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US to use Afghanistan as base of drone attacks in Pakistan - Times of India

I have not understood how Pakistan will dominate Afghanistan if the US leaves Pakistan.

Are you suggesting that Pakistan will have a free ride in Afghanistan with the US around and being mauled by Pakistani dominance of the Taliban?

Would they just sit pretty and be mauled.

Such provocation is just as per the Doctor's order as far as the US is concerned.

Apart from the Drones, they will have many options to select.

Require more time?

The Northern Route is already operational.

Check the IISS Report I have appended in full so that one cannot accuse me of selective editing since when I present facts, I am still accused by the Chinese troll and propaganda master and you!

I don't find it hard to understand either simple or complicated English and that is why I am better informed than you. I do hope simple English is not too complicated for you!

Now, be a good chap, do read the IISS report!!

It heralds the things to come and what is already in place!

Funny coming from a troll who got banned for doing just that and got his butt branded and banned. If you want to troll, at least troll more artfully and not getting caught with your pants down all the time :lol:
I have not understood how Pakistan will dominate Afghanistan if the US leaves Pakistan.

Like it was apparently dominating Afghanistan before 9/11, & after 9/11 till 2006 before the CIA covert operations inside Pakistan started.

Require more time?

The Northern Route is already operational.

It will take more than 1.5x the time to get supplies through the new route as compared to the direct route through Pakistan. The more feasible option for the US would have been to send it through Iran, but that's not going to happen; which is why it has to take this crazy long route that will deliver supplies 1.5x times later than the current arrangement with Pakistan. This will of course result in limited drone attacks, & the war against the terrorists in Afghanistan would be greatly compromised when the troops in Afghanistan don't get their supplies on time.

Now, be a good chap, do read the IISS report!!

It heralds the things to come and what is already in place!

You haven't even read the report, you just copied & pasted it. Well, I have. Let me give you a few summarized points here:

Shipping vessel speed assumed: 30 knots

Proposed option from the Central Asian countries:
a) Ship supplies to Georgia (Time: 8 days from NY to Georgia)
b) Onland travel from Georgia to Azerbaijan (Time: 4 days . Distance: 4905 km)
c) Ferry from Azerbaijan to Kazakhstan (Time: 1.5 days)
d) Onland travel from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan (Time: 2.5 days. Distance: 3042 km)
e) Onland travel from Uzbekistan to Afghanistan (Time: 2 days. Distance: 915 km - bad roads)

Total time: 18 days (the least possible time, without including toll time, traffic, broken roads/repairs, political instability, any unforeseen events etc)

Current option with Pakistan:
a) Ship supplies to Karachi, Pakistan (Time: 11 days from NY to Karachi)
b) Onland travel from Karachi to FATA - FATA to Kabul (Time: 1 day)

Total time: 12 days

The Pakistan route is 1.5x quicker than the proposed option.

There are other risks involved as well.

There are a number of major challenges affecting the development of the NDN, especially in light of the fact that demand for its use is projected to increase from 25,000 to 40,000 tonnes per month over the next two years. It relies on poor infrastructure, both along its routes and within Afghanistan, which only has two short railway lines across its northern borders with Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. David Sedney, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia has drawn attention to Afghanistan’s poor road links, saying that despite recent construction efforts, ‘the lack of effective entry points [is a] huge limiting factor ... in our ability to deliver supplies throughout Afghanistan’.

DLA Director Vice Admiral Alan Thompson noted in March 2010: ‘one issue we’re working on is a time delay at the border with Uzbekistan that was more than 30 days ... We’re closer to 20 days now, but we still need to reduce it further.’

By the time the supplies even reach the troops in Afghanistan, the terrorists will eat them alive.

Political Challenges & challenges from terrorists:

Some US military strategists fear that as the volume of cargo delivered along the NDN increases, so too will the risk of exporting Afghanistan’s problems into Central Asia. They suggest that bringing Central Asia into the theatre of war could lead to an increased threat of attack by the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and the Islamic Jihad Union, groups that have a loyal following in the restive Fergana valley, which stretches through Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. In September 2009, two tankers from Tajikistan delivering fuel to ISAF were hijacked by Taliban insurgents in Kunduz Province in Afghanistan, which borders Tajikistan. After the hijacked trucks stalled while crossing the Kunduz River, German forces called in a US air strike, resulting in dozens of civilian and insurgent casualties. In recent months, there have been several battles between Taliban insurgents in Kunduz Province and US, NATO and Afghan government forces. In January 2010, there was fighting in a small town in Kunduz Province just a few miles from the Tajik border, amid evidence of growing insurgency in the province.
By the way, you did imply that it is fine so long they are not killing civilians or another nation? then does that mean it will be fine that if America and NATO one day turn around and say that Indian government is not doing enough to tackle insurgency and terrorism in India and they should have the rights to bomb those regions affected? Just like what they are trying to do with Syria (afterall, they are only killing its own civilians)? :azn:

He said that the world will give a damn as long as only Pakistanis are killed by Pakitani terrorists as it will be an internal problem for Pakistan to sort out, just like we are sorting out the terrorists from Kashmir and Central India.

But when people like Faisal Shehzad, or the London tube bombers who were Pakistanis or of Pakistani origin are caught and Talibunnies operating out of safe haven in Pakistan's tribal areas are there which poses a threat to the rest of the world, drones will operate.

You must be too simplistic to not understand what he said.
He said that the world will give a damn as long as only Pakistanis are killed by Pakitani terrorists as it will be an internal problem for Pakistan to sort out.,

But when people like Faisal Shehzad, or the London tube bombers who were Pakistanis or of Pakistani origin are caught and Talibunnies operating out of safe haven in Pakistan's tribal areas are there which poses a threat to the rest of the world, drones will operate.

You must be too simplistic to not understand what he said.

Why bang your head against a wall? Leave it.
He said that the world will give a damn as long as only Pakistanis are killed by Pakitani terrorists as it will be an internal problem for Pakistan to sort out, just like we are sorting out the terrorists from Kashmir and Central India.

But when people like Faisal Shehzad, or the London tube bombers who were Pakistanis or of Pakistani origin are caught and Talibunnies operating out of safe haven in Pakistan's tribal areas are there which poses a threat to the rest of the world, drones will operate.

You must be too simplistic to not understand what he said.

Wrong. You are too simplistic to blindly go with what he said. He is clearly here to troll and nation bashing. Here let me give you something extra to thihnk about. Maybe you can come back with a less simplistic reply:


India must face up to Hindu terrorism

The principal cause of Hindu radicalism, much like its Muslim counterpart in Pakistan, is the partition of India in 1947. The departing British hacked India apart to accommodate the Muslim League's demand for an exclusive homeland for the subcontinent's Muslims – and so, the Hindu nationalist logic runs, the territory that remained should logically be identified as the land of Hindus. If Pakistan's Muslim majoritarianism crystallised around the bogey of "Hindu raj", the Hindu nationalist project thrives by casting the burden of partition on India's Muslim minorities – fifth columnists whose coreligionists tore India apart by claiming, in spite of a millennium-long sojourn in India, to be foreigners by virtue of their faith.
The Indian state has failed appallingly in its obligations to Muslim citizens. There are 150 million Muslims in India, but as the government's own figures show, only 4% are graduates, 5% have public employment, an overwhelming majority remain locked out of public institutions, and their access to government loans and education is severely restricted. If this institutional exclusion should breed resentment, and the resentment produce violence, no one will hesitate to call it another instance of Islamic terrorism. But when self-pitying Hindus massacre minorities and detonate bombs in the midst of Muslim crowds, we are expected to be polite. No, let us call it what it actually is: Hindu terrorism

Hindu Terrorism Charges Force India to Reflect on Prejudices Against Muslims | PKKH.tv

DEWAS, INDIA — When a series of bomb attacks ripped through Muslim neighborhoods, mosques and shrines in India in recent years, suspicion fell firmly on a familiar culprit: Islamist terror.

So it is fine for Indians to commit the same acts that it accuses its neighbours of doing? Don't see people asking for India to be bombed right? :no:
Wrong. You are too simplistic to blindly go with what he said. He is clearly here to troll and nation bashing. Here let me give you something extra to thihnk about. Maybe you can come back with a less simplistic reply:

Clearly shows he is not trolling but you.

Read my post carefully and Slowly.

world will give a damn as long as only Pakistanis are killed by Pakitani terrorists as it will be an internal problem for Pakistan to sort out, just like we are sorting out the terrorists from Kashmir and Central India.

But when Pakistani terrorists or Pakistani origin terrorists are caught bombing in London or Madrid or New York or the Tribals from North Waziristan keep killing the NATO soldiers who are there for stabilising Afg the West will keep droning the Pak tribal areas because they pose a direct security threat to them.

Now coming to the 'Hindu' terrorism, take a chill pill dude - they are not weaing suicide belts and exploding themselves in London or New York nor has been ONE SINGLE Hindu caught anywhere in the world for purposefully killing civilians as jihad. Hindus, wherever they go, are regarded a model minority for others to emulate.

What is happening in India which affects only Indians in clearly an internal matter of India. Unlike the brainwashed jihadis from all over the world who make a beeline to the tribal areas in Pak,Afg to gain a doctorate in terrorist acts and go on to do the same in their respective countries.

Frankly you are not talking sense buddy. You are just clearly here to flame posting irrelevant, impertinent news for the heck of it even though you know you make less sense than a rock.
Still better than banging head against someone who choses to deliberately skip the woods for the trees.

Such as yourself who can only see Pakistani issues but not the issues surrounding your own country? Oh and thanks for openly admitting that you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

Perhaps picking up a dictionary helps? Or perhaps a book on basic economics. This way you won't jump into the open and land your buttocks in the pool of hot water :lol:
Wrong. You are too simplistic to blindly go with what he said. He is clearly here to troll and nation bashing. Here let me give you something extra to thihnk about. Maybe you can come back with a less simplistic reply:

India must face up to Hindu terrorism | Kapil Komireddi | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Hindu Terrorism Charges Force India to Reflect on Prejudices Against Muslims | PKKH.tv

So it is fine for Indians to commit the same acts that it accuses its neighbours of doing? Don't see people asking for India to be bombed right? :no:

You seriously need to gety your IQ evaluated again, dude!

Ok here lemmet break this down for your peanut sized brain,

1. Indians

2. Not

3. Killing

4. Citizens

5. Of

6. Other

7. Countries

=> I n t e r n a l I s s u e O f I n d i a

1. Pakistanis

2. Killing

3. Citizens

4. Of

5. Other

6. Countries

7. Hence,

=> N o t I n t e r n a l I s s u e O f P a k i s t a n ....
Clearly shows he is not trolling but you.

Read my post carefully and Slowly.

But when Pakistani terrorists or Pakistani origin terrorists are caught bombing in London or Madrid or New York or the Tribals from North Waziristan keep killing the NATO soldiers who are there for stabilising Afg the West will keep droning the Pak tribal areas because they pose a direct security threat to them.

Now coming to the 'Hindu' terrorism, take a chill pill dude - they are not weaing suicide belts and exploding themselves in London or New York nor has been ONE SINGLE Hindu caught anywhere in the world for purposefully killing civilians as jihad. Hindus, wherever they go, are regarded a model minority for others to emulate.

Frankly you are not talking sense buddy. You are just clearly here to flame posting irrelevant, impertinent news for the heck of it even though you know you make less sense than a rock.

Now. Good you bring up the bit about NATO. Did problems occur when they weren't there? The different sects were fighting amongst themselves and against their own governments. When you have a bunch of crusaders coming into your country and interferring with your internal issues, are you going to expect a friendly response from them?

NATO killing is legal? Yet the 'Alleged' terrorists killing in vengeance is not? I think it works both ways although both are considered wrong.

So frankly, you are not opening your eyes and thinking enough. It wouldn't have been an issue globally if it wasn't fuelled by the west initially. Don't see Talibans bombing China do we? Maybe because China didn't go into war and interfer with other nations business?

By rubbishing facts against your own but committing ever so willingly against others will not make your argument anymore convincing buddy.
Such as yourself who can only see Pakistani issues but not the issues surrounding your own country?

The issues in our country are NOT affecting any foreign country whereas the happenings in the tribal areas of Pak are affecting the whole world of the 'infidels' and Pak itself.

There is a difference.
Now. Good you bring up the bit about NATO. Did problems occur when they weren't there? The different sects were fighting amongst themselves and against their own governments. When you have a bunch of crusaders coming into your country and interferring with your internal issues, are you going to expect a friendly response from them?

NATO killing is legal? Yet the 'Alleged' terrorists killing in vengeance is not? I think it works both ways although both are considered wrong.

So frankly, you are not opening your eyes and thinking enough. It wouldn't have been an issue globally if it wasn't fuelled by the west initially. Don't see Talibans bombing China do we? Maybe because China didn't go into war and interfer with other nations business?

By rubbishing facts against your own but committing ever so willingly against others will not make your argument anymore convincing buddy.

Duh ! do you even know why the NATO (US) came into Afg in the first place ?

I did not realize I was speaking to a person who did not even know that.
The issues in our country are NOT affecting any foreign country whereas the happenings in the tribal areas of Pak are affecting the whole world of the 'infidels' and Pak itself.

There is a difference.

Somebody had told me that this Obambam guy was one of the more sensible Chinese here.

My Oh My!
You seriously need to gety your IQ evaluated again, dude!

Ok here lemmet break this down for your peanut sized brain,

1. Indians

2. Not

3. Killing

4. Citizens

5. Of

6. Other

7. Countries

=> I n t e r n a l I s s u e O f I n d i a

1. Pakistanis

2. Killing

3. Citizens

4. Of

5. Other

6. Countries

7. Hence,

=> N o t I n t e r n a l I s s u e O f P a k i s t a n ....

And let me get back to your non existent exploded mind:

You said no one will give a damn if they weren't killing on a international scale right? So if they are killing their own, the world is fine with it?
I then raised the issue that no, they do care and I used Syria as an example and you know why? Because they care when it affects their interests. Right now the western interest is to control the resources in the ME and to suffocate Asia is it not? Is America and its NATO allies really out there to help and defend peace? Doing do without benefits? So long they can turn things around to benefit them, they would. So even though it is not an international issue, they will do their best to make it one. If they can say Syria is an international issue, what makes you think that India's Hindu terrorism isn't and cannot be an international issue which can be addressed by droning?

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