned for doing what you do best - To flame, troll and spread propaganda. :azn:
:lol: Indian Media?

When did the interpol become a part of Indian media?



This is interpol, mind you.

I typed in this address on google maps, & there was nothing there :lol:
Yet they have not done so? Afterall they did set foot into Iraq and Afghanistan, but why not Pakistan? and why is the indian trolls only advocating instead of getting its government involved?

a. Nukes. As I meantioned earlier, Pakistani nukes give them the leeway to continue to use terror as a state policy. But the nukes will not save them forever. At least not when they are so heavily dependent upon the west for their economy as they are now.

b. What's with this Chinese habit of calling every other Indian poster a troll? lol looks like you never met HongWu.

You have yet to see? I'd say you haven't seen or done enough research. China too gets affected but that doesn't make China falsly make claim and bomb a soveriegn nation. Remember Americans worked with Pakistan and they supported the different sects against the Soviet Union?
They are doing the same in Libya as we speak, supporting rebels who are not really Libyans to overthrow the Libyan government.
When they want to use them for their own agena, they are referred to as 'freedom fighters' but 'terrorists' when they are not?
Terrorism is terrorism in the end, it is acts that serves the same purpose, which is to kill. It matters little about the scale. You cannot blame crimes made by individuals solely on to a country.

Q - Is China as effected by terrorism as is the west or India?
A - Hell NO!

And what does this have to do with this thread? :what:
Asif the nobel peace prize isn't known for being a scandalous political tool used to smeer dirt on other countries.
We even see Obama win it too, did he do much to warrant such a 'prestigious' award? Funny that you also bring Uyghurs into this thread. So are you saying India doesn't have problems with the kashmiris?

The point was to illustrate that China too, when it comes to Chinese interests, go to extreme limits. It's just that so far Chinese interests have not been threatened to an extent so as to warrant a military action. Mind you, the day that happens, China won't wait for anybody's clearance.

China has already warned the Pakistanis against instigating the Uighurs. If the problem gets out of hand, I won't be surprised to see China getting tougher with Pakistan and that will spell doom for this sermon of 'internal affair' of yours.

That my friend can only happen if your country is powerful enough. Else the country would have been bombed to oblivion instead. Rather than getting bombed. We have trade with Americans. They also run up huge trade deficits. I guess that is how extreme Americans can get with China?

Agreed. China is a major power now and now it remains to be seen to what extent will it take matters once push comes to shove but as I stated earlier, the trailer shown by China so far as getting aggressive is concerned, give away too much.

It is very much a Pakistani internal issue. That is until India publically declares that it is not. until then, I guess you can only resort to back riding the Americans on this.

And what makes you think India has not stated that this is not a Pakistani internal issue? You live on Earth, right?

---------- Post added at 01:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 PM ----------

I typed in this address on google maps, & there was nothing there :lol:

Bilal, you have been owned. Better stop embarrassing yourself and move on.
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